super agent

Chapter 227 Easy Solution

Chapter 227 Easy Solution
Ye Fei spoke indifferently, in the eyes of Brother Hui and the others, the boy with a pretty face in front of him is clearly a big fat sheep that can be slaughtered severely.

"Today hasn't passed yet, how did it turn up to 300 million?" Ling Wei, who was at the side, couldn't stand it any longer, walked to Ye Fei and looked at Brother Hui and the others with a livid face and shouted.

"Hey, girl from the Ling family, I'm the boss of this land, and I said it's as much as the increase, and if I gave 300 million before, I might let him go, but now... on the basis of 300 million, you can stay with me for a night Only then can you let your father go, hahaha!" Brother Hui glanced lewdly at Ling Wei's graceful body, and he burst out laughing.

"Haha, this girl from the Ling family is really good-looking!"

"Yeah, boss can have a good time today."

"Let's drive the train, I think the boss is just trying something new."


Immediately, the shirtless boys behind Brother Hui also laughed and said.

"You scum..."

Ling Wei listened to these unsavory obscene words, her whole face was filled with anger, and she pointed at Brother Hui and others and started yelling.

But Ling Wei's words did not arouse the anger of Brother Hui and the others, but increased their pleasure of conquering Ling Wei.

At this time, Ye Fei, who was standing next to him, took a step forward, stood in front of Ling Wei, and said to Brother Hui, "You won't let me go even if I give you 300 million?"

Ye Fei knew that it might be a bit difficult to be private today. He naturally understands the truth that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake. After all, he can't stay in such a small town every day, so he plans to be friendly. Let's have a good talk. Some money will solve the problem, everyone is happy.

But Brother Hui in front of him was obviously dazzled by lust. After seeing Ling Wei's beauty, he couldn't stop, and Ye Fei felt extremely disgusted by the strong possessive desire he showed.

"Boy, if you are sensible, let me stay away, and you will pay when we are done." Brother Hui glanced slightly, and said to Ye Fei in a warning tone.

Ye Fei glanced at Brother Hui, slowly took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it for himself, and then said: "Come out to mess around, don't overdo it, or it won't end well for you today!"

"Hehe, boy, this is Lianhu Town, not the fucking Zhonghai City. Don't fuck me in front of me. Believe it or not, I'll kill you and feed you to the dogs!" Ye Fei shouted.

The brothers in the back looked at Ye Fei even more jokingly. They didn't pay attention to this boy in a suit who looked like a boy from the beginning to the end. Obviously, in their view, Ye Fei was just a covetous Ling Wei beauty It's just the second generation of rich people.

"Hey the dog? Hehe, good idea!" Ye Fei took a puff of cigarette lightly, nodded with a faint smile, with an expression of approval on his face.

"Ye Fei, why don't we go first!" Ling Wei, who was on the side, looked at the tense situation, and suddenly became a little scared, and quickly pulled Ye Fei and said worriedly.

"Xiaoye, let's go first." Ling Ma immediately said to Ye Fei with an ugly face.

"No, dealing with such low-level hooligans is easier than crushing an ant!" Ye Fei waved at the two of them, then turned his head and said softly, "You guys wait in the corridor."

"I read……"

Ling Wei still looked at Ye Fei worriedly.

"Listen to me, go wait in the corridor!"

Ye Fei stared at Ling Wei firmly.


Ling Wei didn't know how she was infected, she was suddenly full of confidence in Ye Fei, she immediately pulled Ling Ma back and walked away.

Watching the two leave, Ye Fei took the cigarette in his hand, then walked into the room, closed the door, and faced the group of gangsters alone, with a calm expression and a face of enjoyment smoking, and said: "Really! There is no room for negotiation? Do you even want money?"

"Fuck, you fucking, what right do you have to discuss with me?" Brother Hui was slightly annoyed when he saw Ye Fei's actions, and winked at the yellow hair next to him.

The yellow-haired man understood, picked up an iron rod beside him and rushed towards Ye Fei.

Seeing the yellow-haired man rushing towards him, Ye Fei was still smoking calmly. When the yellow-haired man rushed to less than two meters in front of him, he stretched out his hand and threw the cigarette butt on the yellow-haired man's face.


A crisp sound sounded, and the yellow-haired man who rushed forward was burned by the cigarette butt and covered his face with the other hand, screamed in pain, and staggered, but the yellow-haired man could not beat After a short fight, he immediately stabilized his figure, endured the pain and was about to hit Ye Fei with the iron rod in his hand.

Ye Fei sneered, raised his leg and kicked the yellow-haired man.

The yellow-haired man didn't care about going up and down at this moment, he was hitting Ye Fei with the iron rod with a face full of pain, but before he hit Ye Fei, his feet lost strength for a while, and then he fell face down Plant it on the ground.

When Ye Fei saw this, he stepped back and took a step back subconsciously.


A muffled voice sounded, the yellow-haired man fell to the ground, bleeding from his jaw, his face looked extremely miserable, his whole body was trembling slightly, and he was moaning in a low voice.


Seeing this, Brother Hui saw the yellow-haired man cursed in a low voice, then waved his hands at the person next to him and said, "Come on, let's go together."

Immediately, the shirtless men next to him all showed ruthless expressions, picked up iron bars and machetes from the side and walked towards Ye Fei.

"Okay, it's so late, let's settle the matter early."

Ye Fei glanced at the seven or eight shirtless men walking in front of him, and bent over to pick up the iron bars on the ground. He really didn't have much interest in dealing with such gangsters, so he went to bed early.

"Hack him!"

Brother Hui in the back shouted loudly at this time.

Immediately, the few people in front rushed towards Ye Fei screaming and screaming.

But then, there was a scene that made Brother Hui desperate. The brothers who had worked hard with him for many years, unexpectedly beat this little boy who they looked down upon before him completely powerless to fight back.

At this moment, Ye Fei felt as if he had entered the land of no one, every time the iron rod in his hand was thrown out, it would knock Brother Hui's younger brother down.

In less than a minute, Brother Hui's subordinates all fell to the ground and began to howl, completely gone from the ferocious look they had before.


Ye Fei threw the iron rod in his hand aside, then walked towards Brother Hui with a smile, "Can we all have a good talk now?"

"Yes, let's talk about it!"

Brother Hui nodded quickly, swallowed his saliva, looked at Ye Fei with a look of horror and said, "This...what should I call this little brother?"

Brother Hui suddenly made a 360-degree turn, nodding and bowing his face, looking at Ye Fei with a flattering smile.

Hitting seven or eight of them by himself, and all of them were brothers who were born and died with him, he was far from capable of this ability, and Ye Fei was not injured at all, he saw brothers fall one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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