super agent

Chapter 229

Chapter 229
After Ye Fei and Ling Wei's family left the secret casino, they walked home together. It was past eleven o'clock in the evening when they got home.

As soon as Ling Guofeng got home, he didn't say anything, he went upstairs to take a shower first, while Ling Ma went into the kitchen to cook some supper for them. She was naturally very happy to rescue her husband so smoothly today.

In the living room downstairs.

Ling Wei and Ye Fei were sitting together watching TV, Ling Wei stared at the TV, hesitated for a moment, turned her head to look at Ye Fei and asked worriedly: "Xiao Ye, you use force with them, once we leave..."

"Hehe, it's okay, I warned them, don't worry!"

Ye Fei turned his head to stare at Ling Wei, nodded and smiled.

"But, those people..."

Ling Wei's beautiful eyes flashed, but she still spoke a little worriedly.

"Don't worry, I've got it covered."

Ye Fei waved his hand at Ling Wei and said.


Ling Wei thought for a while and nodded, but immediately asked: "Then how much did you spend?"

"It's only 30 million."

Ye Fei watched TV and said.

"It's only 30?"

Ling Wei immediately looked at Ye Fei in surprise. He only gave 300 to the original 30 million.

"Yes, your dad just lost 30 yuan." Ye Fei nodded and said.

At this time, Ling Guofeng walked downstairs while buttoning up his buttons, came to the seat next to Ye Fei, sat down with a smile on his face, and said, "Xiao Ye, I am really thankful to you this time, otherwise's really unimaginable the outcome."

"Hehe, Uncle Ling is being polite, it should be."

Ye Fei looked at Ling Guofeng and chuckled. After all, he knew that Ling Guofeng did all this for Ling Wei. It is impossible for him to give a good attitude to the gamblers in the news who disregard their families for gambling.

"Xiao Wei, Dad is really a fool!" Immediately, Li Guofeng turned his head to look at Ling Wei with apologetic expression and said.


Ling Wei looked at Ling Guofeng with reddish eyes, shook her head and said, "It's my fault, otherwise you wouldn't have done such an extreme thing."

"Hey, how can I blame you for my mistakes?"

Ling Guofeng looked at Ling Wei, his face was even more ashamed, but he glanced at Ye Fei next to him, he was very relieved, and said straight to the point: "In the future, Xiaoye will take care of you, so we don't have to think about those things for you anymore."


Ye Fei stared at the front in astonishment. He naturally knew that he would be misunderstood, so he watched TV and didn't bother to explain.

"Dad, what are you talking about, Xiaoye and I are just colleagues."

Ling Wei blushed immediately, glanced at Ye Fei embarrassedly, and said in embarrassment and indignation.

"Colleagues or something, if you get along for a long time, you will become a boyfriend!"

Mama Ling came into the living room with a pot of cut watermelons, and said straight away.

"Mom, how can you have such a thing!"

At this time, Ling Wei blushed to the base of her neck, stood up quickly, whispered to Ling Ma angrily, glanced at Ye Fei, and then walked upstairs as if fleeing, saying: "I'll go to bed first Alright, let's talk slowly."

"Hehe, Xiaoye, look at Xiaowei, she's too thin-skinned, she's such an old man, she doesn't know how to be sure when she meets a good man." Ling Ma smiled and handed Ye Fei a piece of watermelon.

"Auntie was joking, I'm not a good man."

Ye Fei took the watermelon, but he was a little embarrassed and said.

"Very well, I think Xiaoye is very pleasing to the eye, handsome, and looks capable, very good, I support you and Xiaowei 100%." ​​Ling Guofeng picked up a piece of watermelon and looked at Ye Fei and smiled.

"You two are really joking. I'm really not as good as you think." Ye Fei couldn't bear the words of the two elders. He immediately took two bites of watermelon and got up to look at Ling Ma and asked, "Aunt Ling, is there a place for me to sleep?" ?”

"Hehe, yes, of course." Mama Ling chuckled immediately, and said to Ye Fei, "Come on, Xiaoye, come upstairs with me, Xiaowei just has a guest room next door, I go there every day when I have nothing to do Clean it up so it's not dirty."

"It's okay to be dirty."

Ye Fei waved his hand, then said to Ling Guofeng, "Uncle, then I'll go to rest first, see you tomorrow."

"Okay, okay, go and rest."

Ling Guofeng also immediately stood up and nodded in response.

Immediately, Ye Fei went upstairs with Ling Ma, and then Ye Fei lived in a pretty good room under Ling Ma's arrangement.

"The house in Xiaoye's country is relatively simple, so you can make do with it!" Ling Ma asked Ye Fei to make up the bed, and then smiled at Ye Fei.

"It's okay, it's okay, I really don't need to be so polite, I don't care that much."

Ye Fei waved his hand at Mama Ling and smiled.

"Well, then you should have a good rest. If you need anything, feel free to mention it." Although Ling Ma is a rural woman, she knows how to read her face. She clearly knows that Ye Fei wants to rest.

After the door was closed, Ye Fei took off his suit jacket, walked to the window, opened the window to have a look, there was no protective iron bars, and the room he lived in was just facing the road, so it was quite convenient for travel .

"It's still early, let's go out later."

Ye Fei closed the window slowly, then lay down on the bed and closed his eyes to rest.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to do things that will cause trouble. Brother Hui is obviously stubborn. He can imagine that after he leaves, Ling's father and Ling's mother must be miserable, so he must settle things today. .

At this time, Ye Fei vaguely heard Ling Guofeng and Ling Ma downstairs talking about something with great relish, but as long as he thought about it casually, he knew that it must be about him and Ling Wei, but it's a pity Yes, he already has a wife. If the daughter of the second veteran of the Ling family were to be another man's mistress, he probably wouldn't have the attitude he has today.

But these have nothing to do with Ye Fei, he didn't think too much about it this time, he just helped Ling Wei as a friend.

Time passed slowly, Ling's father and Ling's mother had already gone back to their rooms to sleep, and Ling Wei returned to her own room, but there was no bubbling.

Around two in the morning.

"It's time to go and play with that Brother Hui."

Ye Fei turned over from the bed, walked lightly to the door and window, slowly opened the window, and saw that the surroundings were quiet, occasionally there was the crisp sound of frogs.

Immediately, Ye Fei jumped down and came to the road smoothly. He didn't stop for a moment, and ran straight towards the secret casino.

At this time, Brother Hui and the others did not sleep, but gathered in the hall of the large factory to treat those injured and discuss how to deal with Ling Wei's family by the way, and those who gambled had already been sent away by them.

At this moment, thirty or forty people gathered downstairs

"Boss, I think it's better to rush over and hack them all to death."

A man with short hair and tattoos said with a ferocious face, Brother Chonghui.

"You take the lead? Didn't you fucking say that guy is good at fighting!"

Brother Hui, who was sitting at one of the gaming tables, was eating watermelon to quench his thirst. When he heard the tattooed man speak, he immediately threw the watermelon in his hand to him.

"Then boss, why don't you find a few brothers to set fire to it? Then run away!"

At this moment, a hooked-nosed man next to Brother Hui narrowed his eyes and said.

"set fire?"

Brother Hui's eyes lit up immediately, this method is indeed very good, he immediately smiled and said: "Haha, not bad, not bad, let's set fire..."

Just at this moment, the door of the casino was kicked open, and Ye Fei walked in with a smile on his face. He knew that these guys had no good intentions, and he couldn't imagine that they could even come up with such a sinister trick as arson.

"Damn, you...why are you here again?"

Brother Hui just wanted to yell, but when he saw that it was Ye Fei, his expression changed, and he asked a little timidly.

"Hehe, those who are gangsters should know the truth of cutting weeds to get rid of the roots, right?"

Ye Fei chuckled, and walked slowly towards Brother Hui and the others!

PS: It was a bit difficult to write, I got stuck today, Xiao Zeng will think about the next plot tomorrow, so today there are only three chapters, I hope everyone understands!
At the same time, I recommend a great fantasy work "Ultimate Sword God", which is a very good fantasy work. Friends who are in a book shortage can check it out!
 Recommend a great fantasy work "Ultimate Sword God", a very good fantasy work, friends who are in a book shortage can go and read it!

(End of this chapter)

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