super agent

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

After finishing speaking, Yang Manying put down the microphone and sat down to wait. After all, Qian Songyi is a very popular star, and she can bring more attention, so some respect is definitely needed.

And just as soon as Yang Manying finished speaking, there was a commotion outside the multi-media function hall.

Then, I saw a group of reporters coming in from behind. However, these reporters at this time were different from those at the beginning. They were surrounded by a certain important person, holding microphones and cameras and asking questions with great excitement.

Obviously, Cheon Song Yi is here.

Wherever he went, everyone was watching him, and at this moment, he was surrounded by reporters, asking all kinds of questions.

Under the protection of security guards, Qian Songyi and Liu Na passed through the crowd and walked up to the long table, came to Ye Fei's right hand and sat down, nodded to Yang Manying with a smile, and then did not forget to wink at Ye Fei .

As the host, Yang Manying stood up gracefully and picked up the microphone in front of her, "First of all, on behalf of Belle International, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to Miss Qian Songyi."

Saying that, Yang Manying bowed to Qian Songyi, then turned to look at the reporters ahead, "Miss Qian Songyi has arrived, so I won't talk nonsense, after all, it is a press conference, everyone can ask about our new relationship If you have any questions about the product, we can answer all the matters in each department of Baimei International, and it will be fully transparent to the public.”

Immediately after Yang Manying sat down, the reporters burst into applause excitedly.

Immediately, I saw a long-haired woman standing up from the third seat in front of the seat. She stood up with the microphone and glanced at Yang Manying and the others, and said with a smile: "President Yang, Miss Qian Songyi, everyone, Bai Lai!" International executives, hello, I am Lin Qing, an economic reporter from Xinhua News Agency."

The reporter greeted politely first, introduced himself, and then asked, "I heard that all of your products this time are made of Chinese herbal medicine, and you claim to have no side effects?"

"I can answer this question for you personally." Yang Manying glanced at Qian Songyi next to her, stood up and took the microphone and said, "The product this time is a 'wild party' that I discovered by accident. It was developed by the Barefoot Doctor, and we, Baimei International, only contributed to the flames by turning it into a facial cleanser and better packaging it. Therefore, our new product comes from a very powerful traditional 'Barefoot Doctor' , All he uses are Chinese herbal medicines, and there are no side effects, after we made the product, we specially invited experts to appraise it."

"Oh, that's it, hehe, thank you President Yang for your easy answer." The female reporter nodded and sat down after receiving a satisfactory answer.

"You're welcome."

Yang Manying also sat down.

"Excuse me, are your new products going to be sold in the entire Zhonghai market?" A male reporter wearing glasses stood up after the female reporter sat down and smiled, "Oh, I'm from Shibao Weekly. .”

"Hehe, let the head of our public relations department answer this question." Yang Manying smiled and cast her eyes on Zhao Wanrong. Immediately, all eyes were on Zhao Wanrong. After all, she is in charge of public relations and partners. .

Zhao Wanrong got up, and smiled at everyone present, ""Our products this time must be fully sold in the entire Zhonghai City. We have already contacted more than half of the facial cleanser direct sellers in Zhonghai City. At the same time, there are manufacturers in other regions There is a connection. If the effect can be responded by the masses, our products will be oriented to more people. Therefore, I hope everyone can support Baimei International, and we will develop better skin care products for women and even men. "

After speaking, Zhao Wanrong sat down.

"According to your company's explanation, the demand for products will increase greatly. If you are short of raw materials or manpower, will there be unscrupulous products that cut corners and entrap the masses?" Another reporter stood up in response to this question. to ask.

Zhao Wanrong's beautiful eyes flashed slightly, and when she was about to get up to explain, Yang Manying winked at her, stood up immediately, pondered for a moment and said, "I know that the incidents of unscrupulous businessmen in recent years have caused the general public to have a great deal of respect for us businessmen." misunderstanding, but that only represents some people. Our Baimei International is an international company, and behind it is the industry of the Yang Group. Therefore, our reputation is absolutely guaranteed. Even if we do not have enough manpower and materials, then We would rather spend more money than produce such unscrupulous products. "

pop, pop, pop...

Yang Manying's remarks immediately resonated with everyone present, and everyone immediately applauded and agreed.

Next, the reporters asked questions one after another. Under the leadership of Yang Manying, Baimei International answered all the questions satisfactorily. When the press conference came to an end, no one knew what to ask. When the question was asked, a voice appeared in the back row of the reporter's seat, "President Yang, there are rumors that the reason why you worked so hard this time is to rely on the excellent results achieved by this new product to enter the board of directors of the Yang Group. And then compete with the uncle who raised you up for the position of chairman..."

The one who got up to speak was a young woman with a pointed chin, who did not identify which news agency she was with.

As soon as this question was asked, the originally noisy press conference was suddenly silent. Everyone's eyes were on Yang Manying, and some even didn't forget to glance at Ye Fei who was sitting calmly and watching the show.

The topic of Yang's group's power struggle has been a topic of concern to everyone since Yang Manying became an adult. After all, the relationship between Yang Manying and Yang Xueqin is obvious to all. Under the media gossip, even ordinary people know something about this matter.

Yang Manying was silent for a moment, stood up without changing her face, and said: "Today is a new product launch event, and only questions about new products are allowed, but since everyone cares about it, I will give you a happy ending." answer."

After hearing Yang Manying's words, everyone was silent for a while. In the upper class, the struggle between wealthy families is an eternal topic. Every family business will have such things happen to some extent, but the competition between close relatives is a bit puzzling.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the press conference, and then three or five middle-aged women with slightly plump figures rushed in desperately under the obstruction of the security guards, with long faces It's full of red spots and black spots, it looks ugly.

When the reporters present saw it, they all stood up and backed away. When Yang Manying was about to speak, she stood up with a frown and looked at the women who rushed in.

"The visitor is not good!"

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he saw this situation, he knew what was going to happen next without even thinking about it!

(End of this chapter)

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