super agent

Chapter 217 New Product Launch

Chapter 217 New Product Launch
Immediately, Yang Manying and Wang Ma looked at each other, they both smiled and nodded, "Aunt Su, let's celebrate the festival together, come on, we welcome you very much!"

"Okay, then I'll come to make a partner." Su Tong nodded quickly, not forgetting to glance at Ye Fei.

Today's Su Tong, anyway, is thinking of ways to get along with Ye Fei more.

Immediately, a large group of people sat in the living room and ate moon cakes in advance.


And with the remarkable effect of the new products of Baimei International, and the upcoming press conference, some people will always be unhappy. Everyone knows that colleagues are enemies, and no one wants the opponent to become bigger. Especially the kind of opponent that can be deadly.

However, as Yang Manying's career grows, the most uncomfortable thing is not the other competitors in the same industry, but the aunt and uncle who brought her up single-handedly.

"Xueqin, your good niece is becoming more and more powerful now. The new product has caused a lot of sensation when it was launched, and the current sales performance is rising in a straight line. Next Monday, a press conference will be held. That’s right, once the advertisements in various channels are promoted, the performance of Baimei International will definitely increase by a large margin.”

With a book in his hand, Wu Weisen was sitting in his study, sipping tea and reading a book, cultivating his sentiments, but his whole face was full of worry and said: "Now she even finds a random man to marry, and she has already got us With the approval of this circle, I believe that it won't be long before she proposes to return to the Yang Group as a shareholder. After all, those shares legally belonged to her, so once she returns to the Yang Group, the other old antiques, I will definitely support her, and Feng Yuan's inheritance after death will all belong to her, I feel a headache!"

"What can I do now? Last time you didn't do it cleanly, Yang Manying didn't call the police directly, it's the best of humanity." Yang Xueqin, who was looking out the window with a glass of red wine, suddenly turned around and looked at Wu Weisen with a gloomy expression.

When Yang Manying sent them the evidence last time, she and Wu Weisen were scared to death. Fortunately, Yang Manying remembered the old relationship and didn't do too much, but one warning is enough for them to eat a pot.

"Then what do you say now?"

Wu Weisen looked at Yang Xueqin with a bitter face. In fact, Yang Xueqin is the decision-maker in this family. He thought for a while and said: "The company we registered abroad is now very successful, and 80.00% of the funds of the Yang Group have been embezzled. , It’s a little bit close, leave it to Xiaoying, we’ve done enough.”

"Are you crazy? With such a huge amount of funds in the Yang Group, how can you stop it if you want? Have you forgotten a few projects on your side? We have embezzled 80.00% of it. If we leave now, we must It will be investigated by the board of directors and Yang Manying, and when the evidence is convincing, we will be arrested when we flee abroad." Yang Xueqin gave Wu Weisen an angry look, with a look of resentment.

"Okay, let's wait for half a year, but we have to prevent Yang Manying from entering the Yang Group, otherwise with her strength, she will definitely kill us." Wu Weisen nodded after thinking for a while.

"Well, but the social response of her new product is very good. It will be promoted in this press conference, and it must be able to achieve very good results. With the good performance of Baimei International, she will enter the Yang Group. It is a certainty. matter!"

Yang Xueqin swayed the red wine glass, frowning and thinking.

"Have it!"

Suddenly, Wu Weisen's eyes lit up, and there was a hint of conspiracy on his face.

"What did you think of?"

Yang Xueqin looked at Wu Weisen and asked.

"We are not the only ones who can see Yang Manying getting up. The people in the Li family seem to hate Yang Manying and that wild man even more than we do. We will provide them with some solutions. Even if they find out at the time, it will be nothing to us!" Wu Weisen He smiled sinisterly.

"Is that so?"

Yang Xueqin nodded after listening, looked at Wu Weisen and said, "Call the Li family, you're good at making bad ideas, and I won't care."

After speaking, Yang Xueqin walked outside.


Wu Weisen glanced at Yang Xueqin who was leaving speechlessly, and then took out his mobile phone to give advice to the Li family.


A fulfilling weekend is far from enough for urban white-collar workers. In the blink of an eye, the weekend is over and the busy Monday begins.

"You should be careful when you attend the press conference today, and don't mess things up because of you." Yang Manying changed into a dignified and elegant gray and white dress, like a person walking out of a painting, extremely beautiful, but Before going out, she still cast a worried glance at Ye Fei beside her and warned.

"Don't worry, don't you believe me until now?" Ye Fei straightened his clothes and smiled at Yang Manying.

"Do not believe."

Yang Manying spoke directly.


Ye Fei glanced at Yang Manying speechlessly. Although the two were joking, he was very relieved that Yang Manying was not knocked down, and her whole body returned to normal. Of course, it was just a strong appearance.

Immediately, Ye Fei drove Yang Manying towards the company.

Today's Baimei International is destined to be an extraordinary day, with an unprecedented level of excitement. Dr. Li's facial cleanser has been launched and sold very well, and it has won numerous praises. Therefore, Baimei International will hold a press release for new products today. Yes, and then promote the promotion of products to meet the needs of more markets. At that time, Baimei International will enter an unprecedented height.

So today, Baimei International is paying great attention to it. Yang Manying even issued an ultimatum. No mistakes can be made in any step, otherwise she will pursue it to the end.

The bustling entrance of Baimei International was crowded with a large group of reporters early today, all waiting for the arrival of the Lord.

07:30 in the morning.

"Wow, there are so many reporters here today?"

Ye Fei drove to the gate of Baimei International. As soon as he parked the car, he saw that the gate of Baimei International was crowded with people.

"Some are here by invitation, most of them are uninvited." Yang Manying looked at the front and said, "Get out of the car, what are you talking about!"

After speaking, Yang Manying opened the door with her bag and got out of the car.

Ye Fei nodded, got out of the car, and walked to Yang Manying's side. They must have put on a show in front of the public. Yang Manying also consciously took Ye Fei's arm and walked towards the gate of Baimei International in an affectionate manner.

"Look, Mr. Yang and her husband are here." Someone suddenly yelled, and the reporters who had gathered at the door, chatting and laughing in twos and threes, looked forward one after another, and when they saw Ye Fei and Yang Manying walking away Come on, everyone is excited.

Immediately, they picked up their cameras and microphones and ran towards Yang Manying and Ye Fei.

(End of this chapter)

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