super agent

Chapter 228

Chapter 228

Ye Fei glanced at Brother Hui indifferently, and said coldly: "It doesn't matter what my name is, the important thing is that we can talk about it now."

"Talk, talk well."

Brother Hui hurriedly moved the stool, looking like he was in a position of power. A small local ruffian like him is always bullying and fearing the hard. Now that Ye Fei is obviously scary, he naturally couldn't step forward and get beaten up in vain.

"You don't need to sit down, how much will you let me go?"

Ye Fei waved his hand and looked at Brother Hui and said.

"Three... 30!"

Brother Hui originally wanted to blurt it out, but when he thought of something, he quickly changed his mouth and said with a smile.

"Okay, 30 is 30, go release people first!"

Ye Fei nodded.


Brother Hui dared not to follow, he nodded quickly and walked forward, seeing the brothers who collapsed on the ground and couldn't get up, he was even more angry, but at this moment, he endured all of them, the fearless sacrifice is a Things stupid people do.

Then, Brother Hui walked to the front, opened the door, and saw Ling Wei and Ling Ma coming forward anxiously. Brother Hui saw Ling Wei, his eyes flashed, but he was restrained immediately, and his whole body Be submissive.

Seeing Brother Hui's expression, Ling Wei was startled for a moment, then glanced at Brother Hui in disgust, then looked inside, and saw the people who were still looking fierce just now, lying on the ground and crying in pain, and then she saw Ye Fei hurriedly stepped forward and said with concern: "You... are you okay?"

"It's okay, these people are too weak."

Ye Fei came out with a smile and waved at Ling Wei, and immediately said to Brother Hui, "Lead the way."

"Okay, okay."

Brother Hui understood, and immediately led the way with a respectful face.

"Follow him."

Ye Fei patted Ling Wei on the shoulder and said softly.


Ling Wei looked at Ye Fei and nodded with twinkling eyes.

Immediately, Ye Fei, Ling Wei and Ling Ma walked a few meters along the corridor and came to another room under the leadership of Brother Hui.

"People are inside."

Brother Hui walked to the door, opened the lock and said to Ye Fei who was next to him.

Immediately, the door was opened, and nothing could be seen clearly in the dark room. Brother Hui turned on the light familiarly, and saw a figure sitting curled up in the corner of the empty room, his whole body was dirty.

And suddenly the door and the light were opened, and the figure in the corner moved slightly, raised his tired head, with a pair of glasses on his face, and looked in the direction of the door dimly. There was no disturbance at all, but when he saw the two figures behind him, his body trembled, he stood up abruptly, and said in a shameful tone, "Xiao...Xiaowei, are back?"


Ling Wei burst into tears immediately, and rushed straight to the person in front, her father is not the kind of gambler who disregards the family, he really did such extreme things for her, but she knew that her father was I love her, so seeing my father in such a mess at this moment, I feel distressed.

Seeing this scene, Mama Ling ran over immediately, and the family was finally reunited.

Immediately, the family hugged each other excitedly and complained about their shortcomings.

And Ye Fei looked at the family in front of him, then took out his mobile phone to look at Brother Hui next to him and said, "Get your account here, I'll call you 30, and forget about it."


Brother Hui quickly responded, took out his mobile phone and gave Ye Fei his account number.

After a while, Ye Fei called Brother Hui 30 yuan through online banking, and the matter was settled. Just after Ling Wei's family cried and complained, they also came over.

"Dad, he is Ye Fei."

Ling Wei looked at Ye Fei with reddened eyes and introduced to Dad Ling.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Ye, thank you."

Ling Guofeng raised his eyes and looked at Ye Fei gratefully and said.

"Hehe, uncle is being polite, you can just call me Xiaoye." Ye Fei waved his hands with a chuckle, and said, "Are you okay?"

"No, it's okay, it's all old bones." Ling Guofeng looked at Ye Fei and nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, okay, let's talk at home."

Ling Wei next to him winked at Ye Fei, and after seeing Ye Fei nodding, she said hastily, but she chose to ignore Brother Hui next to him.

"Yeah, go home, let's go home." Mama Ling was also terrified these days, she was naturally overjoyed now that nothing happened, and quickly looked at Ye Fei and said, "Xiaoye, are you all done?"

"Well, let's go back."

Ye Fei smiled and nodded, and opened the door.

Immediately, Ling Wei and Ling's father and Ling's mother walked in front, and Ye Fei was behind. After seeing a few people walking out of the door, he turned to look at Brother Hui and said, "Even if this matter is resolved, don't let anything happen, or else it will be over." Don't blame me for being cruel!"

"Absolutely not, absolutely not, what else would I dare to do to seek death." Brother Hui rolled his eyes and nodded hastily.


Ye Fei nodded slightly, and then slowly turned his head away, but after turning his head, a sneer appeared on his face.

Obviously this brother Hui is duplicity, this guy knows how to endure, but his last twinkling eyes exposed him, Ye Fei has already seen through this situation, he knows that brother Hui will definitely have revenge in the future, probably will Wait for him to leave first to take revenge, but this is not important, the important thing is that he understands the saying that weeds must be rooted out better than Brother Hui.

Immediately, Ye Fei followed Ling Wei's family and walked downstairs. Under the noisy secret casino, everyone was still gambling with forgetfulness, and the movement upstairs did not disturb them at all.

Ye Fei and Ling Wei's family walked out of the casino lobby without stopping, and rushed home after they got outside.

And after Ye Fei left, Brother Hui, who was pretending to be a grandson, gradually turned grim. Today he suffered such a boring loss, how can he tolerate it?He was just holding Ye Fei steady.

"Wait, run away from me to show off my power, I will ruin your family!"

Brother Hui looked fiercely at the gate where Ye Fei and the others left, cursed in a low voice, then slammed the door of the room, walked out of the room where Ling Guofeng was detained, and returned to his room just now.

At this moment, several people have already stood up, sitting on the stools to recuperate, while more people are still lying on the ground.

"Can't you die?"

Brother Hui walked into the room, kicked the few people lying on the ground, and then said with a ferocious expression: "If you can't die, get up quickly, damn it, where did you come from, you are so crazy to run away from me, I don't want to His life."

"Brother Hui, what should we do next?"

A man who was sitting was covering his right hand to see, and Brother Chonghui asked with an ugly face.

"After that guy leaves, we'll kill Ling Guofeng and his wife, damn it!"

"Yes, we absolutely can't just let it go. Although that guy can fight, we are not afraid of him."

"Fuck that guy and play with that girl in front of him!"

Brother Hui's brothers shouted loudly one by one, these people are used to being domineering in Lianhu Town, so how could they be at a disadvantage like today!


PS: I recommend a great fantasy work "Ultimate Sword God", which is a very good fantasy work. Friends who are in a book shortage can check it out!
 Recommend a great fantasy work "Ultimate Sword God", a very good fantasy work, friends who are in a book shortage can go and read it!

(End of this chapter)

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