super agent

Chapter 218 Chapter 234 Conference held

Chapter 218 Chapter 234 Conference held
At this time, the security guards at the gate of Baimei International saw that it was Yang Manying who had come, and ran over to maintain order.

"Mr. Yang, your new product will be fully promoted soon. When the time comes, the sales will explode. Can you maintain the quality?"

"Yes, Mr. Yang, when a new product comes out, will the quality of the product be unacceptable if it is mass-produced?"

"In recent years, there have been unscrupulous businessmen one after another. Can the products independently developed by you Baimei International guarantee these?"


These reporters were all seasoned, and they didn't directly ask about the grievances between those wealthy families. Instead, they first asked about the theme of this press conference. After all, such important news must be asked on a more appropriate occasion.

"Don't worry, our Baimei International has always followed the principle of people-oriented. Under my strict supervision, there will never be such social tumors as 'black-hearted businessmen'. Everyone trust us." Yang Manying waved to many reporters and explained. After the episode, he seemed unwilling to say anything more, and even walked towards the company at a faster pace.

Ye Fei turned out to be a show this time, and the reporters didn't ask Ye Fei anything this time.

A group of reporters rushed to catch up after seeing this, and continued to dig out meaningful news, but at this time, the guards at the door had already arrived, guarding Yang Manying and Ye Fei behind, and then they blocked the reporters.

All of a sudden, seven or eight tall and burly guards stopped in front, blocking the way of the reporters.

With a cold face, Yang Manying walked into the hall of Baimei while the reporters were stopped.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Ye Fei was in a good mood at first, but he suddenly felt the coldness around him. It was a kind of coldness from the heart. He glanced at Yang Manying and saw her face was cold, as if someone owed her millions Same.

"A few reporters were wrong today. They didn't say a single good word. They just asked some unscrupulous businessmen and so on. It's obvious that the visitors were not friendly." Yang Manying explained with a gloomy face and glanced behind her.

"Uh, you can know that too..."

Ye Fei glanced at Yang Manying meaningfully, it really is not easy to become a famous strong woman in the business world!

"It's clear, no, there must be no mistakes today." Yang Manying nodded, and then walked straight to the elevator.

Next, Yang Manying held an emergency meeting with many important figures in the department in the conference hall, asking them to make sure that today's press conference was held successfully.

After the meeting was over and the explanation was finished, some important figures from Baimei International followed Yang Manying to the company's multi-function hall, because that was where the press conference was held today.

When going downstairs, Ye Fei did not walk with Yang Manying, but fell behind. He glanced at Zhao Wanrong beside him as he walked, and asked in a low voice, "Sister Wanrong, why didn't Sister Ling Wei come to work today? Today is such a grand day." Day!"

Ye Fei finally found a chance to ask, because he didn't see Ling Wei during the meeting just now, and he suddenly became concerned with some uneasiness. He always felt that something was wrong with Ling Wei these days, and he was absent on such a grand occasion today. .

"I asked for leave and said I was not feeling well."

Zhao Wanrong had an excited expression on her face, today is a big day, but when she heard Ye Fei's words, she answered quickly without thinking too much.

"Physical discomfort?"

Ye Fei pondered while walking around, thought for a moment, frowned and asked Zhao Wanrong, "Do you know the exact location of Sister Lingwei's house?"

Zhao Wanrong glanced ahead, and immediately looked at Ye Fei with strange eyes.

"Hehe, sister Wanrong, don't think about it, just care about it, colleague!" Seeing Zhao Wanrong's expression, Ye Fei quickly explained with flickering eyes.

Zhao Wanrong's beautiful eyes flashed, she subconsciously glanced at Yang Manying in front of her, and then told Ye Fei the address of Ling Wei's home.

After Ye Fei knew the address, he wrote it down, planning to visit Ling Wei's house after today's work was over.

After a while, under the leadership of Yang Manying, everyone took the elevator all the way to the door of the multimedia function hall on the first floor.

As soon as everyone walked to the multi-media function hall, Mr. Tony's unique voice came from inside, "Quick, here, here, and there... Hurry up, it's about to start."

Seeing this, Yang Manying pushed the door open and entered, and the others followed suit.

"It's quite big."

This is the first time for Ye Feidou to come to this place. The entire multimedia function hall is at least as big as an indoor basketball court. There is a table, which can seat about eight or nine people, and on the long table, there is a row of 'Doctor Li' facial cleanser.

The entire hall, with the long table as the center, is divided into two sides, and two rows of stainless steel seats are placed respectively.

Teacher Tony frowned and directed ahead. He usually does these things. When he saw Yang Manying and others walking in, he checked the time, walked up to Yang Manying with a smile on his face, and reported: "Mr. Yang, what should I do?" The arrangements are almost done, and we are just waiting for the official press conference."


Yang Manying looked around, nodded in satisfaction, and also checked the time, then turned her head and said to everyone: "It's still 3 minutes to eight o'clock, everyone sit down first, as soon as eight o'clock arrives, the official meeting will be held."


The crowd responded in unison.

"Teacher Tony, go outside and see that Miss Qian Songyi is here. We will hold a press conference on time at eight o'clock." Yang Manying turned her head and instructed Teacher Tony.

"Okay, I'll go outside to have a look. Miss Qian Songyi seems to have said that she has already set off two minutes ago, and it should be here by the time." Teacher Tony nodded, and immediately walked outside.

Then, Yang Manying sat down in the middle of the long table in front of her without hesitation, looking like a queen ruling the world, but her eyes suddenly flashed and she looked to the lower left.

The others took their seats one after another, while Ye Fei sat in the lower seat in a relatively low-key manner. He was not the kind of person who liked to show his face in the first place.

Yang Manying glanced at Ye Fei who was sitting opposite him with an indifferent expression, and then waited quietly. She could predict that today was not normal.

At this moment, a large group of reporters with cameras on their backs and signs hanging around their necks walked into the multi-media function hall and looked for their seats.


"Hello everyone."

Seeing that everyone was almost seated, Yang Manying picked up the microphone in front of her and said hello, "First of all, I, Baimei International, thank you very much for being invited to participate in this new product press conference..."

Immediately, Yang Manying bowed to everyone with a sincere face, and continued: "Our Baimei International attaches great importance to this press conference. At the same time, more importantly, the new products we independently research and develop are absolutely of high quality. Guaranteed, on this point, after the press conference officially starts, everyone can ask any questions, and I will answer them one by one. For the next words, everyone is waiting, the advertising spokesperson we invited, Ms. Qian Songyi, will also come to the scene soon."

(End of this chapter)

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