super agent

Chapter 216 Ordinary Days

Chapter 216 Ordinary Days (Fifth Watch)

Ye Fei looked at Jiuming Yao, then nodded, reached into his pocket, took out half of the sheepskin cloth, threw it to Jiuming Yao casually, and said, "You can see for yourself."

"Are you so worried about me?"

Nine Lives Demon took the sheepskin cloth thrown by Ye Fei, and stared at Ye Fei with flickering eyes, but he treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

"I'm also curious if you can run away with it."

Ye Fei smiled at Nine Lives Demon, and continued to eat with chopsticks.

Nine Lives Demon stood up holding the sheepskin cloth, he glanced at Ye Fei, and immediately walked to the side, but instead of leaving, he came under the light and combined the two sheepskin cloths into one.

"Look slowly, anyway, I haven't studied the map of Huaxia Kingdom much."

Ye Fei took a sip of his wine, glanced at Nine Lives Demon and said calmly.

At this time, the Nine Lives Demon squinted and observed with the folded sheepskin cloth.

After a while, Nine Lives Demon walked to the dining table after reading the sheepskin cloth, threw half of the sheepskin cloth to Ye Fei, then sat down, and said with chopsticks, "The destination is actually deep in the Huozhou Island."


Ye Fei, who was eating vegetables, was taken aback for a moment, then put down his chopsticks, looked at Jiu Ming Yao and said, "Are you so loyal?"

Nine Lives Demon took a sip of his wine and looked at Ye Fei, saying, "I'm really not that loyal. The place depicted on the damn map is on Huozhou, and it's still very deep in Huozhou."

"You really didn't lie to me?"

Ye Fei's eyes flashed, and he stared closely at the Nine Lives Demon.

Nine Lives Demon moved the sheepskin cloth that was thrown on the dining table to Ye Fei, and said, "Do I seem to be the kind who can deceive people?"

"Okay, let's form a team together in a few days." Ye Fei put away the sheepskin and looked at the Nine Lives Demon.

"Okay, when you're ready, just call me. I'm alone anyway, so I can do it anytime." Jiuming Yao looked up at Ye Fei and nodded, then said: "However, we have a map in hand, so it's a good idea." Not bad, there are many dangerous places on Fire Island, and with a map in hand, many dangers can be avoided very well."

"Really? That's good."

Ye Fei raised his brows, this is just right, he was going to go to Huozhou, this time he happened to be on the way.

Immediately, Ye Fei stood up with a glass of wine and smiled at Jiuming Yao: "That's it for today, I found the answer I wanted, have a drink, and come out to play next time if you have a chance, but it's a pity that you This guy wears a mask all day, it's not very good to go outside."

Immediately, the two clinked glasses and drank the wine together. Nine Lives Demon threw the wine glass away and said, "I prefer to be quiet, so let's forget about playing or something, and that's not what I'm after."

"Well, I think what you're after is strength. In fact, that's what I'm after. It's just that I'm tied down by a few women, otherwise we can start today."

Ye Fei got up and walked out, while talking.

"It's okay, it's good that we are well prepared."

Nine Lives Demon waved his hand and smiled.

"Okay, then I'll go back first, it's getting late."

Immediately, Ye Fei bid farewell to Nine Lives Demon, and left downstairs.

When he came downstairs, Ye Fei left under the watchful eyes of Leng Kun and the others. He would definitely not talk to Leng Kun now. It would be a waste of time to argue with such a small character.

Ye Fei drove home in the car, and it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. After driving for an hour, when he got home, the living room lights were still on.

Ye Fei drove to the door, and immediately Bao Bai ran to open the door. Immediately, Ye Fei drove the car into the villa, greeted Bao Bai, got out of the car and walked towards the house.

Ye Fei came to the door, opened the door lightly and entered the room, and when he was about to close the door quietly——

"Come back from Guan Xin?"

Yang Manying's plain voice came from the direction of the sofa in the living room.

Ye Fei immediately looked at the sofa with a guilty conscience, and saw Yang Manying wearing a coat, looking down at the documents, Ye Fei stepped forward to sit on the sofa and said, "You haven't slept yet?"

"There are still some things to deal with, and they will be used for tomorrow's meeting."

Yang Manying wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses, looked up at Ye Fei, then continued to look down at the documents, and said, "If it's too late, I can sleep with her, I don't mind."

"I didn't go to Guan Xinna."

Ye Fei took Yang Manying's hand and said softly, "I went to the Nine Lives Demon and asked about how to treat you..."


Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei and let out a light oh.

"Maybe I can find a way to save you, you will be fine, and I will marry you in a dignified manner." Ye Fei said seriously, at this time Yang Manying completely touched his heart, the only thing he has to do now Just take care of her and take care of her.

Yang Manying was stunned immediately, her eyes were slightly red, she pursed her lips, she quickly tilted her head to collect the documents, then got up and said, "It's late, I'll go to rest first, and you should also go to rest earlier."

After speaking, Yang Manying hurried upstairs.

Ye Fei looked at the back of Yang Manying leaving, and said to himself with firm eyes: "I will prove it to you."

After speaking, he also went back to the room to rest.

The next day, it was already Tuesday, Yang Manying still didn't wait for Ye Fei to go to work together, and Ye Fei could only go to work by himself.

But in the days that followed, what Ye Fei did every day became a little monotonous, and he just sat in front of the computer and played games every day.

On Wednesday, Baimei International held a large-scale lottery activity for 'Doctor Li' brand facial cleanser products. Everyone who tried it at the event site could draw a lottery and get corresponding gifts.

On Thursday, the filming of Qian Songyi's commercial came to an end, and the last ribbon-cutting was short of it, so we could find a time for a full-scale broadcast to promote Dr. Li's facial cleanser.

On Friday, the 'Doctor Li' facial cleanser was finally launched successfully. It is not just a simple trial stage. The product has been approved by the state and can be promoted and sold on a small scale. During these few days, remarkable results have been achieved. After all, Baimei International The signboard is there, even if the advertisement has not been officially promoted, the results obtained are not generally terrible.

Saturday, morning.

On the weekend, due to the good results recently, Yang Manying did not ask everyone to work overtime, but waited for a press conference on Monday, so let everyone have a good rest on the weekend.

Ye Fei and Yang Manying were at home on vacation, so they watched TV boredly. Recently, Ye Fei didn't go to Guan Xin's place much, but spent as much time as possible to accompany Yang Manying. Of course, Ye Fei watched TV most of the time, and Yang Manying buried her head Reading documents, working, even on weekends, she didn't stop.

Ye Fei couldn't persuade Yang Manying, so he could only let her do whatever she wanted.

beep ring...

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Bao Bai in the yard immediately ran to open the door, and then saw Su Tong walking into the villa with a big bag of things, and Bao Bai knew Su Tong, after all, she just wandered here these days when she had nothing to do.

"Aunt Su is here!"

Yang Manying immediately looked up at the door, and Su Tong walked over with a smile.

Ye Fei turned his head to look at Su Tong, then continued watching TV.

But Wang Ma went up to meet her with a smile, and said with a smile, "Xiao Su, what are you holding?"

"Oh, I went to the street to buy some mooncakes today. I bought some more, so I brought some here for you." Su Tong went to the sofa and sat down familiarly, and put the mooncakes on the coffee table.

"Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Ye Fei asked curiously, he was still very interested in Huaxia's traditional festivals.

"Not yet, but the supermarkets on the market have sold out the necessities for the festival early." Su Tong shook his head and smiled.

"Then Aunt Su, you don't have to buy it so early, do you? Looks like the Mid-Autumn Festival is only a week away?" Yang Manying smiled at Su Tong and said.

"Hehe, let's try something new in advance."

Su Tong waved his hands and smiled, "By the way, I have something to discuss with you."

"What is it?"

Wang Ma, who was walking by, asked curiously.

"I spend the Mid-Autumn Festival alone, can I come to your house to join in the fun and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together?"

Su Tong said with a bit of embarrassment on his face.


PS: The promised fifth update has arrived, hope everyone will support! !
 The promised fifth update has arrived, and I hope you will support us a lot! !
(End of this chapter)

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