super agent

Chapter 214 Visiting Tianshi Hua

Chapter 214 Visiting Tianshi Hua (third shift)

Yang Manying and Ye Fei arrived home one after another, but when they got home, they didn't say anything. Yang Manying didn't sit on the sofa watching TV as usual, but went straight upstairs.

Ye Fei also knew that this was the case, and he couldn't do anything about it, but the only thing he could do now was to desperately find a way. As soon as he walked to the door of his room, he suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he said to himself: "Hua Tian That guy Shi Shi should have a lot of knowledge, maybe he can know something."

Immediately, Ye Fei didn't even have time to sit down when he came back, so he ran outside again. When he saw Wang Ma, he said repeatedly: "Wang Ma, I won't come back for dinner tonight."

After speaking, Ye Fei opened the door and left. When he opened the door and got in the car, he saw Bao Bai who was cutting the tree with a blade. After saying hello, he drove to the direction of the Giant Whale Gang.

An hour later, Ye Fei drove to the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang. The gate of the grand old villa was not closed. Many men in suits with fierce faces came in and out, and four or five men stood guard at the gate.

Ye Fei drove the car straight to the gate of the Giant Whale Gang, and then honked.


Seeing this, several people standing guard at the door stood ready to fight, and one of them stepped forward and asked Ye Fei in a low voice.

"I'm looking for the Nine Lives Demon!"

Ye Fei closed the car window, then looked at the man and said.

"What? Are you looking for the boss of the Nine Lives Demon?" The man was shocked immediately. This was the first time someone came here directly to find the Nine Lives Demon.


Ye Fei nodded, then glanced at the younger brother of the giant whale gang, took out his mobile phone helplessly, and said while making a call: "Forget it, I should call the Nine Lives Demon myself!"


The little brother was stunned for a moment, and even said to call Jiumingyao directly. Who the hell is this? Jiumingyao is like a god in their minds.

"Who's coming outside?"

At this moment, a deep voice came from inside the villa, and Leng Kun, who had only one hand left, was walking towards the outside.

"Brother Kun, this... this person said he was looking for the boss of the Nine Lives Demon!"

As soon as the little brother standing at the door heard Leng Kun's voice, he quickly looked at Leng Kun and explained.

"Looking for the boss of Nine Lives Demon?"

Leng Kun was taken aback, and walked forward curiously, and saw Ye Fei who was making a call with his mobile phone at a glance, his face changed drastically, and he took out his gun and shouted: "It's you!!!"

As soon as Ye Fei connected the phone, he heard Leng Kun's voice. He immediately glanced at Leng Kun and smiled, "Hehe, long time no see."

"You who have suffered thousands of knives, how dare you come here."

Leng Kun watched Ye Fei shout angrily, and the hand holding the gun trembled a little.

ka ka ka-

Seeing this, the people standing next to him took out their guns and pointed them at Ye Fei.

"Come to be a guest."

Ye Fei smiled and said.

"Do you know where this place is? Our boss, Nine Lives Demon, is here. I didn't expect you to come here to die." Leng Kun pointed a gun at Ye Fei and sneered. He was worried that he would have no chance to seek revenge from Ye Fei. , Unexpectedly, this guy came to the door.

"It seems that the Nine Lives Demon didn't say anything to you."

Ye Fei shook his head, but thinking about it, how could the Nine Lives Demon explain to Leng Kun what he was doing.

"Hey Hey hey……"

At this moment, the voice of Nine Lives Demon came from Ye Fei's mobile phone, "Why are you calling?"

"I'm at your door, and now I'm blocked by your people." Ye Fei glanced at Leng Kun, and then explained to the phone.

"say what?"

Leng Kun looked at Ye Fei with a puzzled face and asked.

at this time--

On the highest floor of the villa, a tall figure flew down from the night.

"The boss of Nine Lives Demon is here."

"Yeah, the boss is here, this guy must be dead."

"It seems that Brother Kun's hand was broken by him."


Immediately, the younger brothers of the Giant Whale Gang looked up at the sky with expressions of awe. They knew that the Nine Lives Demon was coming, the powerful man who had left an indelible impression in their hearts.

"Hey, if you block this guy at the gate today, if the Nine Lives Demon makes a move, he will die!" Seeing this, Leng Kun also said with a sneer.

Nine Lives Demon landed straight on Ye Fei's car, glanced at Ye Fei in the car, and said, "Why are you here today?"

"Come here to eat while you have a meal, and take a look at that guy Hua Tianshi." Ye Fei opened the door and got out of the car, looking at the Nine Lives Demon with a smile.

"Well, welcome!"

Nine Lives Demon spoke in a calm manner.

But this sentence was heard by everyone in the Giant Whale Gang, but it was like thunder. It was unbelievable. When will the Nine Lives Demon show such a gesture to people?

"Nine...Nine Lives Demon Boss, he...he is Ye Fei!"

Leng Kun's face changed slightly, and he explained to Jiuming Yao in disbelief.

"I know."

Nine Lives Demon glanced at Leng Kun and nodded.

Leng Kun glanced at Ye Fei who was standing by the car door smiling, and said anxiously, "He is the one who made me like this?"

"Let's just treat it as a misunderstanding, Ye Fei is my partner." Jiuming Yao said to Leng Kun indifferently: "Go and prepare something to eat and drink, I want to entertain my guests well."

"Okay... okay."

Facing Nine Lives Demon's order, Leng Kun didn't dare to disobey at all. He nodded and waved at the younger brothers beside him, and left in disgrace.

Leng Kun really didn't understand why the Nine Lives Demon and Ye Fei got together?

He even became a partner? !

"Come down, don't drop my car." After Leng Kun and the others left, Ye Fei looked at the Nine Lives Demon and said.

Jiuming Yao nodded, glanced at the car, and said, "You really like playing with these modern things."

"Of course, otherwise it would be so boring."

Ye Fei nodded, and continued to talk about business: "Let's go, go to Tianshi Hua, I have something to do."

"it is good!"

The Nine Lives Demon nodded, and with a movement of his body, he flew upstairs.

"Day, just finished talking about modernization, this guy is playing this game!"

Ye Fei was speechless, and immediately he could only step on his feet, and then swept his whole body up.

After the two came upstairs, Jiuming Yao glanced at Ye Fei and said, "That guy is in the next room."


Ye Fei nodded, and then followed Jiu Ming Yao to the next room.

The door opened, and as soon as Ye Fei walked in, he saw Hua Tianshi with disheveled hair, haggard face, haggard like a human being, wearing bracelets and anklets on his hands, and was completely under house arrest.

"Uh, can those things trap the guy?"

Ye Fei immediately pointed to Tianshi Hua and asked in surprise, Tianshi Hua is not an ordinary person.

"Don't worry, give him something to eat, his whole body can't move his true energy, and now he's just like an ordinary person." Seeing Ye Fei's worry, Nine Lives Demon quickly explained.

"Oh, that's okay, I thought I was stuck like this."

Ye Fei nodded.

At this time, Tianshi Hua heard the movement in the room, and slowly raised his head, looked at Ye Fei with a depressed face and said, "How can I let me go?"


PS: The third update today, there are two more chapters tonight, thank you for your support!
 Today's third update, there are two more chapters tonight, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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