super agent

Chapter 225 Pity the world's parents heart

Chapter 225 Pity the world's parents heart
After knocking on the door, Ling Wei waited quietly with a grim expression. Not long after, she heard a rush of footsteps coming from inside.

The door outside was opened, and it was a middle-aged woman of medium height, with a face that seemed to have experienced many vicissitudes, and she looked seven points similar to Ling Wei, obviously this was Ling Wei's mother, seeing Ling Wei so beautiful Yan Yan's appearance, it is not difficult to guess that her mother must have been a great beauty in ten miles and eight villages back then.

However, at this moment, it looked like Ling Ma's face was thin and pale, and tears could be clearly seen.


Looking at her mother's face, Ling Wei felt distressed for a moment, tears flowed down unconsciously, then put down the things in her hands, and stepped forward to hug her mother excitedly.

"Xiaowei, why did you come back?" Ling's mother glanced at Ye Fei, she didn't bother to ask, she quickly patted Ling Wei's back and said distressedly: "It's really hard for you, girl, your father is so old It hurt you badly."

"Mom, is Dad still in the hands of those people?"

Ling Wei came back to her senses, and quickly looked at Ling Ma and asked.

"That's right, those people said that they chopped off your father's hand and destroyed our house if they didn't send the money." Ling Ma nodded and said bitterly.

"Mom, don't worry, Dad will be fine." Ling Wei's beautiful eyes looked at Ling's mother firmly and said, "By the way, what's wrong with Dad? He's not that kind of person? Why would he go to gamble?"

Ling Wei still knows her father very well. Although he is only a small teacher in a small village, he has also read a lot of books. Will it work out?
"It's not the fault of frequent drinking. Your father often said that you are a girl who works hard in a big city like Zhonghai City. There are many places to spend money. You still send so much money back every month. Now you are 28. , not married yet, he was anxious, always thinking about earning some money, reducing your pressure, giving you time to fall in love or something, finding a good family early, and then drinking a little wine a few days ago and being obsessed I ran away to gamble in a daze, and when I came back, I lost money and dared not say anything, I didn’t know until the gangsters in the town came to the house, and then...then..." Ling Ma said with a look of hatred.

"I knew dad wouldn't gamble and endanger the family." Ling Wei felt even more heartbroken. She was 28 years old and single, and her parents had been anxious for a long time. They had tried many blind dates for her, but she didn't like them. I was too busy working in Zhonghai City, which caused me to become an older leftover woman. Although she is beautiful and has temperament, she is looked down upon by others when she is taller, and herself is looked down upon when she is lower, and she is entangled.

"Hello, Aunt Ling!"

Ye Fei, who was standing with a suitcase on the side, nodded. At first he thought Father Ling was a heinous gambler, but he didn't expect to do so much for his daughter. Of course, the way was too extreme, so he made himself like this .

"Oh, by the way, this... who is this gentleman?"

Mama Ling wiped her face immediately, and looked at Ye Fei. He was gentle and handsome, and Ye Fei changed into a suit when he went out today. He looked like a successful person.

"He...he is my colleague, named Ye Fei."

Ling Wei immediately remembered that Ye Fei was still standing beside her, and quickly explained.


Mother Ling looked at Ling Wei with wide eyes. It seemed that the relationship between the two was not simple, otherwise, how could any colleague go home with Ling Wei in the middle of the night? According to the situation, it is very likely that they have something to do with Ling Wei. The two elders of the Ling family have always been troubled by their thoughts, and she also looked very pleasing to Ye Fei. Thinking about it, her expression changed, and she hurriedly stepped forward and said to Ye Fei: "Is it okay if I call you Xiaoye?"

Ye Fei saw Ling's mother eagerly coming to take his box, so he quickly waved his hands and said, "Aunt Ling, I'll just take it. You can call me Xiaoye."

"Mom, don't think about it, Ye Fei and I are just colleagues." Ling Wei naturally knew her mother's character, so she hurriedly dragged Ling Ma to explain.

"Male colleagues, if you develop slowly, you will become a boyfriend." Ling Ma immediately cast a glance at Ling Wei, then looked at Ye Fei and said, "Xiao Ye, let's talk in the room first."


Ye Fei nodded, followed Ling Wei and Ling Ma into the house.

Walking into the room, Ye Fei, led by Ling Wei, sat on the sofa in the living room. Of course, the living room of Ling Wei's house is very small, and the decoration is also very simple. TV set.

"Aunt Ling, you should know where Uncle is being held?"

As soon as he sat down, Ye Fei picked up the water poured by Ling Ma, took a sip and looked at Ling Ma and said, "I think it's better not to delay this matter, since we are back, we should bring Uncle Ling back as soon as possible, what do you think? "

"Yeah, I know, of course I know." Ling Ma immediately nodded and responded, seeing Ye Fei in a suit and leather shoes, she knew there must be something going on.

"Drink some water before going there." Ling Wei glanced at Ye Fei with some shame and said.

"Ha ha."

Ye Fei naturally saw Ling Wei's mood, and quickly smiled at her, put down the disposable cup and looked at Ling Ma and said, "By the way, Aunt Ling, have you never thought of calling the police?"

"Call the police?"

Mama Ling's complexion suddenly changed, she glanced at Ling Wei, shook her head and stared at Ye Fei and said, "Xiao Ye, you don't know that we ordinary people are more used to keeping things quiet and trying not to make things big if we don't make things worse. And these policemen in small towns are definitely no better than those in big cities, these policemen are all worse than hooligans, and you have to pay for their work, the emperor is far away!"


Ye Fei nodded thoughtfully. Obviously, those gangsters who dare to be so upright must have some background and support, and those policemen may have colluded with them.

"Okay, just sit down for a while, let's go directly, if there are other things, talk while walking." Immediately, Ye Fei slapped his thigh and stood up, seeing Ling Wei and Ling Ma talking.

"Why don't you take a break, you've been driving for a day..." Ling Wei felt guilty at first, and quickly looked at Ye Fei and said.

"Yeah, why don't you take a rest, Xiaoye." Although Ling Ma desperately wanted to rescue her wife, she couldn't be too selfish, and she couldn't give Ye Fei a bad impression. After all, she wanted Ye Fei to become her son-in-law!

"Usury, compound interest, a day's delay will be another price." Ye Fei smiled at the two of them.

"Uh, okay."

Ling Wei glanced at Ling Ma in astonishment, nodded immediately, and said, "Mom, you can take us there now."

"Oh, okay." Thinking of this, Mama Ling's face changed drastically, she nodded and walked beside Ye Fei, and said as she walked, "I'm really thankful for you, Xiao Ye."

"Auntie is polite."

The corner of Ye Fei's mouth slightly raised, and then a group of three followed Mama Ling to the place where Papa Ling was imprisoned.


PS: Today is the fourth update, Xiao Zeng will continue to write Chapter 5, why don't you give a little support and encouragement! ! !
 Today's fourth update, Xiao Zeng will continue to write Chapter 5, why don't you give a little support and encouragement! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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