super agent

Chapter 212 Yang Manying's questioning

Chapter 212 Yang Manying's questioning (one more)
Immediately, Ye Fei didn't bother to care about that anymore, and followed many white-collar workers who went to work to take the elevator upstairs, because the company has recently launched new products into the market and entered the trial stage.

And Qian Songyi has already started filming the promotional advertisement, so Ye Fei doesn't need to entertain in the future.

After Ye Fei came to the PR department, he warmly greeted his colleagues and went back to his desk. He just sat down and took a look at Ling Wei who was busy busy, secretly guessing that she must have something on her mind.

However, Ling Wei obviously didn't want to reveal it, and Ye Fei had no choice but to observe for a while.

Not long after, Zhao Wanrong also came to work. She looked at Ye Fei's seat with some surprise in her beautiful eyes. It seemed that she hadn't seen him for many days, but these days the tasks would be heavy, so she just nodded at Ye Fei, Then went back to his office.

As soon as the working hours came, the employees of Baimei International became busy. After all, it was a critical period for the company, and Yang Manying paid special attention to it. One level over another, making everyone in an extremely busy state.

Of course, the busy Baimei International has nothing to do with Ye Fei. Ever since the news was broadcast that day, everyone knew about the relationship between Ye Fei and Yang Manying. If things were going to go out, she was honest and honest. Even Ling Wei's attitude towards Ye Fei had a 360-degree turn. How could she, the president's husband, dare to flirt with Ye Fei?

Then, it caused Ye Fei's embarrassing status in the public relations department, and he would sit in front of the computer and play all day long.

After get off work, Ye Fei wanted to ask Ling Wei to find out about the situation, but Ling Wei deliberately avoided him, and immediately went downstairs when he saw him coming, and left in a car in the blink of an eye.

Ye Fei, who was standing at the gate of Baimei International, glanced at Ling Wei who had already got in the car and left, shook his head, walked towards his car, and said to himself while walking: "It seems that sister Ling Wei has encountered something, so deliberately Avoid me, you must find a chance to ask."

When he came to the car, Ye Fei opened the door, then stood aside and waited.

Not long after, a beautiful and charming figure came out from Baimei International, and the off-duty employees next to him stepped out of the way.

Yang Manying walked out with a threatening imposing manner, her beautiful eyes glanced at Ye Fei indifferently, then turned her body and walked towards Ye Fei's opposite direction.


Ye Fei was speechless, and waved his hand for a long time. Who knew that Yang Manying just took a look, and the employees passing by looked at the couple in surprise. Could it be that there was a conflict?

Ye Fei had no choice but to run over immediately. It's better to ask clearly about this kind of thing.

Ye Fei quickened his pace and came to Yang Manying's car. Yang Manying was about to get in the car when he stopped her.

"Public places, please keep your hands and feet clean!"

Yang Manying immediately looked at Ye Feidao with a cold face.

"We are husband and wife, even if we hug each other and kiss, no one dares to say anything?" Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and stared at Yang Manying and said, "Tell me, why did I provoke you again? Why did you give me this morning?" This face?"

"I've always had this face, I'm not used to it, you can ignore me!"

Yang Manying spoke with a sullen and pretty face.

"You really don't want to explain?" Ye Fei asked the employees who were watching at the entrance of the hall.

"Nothing to explain."

Yang Manying frowned and replied.

"Then I hugged you and kissed you in public, so you should have something to say? I think your gossiping employees really want to see this scene? Besides, if I kiss you forcefully, no one will respond to your molestation, right?" Ye Fei smiled and pointed to the many employees at the door, then hugged Yang Manying with both hands, as if he was about to kiss her.

"You... you scoundrel, let me go!" Yang Manying stared at her beautiful eyes, and she was so angry that she had the urge to kill Ye Fei. She glanced at the employees who were already making an uproar in the direction of the door, and said in a panic: "Okay , you let me go first, and we really need to make it clear."

"Okay, let's talk about it."

Ye Fei nodded and smiled triumphantly, then released Yang Manying.

"Talk in the car."

Yang Manying immediately got into the car.

Seeing this, Ye Fei touched his nose, walked to the passenger seat and opened the door to get in the car.

"Go ahead."

After getting in the car, Ye Fei glanced at Yang Manying and said.

"What do you want to know?"

Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei and asked.

"Why do you have such an attitude towards me all of a sudden?" Ye Fei thought for a while before opening his mouth.

"Then what attitude do you think I should have? My husband has sex with other women, and he still smells of perfume when he comes home, but I just ignore it. What do you think I should do?" Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei coldly. , the whole person said emotionally unstable: "Yes, we are just a 'contract couple', but during this period of getting along, I have fallen in love with you, and I don't think I will find another man who can treat me like this, so I I want to entrust myself to you, after all, I am the only one left, but...but how did you do it?"


Ye Fei immediately stared at Yang Manying in astonishment, and said apologetically, "Well, I did something wrong, but..."

"But what? Am I not as beautiful as the women outside? Would they serve you without them? Sorry, I am indeed like this, and I can't be as obedient as those little women." Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei with her lips pursed and said.

"No, of course not. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Of course, I have imagined having sex with you countless times, but...just..." Speaking of this, Ye Fei also He got straight to the point without shame or skin.

Yang Manying blushed when she heard Ye Fei's words, but she immediately remembered something and asked, "Then...then why did you retreat when I was already ready to give you my whole body?"

This is Yang Manying's long-standing heart disease. Could it be that she can't attract men's desire to do that kind of thing to her?Especially if even my husband doesn't want to be like me?


Ye Fei scratched his head, with an embarrassed expression on his face, he didn't know how to confess, he stared at Yang Manying with flickering eyes, and said: "My woman outside is Guan Xin, you also know how I got into the police station back then, originally I thought I had nothing to do with her, but she found me last time and asked me to help her once. I went to help her with one thing yesterday, but I overdid it and ruined her reputation. I feel guilty for not being able to return home, but it is impossible for me to divorce you, so she also promised to be willing to be the woman behind me."

"The daughter of the dignified Guan company is willing to be a mistress?"

Yang Manying glanced at Ye Fei in surprise. Although she was very angry that this guy was raising a mistress outside, she suddenly felt that Ye Fei was still not telling the truth. When this guy was lying, his eyes were a little strange. Others couldn't tell, but she was inexplicable. You can see it, and immediately said in a deep voice: "It's not for this reason, you still haven't told the truth!"


Ye Fei was speechless, Yang Manying wanted to break the rhythm of the casserole and ask the end?

PS: The first update today, the exciting will continue later, there will be five chapters today, thank you for your support!
 Today's first update, the excitement will continue later, there will be five chapters today, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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