super agent

Chapter 234

Chapter 234
After Ye Fei drove away from the square, he headed straight for the place where the Nine Lives Demon was. Now that Shangguan Fei'er was taken away, he was too worried, and he could feel that the second senior brother Hua Tianshi was very powerful. Can't handle it.

After driving for an hour, Ye Fei came to the place of the Nine-Life Demon, and when he came to the gate of the villa, he opened the door and got off the car, then rushed to the floor where the Nine-Life Demon was.


The younger brothers downstairs only had time to call out when they saw a black shadow rushing upstairs.

"Everyone back down."

After Jiuming Yao walked to the window to see who was coming, he immediately shouted at the people below.

Immediately, Ye Fei stepped into the room where the Nine Lives Demon was.

"What's the matter?"

Nine Lives Demon asked Ye Fei in a deep voice, he could feel Ye Fei's eagerness.

"Is Tianshi Hua still there?"

Ye Fei looked at the Nine Lives Demon and asked.

"Yeah, where else can he go?"

Nine Lives Demon nodded and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's his grandma, Senior Brother Hua Tian came, and as soon as he came, he grabbed the woman next to me and asked me to exchange that guy."

Ye Fei said angrily.

"Uh, well, his senior brother is awesome enough, he recognized that you have many women, so he immediately arrested one." Nine Lives Demon said in a rare joke.


Ye Fei glanced at the Nine Fate Demon speechlessly, then walked straight towards the room where Tianshi Hua was locked up, and at the same time said, "Come with me later, his senior brother is a bit difficult to deal with."

"Oh? Just fight?"

Nine Lives Demon immediately looked at Ye Fei curiously and asked.

"Hand over, he controls a gust of wind, and his strength is very strong." Ye Fei pushed and opened the door of Tianshi Hua, and said.

"That's right, then I want to see and see." Nine Lives Demon nodded with great interest after hearing it.

At this time, Hua Tianshi, who was squatting in the corner, saw the door open, immediately looked up, got up and said, "Are you here again?"

"Yes, but this time I'm not here to treat you to dinner. Your senior brother is here to pick you up. Come with me now."

Ye Fei touched his nose and nodded.

"Huh? Go see my senior brother now? It's getting so dark!"

Tianshi Hua immediately got up and looked at Ye Fei and said.

"It's easy to do things in the dark!"

Ye Fei said.

"No, why go now? I can't find them now. Although I don't know who the senior brothers are, my senior brothers are all cultivators. At this time, the yin energy is getting stronger. They must be hiding. If we go to practice in a certain place, we will definitely not be able to find them." Hua Tianshi asked with a sad face, "By the way, where did my brother say we met?"

"Your brother grabbed the woman next to me, why did you tell me to wait?"

Ye Fei turned cold and said, "In the western suburbs."

"Western suburb? I don't know it. Is there anything special about it?" Tianshi Hua asked looking at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei shook his head. He didn't know many places in Zhonghai City, so he immediately looked at Nine Lives Demon.

Nine Lives Demon pondered, and then said: "I remembered, it seems that there is a cemetery there."

"Fuck, a cemetery? Are those bastard brothers of yours planning to practice there? Take a girl there, and she won't be scared to death at night?"

Ye Fei immediately scolded in a low voice with a sullen face.

"Now that you know it's a cemetery, it should be easy to find."

Tianshi Hua nodded.

"It's easy to find, then let me go."

Ye Fei immediately spoke to Tianshi Hua angrily.

"Wait a minute, there is no rush at this moment."

Nine Lives Demon waved his hands to look at Tianshi Hua and said, "How strong are your senior brothers?"

"My senior brothers must be stronger than me, and I don't know which senior brothers are here." Tianshi Hua said with an uneasy face.

"By the way, the person who controlled the strange wind at that time said it was your second senior brother, Wufeng!" Ye Fei said after thinking about it.

"Uh, it's the second senior brother Wufeng?" Hua Tianshi immediately glanced at Ye Fei and Jiuming Yao in astonishment and explained: "He is very powerful, and I predict that both of you can't beat him."

"Could it be that he has already broken through to a higher realm?" Nine Lives Demon asked hastily, eyes popping out.

"No, but he can be said to be invincible in that realm, and he is the least afraid of group attacks, so I feel that you two are hanging." Hua Tianshi shook his head and explained.

"No, since he is so powerful, why didn't he just arrest me?"

Ye Fei looked at Tianshi Hua with a puzzled look and asked.

"He, he can't be shot easily, and he is still fighting you in the urban area. We have clear regulations with the national government. Practitioners like us can't easily come to such a bustling city..." Hua Tianshi thought for a while explained.

"Then how can you go to the metropolis to misbehave?" Ye Fei asked Hua Tianshi in silence for a moment.


Tianshi Hua immediately put on an embarrassing expression, and said with a sneer: "Actually, don't worry too much. The main purpose of my brothers coming down the mountain is to take me back. After all, I ran out privately. If I go back this time , will definitely be punished.”

"You mean, your brothers are here to arrest and take you back?"

Ye Fei's eyes lit up as he watched Tianshi Hua speak.

"Yes, so don't worry too much, they probably won't attack you." Hua Tianshi nodded and said.

"Never mind, let's go now."

Ye Fei waved his hands and said impatiently, after all, Shangguan Feier is still in the hands of Senior Brother Hua Tian, ​​and he is still in a ghostly place like the cemetery. He really can't imagine how frightened Shangguan Feier is at this moment.

"Well, let me go with you."

Jiuming Yao also nodded, and followed Tianshi Hua with him.

Naturally, it was impossible for them to take the stairs, so they went straight to the window and jumped down. After arriving downstairs, Ye Fei glanced at Jiuming Yao who was about to fly away and said, "It's only past ten o'clock, so don't fly here!" Fly away, let's go by car."

"Uh, whatever."

Nine Lives Demon responded in astonishment, and then led Hua Tianshi and Ye Fei to the car.

After several people got into the car, Ye Fei took a look at the back, started the car, searched for the address of the western suburbs, and then drove towards the western suburbs in a speeding car. As for the red lights and so on, he just ignored them, and it was OK if he didn't bump into anyone.

Ye Fei drove all the way, and in about half an hour, he arrived in the western suburbs. This area is already considered deserted, and the feeling of desolation permeates the surroundings. This is a civilian cemetery in Zhonghai City. Many people have no money to return to the urban area. I bought a cemetery in the garden, so I found this barren area to bury my relatives.

"Damn it, your driving speed is really strong, and it feels like you are flying a little slower than me." After Jiuming Yao got out of the car, she looked at Ye Fei with a little surprise and said.

"It's really powerful, it feels like flying."

Hua Tianshi got out of the car and said with dizzy eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go directly to those people."

Ye Fei waved his hand, there is no time to joke now.

(End of this chapter)

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