super agent

Chapter 235 Huge pressure

Chapter 235 Huge pressure

The two people next to him also nodded, and Tianshi Hua didn't hate Ye Fei very much until now. After all, he was the one who provoked the trouble first, and after he was captured alive by Ye Fei, Ye Fei just beat him to discourage him. , did not kill him, and he could see that Ye Fei was a kind of humorous person.

"Look for places where the cold air is heavier. My second senior brother is practicing Cold Wind Art, so he will stay in those places more." Tianshi Hua said to Ye Fei and Jiuming Yao.


Ye Fei nodded, glanced at Jiuming Yao and said, "Let's find it faster separately."

"it is good."

Nine Lives Demon nodded without hesitation, then looked at Tianshi Hua next to him and said, "What about him?"

"I'm carrying a handle."

Ye Fei thought for a while and said.


The Nine Lives Demon responded, glanced around, and then flew towards the nearby cemetery.

Although this cemetery is only a civilian cemetery, it has been there for so many years, so it is naturally quite large. It is quite difficult to find someone in this place.

"Let's look over there."

Seeing the Nine-Life Demon flitting into the distance, Ye Fei said to Hua Tianshi next to him without hesitation.

"Okay, but the place where the Nine-Life Demon went is more cloudy, and my brother may be there." Hua Tianshi glanced at the direction where the Nine-Life Demon left and said.

"Well, which direction is more yin?"

Ye Fei glanced at the direction where the Nine Lives Demon left and asked.

"If there is anything else, then that direction is also possible."

Although Tianshi Hua was imprisoned in his cultivation, he came here by practicing the yin attribute method after all, so he can still feel a little bit.

"Okay, let's go in that direction."

Ye Fei glanced at the direction Hua Tianshi was pointing at. Although it was not the opposite of the Nine Lives Demon, it was still a bit far away, but he couldn't care about that now.

Immediately, Ye Fei walked in front, Hua Tianshi followed beside, the silent cemetery is quite scary, especially at this moment it is still dark, it is so quiet that people feel flustered, fortunately Ye Fei and the others are not ordinary people, even if there are any ghosts Nor will it be as frightening as ordinary people.

5 minute later.

Ye Fei and the others still haven't found Hua Tianshi's senior brother. This cemetery is too big. The two of them walked like this. Walking inside is a gloomy forest. Ye Fei took a look inside the forest and saw such a tombstone. Walking forward, but cursing as he walked: "Damn, where did your senior brother go? Could he be hiding in some coffin to practice? It's such a big place, and you've been looking for it for so long?"

"Uh, probably not? Didn't you say that my brother grabbed a woman next to you? How could he run into the coffin?" Hua Tianshi was taken aback immediately, and then said.

"Maybe, by the way, is your senior brother lustful?"

Ye Fei immediately looked at Tianshi Hua with a cold face and asked.

Tianshi Hua looked at Ye Fei's face at this time, shook his head quickly and said: "You think too much, those brothers in front of me are all cultivators, he might as well practice if he has the time."

"Yeah, that's good, I'm really worried that that guy is a pervert!"

Ye Fei saw Tianshi Hua nodded, and continued: "Then we..."

Just when Ye Fei was about to speak——

"Nine Lives Demon, you actually found it!"

There was a thick and sharp sound, followed by the sound of a gust of wind blowing leaves around.


Ye Fei immediately felt his body being blown by a gust of cold wind, and immediately looked up to where the sound came from.

"'s the second senior brother!" Hua Tianshi also looked in that direction with a shocked expression on his face.

"Okay, let's go."

Ye Fei's eyes lit up, he grabbed Tianshi Hua, and then flew in the direction of the Nine Lives Demon.

And at this moment-

In Nine Lives Demon's place, he was being surrounded by a gust of cold wind with wind blades in it, and at this moment, black lights were surging all over his body.

Opposite the Nine-Life Demon is a tall, thin and stern man, his hands are constantly making talismans, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, a huge tornado appears where the Nine-Life Demon is standing, and some small trees around are swept into it .

"Second senior brother, do you want my help?"

Behind the stern man, there is also a man in black standing. He is not tall and looks a bit stocky, but his eyes give people a dark feeling, and beside this man is a pale innocent and beautiful woman. , Shangguan Mayfair.

"No, take good care of that young lady, don't wait to get her injured because of the war."

Wufengtou turned slightly to the person behind and spoke, but at this moment he was holding his right hand empty, and an attack containing terrifying wind energy was brewing.

"Nine-Life Monster, your strength is indeed pretty good, but your cultivation is unorthodox..." Wu Feng smiled lightly and glanced at the Nine-Life Monster who was trapped by his wind blade, and suddenly shouted: "Xie Feng Po!"

Then, I saw the small wind blade in his hand throwing it at the Nine Life Demon, and after he threw the wind blade, the wind blade rose against the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant wind blade and hit the Nine Life Monster and go.

Next, a violent explosion was heard, and the body of Jiuming Yao was knocked away by the terrifying wind blade.

At this time, Ye Fei happened to come from a distance, and when he saw the figure of Nine Lives Demon flying upside down, he immediately put Tianshi Hua down, and the whole person accelerated towards Nine Lives Demon.

Soon, he came behind Jiuming Yao, put one hand on Jiuming Yao's back, and the two of them flew backwards for a few meters under the powerful impact, before they could barely stop.

"Are you OK?"

Ye Fei straightened the Nine Lives Demon, and hurriedly asked with concern.

"Cough cough~~~"

Nine Lives Demon coughed twice, only feeling the blood surge all over his body, but fortunately, he was not injured. After all, the spell he practiced was that type of defense. He turned his head to look at Ye Fei, and said with a smile: "It's okay , can't die."

After finishing speaking, he glanced fearfully at the second senior brother Hua Tianshi in front of him, and said in a low voice: "Be careful, that man is indeed very powerful, and if I go one-on-one, I will definitely be killed."


Ye Fei raised his brows, then looked forward, and a tall and thin figure stood in front of him, and the vegetation around that person would unconsciously sway, which completely shows that this person is so strong that his every move can affect his surroundings .

"Uh, it seems that my second senior brother is not the only one, but there is also third senior brother next to me."

At this time, Hua Tianshi came up from behind and took a look at the people standing in front, there were clearly two figures, and he recognized the other person at a glance.

"Also strong?"

Ye Fei looked at Tianshi Hua and asked.

"Definitely better than me."

Hua Tianshi nodded in response.

"Regardless of whether he is strong or weak, let's go and meet him." Ye Fei shrugged, finally realizing that his strength was insufficient, but he was not discouraged in the slightest. Instead, he was even more motivated to become stronger, just like He was the same as he was in the secret service base. He was just an ordinary and weak child at the beginning, but his spirit of fighting and not admitting defeat made him the best agent of the secret service base.

"Pressure is motivation."

The corners of Ye Fei's mouth curled up slightly, and then he took the lead and walked forward.


PS: Today’s third update arrived. It was originally the promised fifth update, but today’s writing is too difficult, and I feel that I have encountered a bottleneck, so today there may be only four chapters. I hope everyone understands. Okay, let me explain to you, continue Write Chapter 4.

(End of this chapter)

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