super agent

Chapter 226 Brother Hui

Chapter 226 Brother Hui
After a few people went out, they walked on the streets of the small town. Because it was already eight or nine o'clock, there were not many people going out. After all, the town was not very prosperous, and it was not too big. There was nothing to go shopping. It's good for people to sit at home and watch TV.

"There is a secret casino in our town, which is run by a man named Brother Hui. The police station in the town doesn't care about it. The neighboring towns often come to our town to gamble, and this man named Brother Hui often lends money at usury. For others to gamble."

Ling Ma walked in the front and led the way, she still looked at Ling Wei with some worry on her face and said, "Xiao Wei, have you raised 200 million?"

Ling Wei shook her head and looked at Ye Fei, "Ye Fei said to lend it to me first."

"oh oh."

Mama Ling nodded suddenly, and looked at Ye Fei and asked, "Xiao Ye, thank you!"

"Hehe, you're welcome, it should be." Ye Fei said with a chuckle.

Not long after, I came to the door of a large factory-like house. The whole room looked about as big as two basketball courts. The two-meter-high iron gate was half-opened, and there was light shining inside. When we got to the door, we heard bursts of sharp laughter, obviously the people inside were having a good time.

At the gate, there were two young men sitting, one with yellow hair and a slightly fat body, the other wearing a vest with tattoos on his arm, both of them were smoking cigarettes, with ruffian looks on their faces.

"It's in there."

When Mama Ling was about ten meters away from the gate, she pointed to the front with some fear and said.

"Auntie, there's nothing to worry about, let's go there."

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes and glanced at the door, then waved his hands and walked forward first.

"Mom, let's keep up. With Ye Fei here, it's fine."

Ling Wei hooked her mother's hand with one hand, and looked at Ye Fei in front of her, feeling a lot more at ease.


Mama Ling nodded.

Immediately, several people walked towards the secret casino together, but it was really hard to say where the secret was.

"Who are you?"

When Ye Fei and Ling Wei walked to the door, the yellow-haired man threw away the cigarette quickly, stepped forward to look at Ye Fei, and then looked to the side. When he saw Ling Wei, his eyes lit up, and then he glanced at Ling Ma, and immediately He sneered and said, "Is it someone you brought? What? Have you raised the money?"

"Yes, the money is ready, take us to meet your boss." Ye Fei looked at the yellow-haired man and said.

"Ready? Then why come empty-handed?"

The yellow-haired man raised his eyebrows and glanced at the three of them, only to see that they all came empty-handed.

"Damn, don't you know that there is such a thing as a bank card in this world?" Ye Fei was speechless looking at the yellow-haired man, who was so stupid, and said: "200 million, you asked me to hold it for a while?" How many boxes are there?"

"Uh, okay."

The yellow-haired man came to his senses immediately, nodded, looked at the tattooed man next to him and said, "I'll take them to see Brother Hui, take a look."

"Okay, you go."

The tattooed man glanced at Ye Fei and nodded.

"Come with me."

The yellow-haired man shook his head immediately, and said to Ye Fei, Ling Wei and others, but his eyes stayed on Ling Wei for a while longer.

Ling Wei is a big beauty, and under the influence of a big company like Baimei International, she has a unique white-collar temperament. The combination of beauty and temperament makes such a woman attract attention wherever she goes object.

Especially in a relatively backward town like Lianhu Town, it's no wonder that such an outstanding person suddenly appeared without being noticed. Even though Ling Wei was only wearing a set of casual clothes, her perfect figure was vividly outlined.

Immediately, the yellow-haired man pushed the door open and walked in first.

Seeing this, Ye Fei nodded to the two people behind and followed him in. As soon as he walked into the 'inside the casino', he saw eight or nine large tables in the entire casino, and nearly a hundred people were immersing themselves in the fun of gambling. , Laughter, cursing, and voices of unwillingness came and went, as noisy as a vegetable market, and the whole venue was even more smoky.

"Cough cough~~~"

Ling Wei and Ling Ma walked in, a little unable to stand the smell of smoke here, and immediately covered their mouths and coughed dryly.

Ye Fei glanced ahead, then turned to look at the two of them and said, "Are you all right? Why don't you wait outside?"

"No, no, we can adapt."

Ling Wei put her hand down and immediately shook her head and said, but there was still an extremely uncomfortable expression on her face.

"Well, let's go together."

Ling's mother also looked at Ye Fei persistently.

"Brother Hui is on the second floor, hurry up and follow me." The yellow-haired man who had already walked up the stairs next to him urged him to look behind him.


Ye Fei nodded, and immediately followed up the stairs.

When he came to the second floor, the smell of smoke gradually dissipated. Ye Fei looked at the second floor. It was better than the bottom floor, but it was still relatively simple. After walking a few steps, he followed the yellow-haired man to the door of a room. walk into.

When Ye Fei walked to the door, he didn't go any further, but waited, but he saw seven or eight shirtless men, mostly tattooed, sitting around drinking beer and eating. Supper, one of them is tall and burly, and he can be seen as the boss at a glance, wearing a thick gold necklace. Although he is not tall, he is obviously more imposing.

"That person is Brother Hui!" Ling Ma also walked to the door and explained, pointing to the man in the middle.


Ye Fei nodded, as expected, the person Ling Ma pointed at was the one he was staring at.

At this time, the yellow-haired man walked into the room with a nod and bowed his head, ran up to Brother Hui and spoke, not forgetting to point to the direction of the door.

Immediately, Brother Hui, who was drinking, threw the beer bottle in his hand aside, then stood up and walked towards the door. Seeing this, the others put down their things one after another, stood up and followed Brother Hui.

Brother Hui walked in front of Ye Fei with domineering steps. After taking a look, he curled his lips with a pretty face, and then saw Ling Wei next to him, his small eyes narrowed even smaller, and his eyes were full of obscenity. of light.

And the same goes for other people, such an outstanding woman is not common in small towns!
"Cough cough~~~"

Ye Fei immediately coughed twice, looked at Brother Hui with a smile and said, "You are Brother Hui, right?"

When Brother Hui heard Ye Fei speak, he reacted, nodded and squinted at Ye Fei, and said, "Yeah, what are you doing here with a suit and leather shoes?"

Brother Hui stared at Ye Fei knowingly.

"Brother Hui, everyone knows that people don't do secret things, so let's get straight to the point. I'm here to redeem people." Ye Fei said with a slight smile.


Brother Hui nodded, but did not continue the topic, but looked at Ling Wei and asked: "Is this girl the daughter of Ling Guofeng's bookworm? I have heard that she is very beautiful, and she is still working in Zhonghai City, so I rushed back today Redemption."

"Yes, Uncle Ling owes you 200 million, right?" Ye Fei glanced at Ling Wei, then opened his mouth to look at Brother Hui and said.

"Oh? Uncle? It seems that you have an unusual relationship with the girl from the Ling family? Are you from a big city?" Brother Hui said lightly, looking at Ye Fei, "It was 200 million before, but now it's more, 300 million. "

"Hehe, it turns so fast!"

Ye Fei nodded with a chuckle and said, "Bring him out, I will offer 300 million to redeem him!"


PS: The fifth update has arrived, please support, thank you everyone! ! !

 The fifth update has arrived, please support, thank you everyone! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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