super agent

Chapter 213 Bad News

Chapter 213 Bad News (Part [-])

Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei. Seeing his expression, she immediately realized that this guy really had something to hide from her, and the thing he was hiding from her was very serious.

After thinking about it, Yang Manying continued to ask: "What? How long are you going to keep it a secret? Tell me, what is it?"

Ye Fei stared at Yang Manying in silence.

Seeing Ye Fei's appearance at the moment, Yang Manying smiled lightly, and said, "About me? I'm alone now, what else is there to be afraid of? Tell me!"

Ye Fei's face gradually darkened. He was not ready to let Yang Manying know his physical condition, so he opened the door and got out of the car.

"What are you doing? Didn't you ask me to make it clear today? As a couple, don't hide anything from me, can you?"

Yang Manying grabbed Ye Fei with quick eyes and hands, stared at Ye Fei indifferently and smiled, "This is the most basic principle of being a husband and wife, be honest!"


Ye Fei was pulled back to his seat by Yang Manying. He stared at Yang Manying and took a deep breath and said, "You really want to know? Once you know about this, it will have a great impact on you. Your career is now on the rise. I don't want you to be distracted by this, because I won't let you..."

"It looks very serious, otherwise you, a bastard who has collapsed in front of Mount Tai, would show such a helpless expression." Yang Manying hesitated for a few seconds and said softly: "Let's talk, since I am the person involved, I have the right to let me know. "

Ye Fei didn't speak, but stared at Yang Manying, he didn't know how to speak, after all, no one knew that he was dying and could live a normal life.

"I... I have a terminal illness? I'm dying?"

Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei, smiled and guessed.

Ye Fei's heart tightened suddenly, and he looked at Yang Manying with wide eyes. This IQ index is too high, so he guessed right.

"What's wrong? Why didn't I find it at all? And last week I went to the hospital for a full body check..." Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei blankly and asked. Although she felt that she couldn't be sick, she knew that Ye Fei Although Fei is a rogue, he is not the kind of person who shoots targets for no reason.

"Do you still remember that Dr. Li you went to the countryside to find?"

Ye Fei shook his head and still planned to tell the truth, after all, Yang Manying almost guessed it pretty well.

"Doctor Li? I know, how could I forget him. "

Yang Manying pondered for half a second and immediately nodded and said.

"Didn't he say that you had an accident when you were young? You were so cold that you couldn't see a doctor, but after a few days you recovered." Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying and explained: "Actually, That’s not real, it was just a small outburst, you should understand your own situation very well, right? The whole person is cold every day, not only your character, but also your body has subtly changed you.”

"You mean, the cold in my body was just a small eruption that time? So how long will it take before there will be a big eruption?" Yang Manying frowned slightly, but she was not like those people who searched for death after hearing the bad news. Similarly, the whole person was very calm at this time, and smiled sadly: "I think, if there is another outbreak, I will probably die, right?"

"At that time... I asked Dr. Li that according to the current situation, there are still about two years left, but it is not ruled out that there will be an accident and it will explode earlier!" Ye Fei explained truthfully.

"Two years? I think it should be enough!"

Yang Manying nodded slightly, then blinked her beautiful eyes, looked at Ye Fei and asked, "What is the disease?"

"Xuan Yin Jue Body, a rare system that only existed in ancient times. Dr. Li only recognized it when he opened the book. He is helpless, but don't worry, I will definitely save you." Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying and said .

"Mysterious Yin Absolute Physique?"

Yang Manying murmured, then looked at Ye Fei with a smile and said, "Dr. Li can't save me, what can you do? Forget it, don't waste time. If you can, accompany me through these two years." , I really need your help with these things."

"Yes, I can think of a way, and there is a way now, but I don't know if it will succeed." Ye Fei held Yang Manying's hand and said excitedly: "Your body is cold, and if the yin and yang are in harmony, maybe you can get along with each other." Zhonghe, you will be fine by then, but Dr. Li can't guarantee whether it will work, after all, if it doesn't work..."

"So, is that why you don't want to do that with me? Well, it's not about my charm, it's about my body!" Yang Manying nodded and smiled, the knot in her heart was finally untied, she thought Wanting to see Ye Fei, he said with concern: "Don't be too fussy, Miss Guan is actually pretty good, will have a relationship with her in the future, I won't say anything, we are fine like this."

After knowing the news, Yang Manying looked away immediately. She was dying soon, and indeed she couldn't selfishly bind Ye Fei, but from a woman's point of view, she still didn't want Ye Fei to be too careless and attract others outside. .

"Uh, don't think about that, Guan Xin, I am responsible for her because of guilt, my wife will only be you, and you will be fine, trust me!" Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying in amazement, and was taken by her Having said that, he suddenly felt guilty.

"Hehe, it's good for everyone to understand what they said now, and there will be less misunderstandings." Yang Manying chuckled, then looked at Ye Fei and said, "Go and drive home."


When Ye Fei nodded to open the door and was about to get out of the car, he looked at Yang Manying worriedly and said, "You... are you okay?"

"Worried I'm going to kill myself?"

Yang Manying shook her head and raised her eyebrows and said, "God gave me two years. I haven't fulfilled my parents' last wish. How could I do something stupid? Don't worry, I will live stronger until I get back Yang Manying." group."

"Okay, see you at home then."

Ye Fei nodded and closed the car door and walked towards his car. He believed that Yang Manying is not a person who is easy to do stupid things, after all, she still has a mission to complete.

Yang Manying's beautiful eyes watched Ye Fei leave calmly, and tears flowed down unconsciously. After a strong person knows that his life is not long, he can't pretend that he doesn't know. It's just that Ye Fei was here just now, and she didn't want to be in front of this man. Show your vulnerability.

"Two years, I will definitely cherish these two years, take back the Yang Group, and then go to see my parents..." Yang Manying wiped the tears on her face, she never thought that Ye Fei would make up this lie to deceive her, Because combined with Ye Fei's words just now, and thinking back to Dr. Li's strange eyes when he saw her for the first time, and her understanding of herself, everything can be connected together.

Therefore, what Ye Fei said must be true, there is no doubt about it.

"I will fight hard until the last moment..." Yang Manying wiped away her tears, raised her head in silence for a moment, then started the car and drove home.


PS: Today’s second update. At the same time, let me tell you that the website is holding an event to post book reviews. After adding refinement, the reader account may become a member. Of course, it is nutritious for everyone to post comments. Comment and I will refine it as appropriate!

 Today’s second update, and at the same time, let me tell you that the website is holding an event to post book reviews. After adding refinement, the reader account may become a member. Of course, it is nutritious for everyone to post comments. Rewards must be refined. Refine as appropriate!

(End of this chapter)

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