super agent

Chapter 236 Inexplicable Crisis

Chapter 236 Inexplicable Crisis

Seeing Ye Fei lead the way, Jiuming Yao and Hua Tianshi naturally followed quickly, but Hua Tianshi's expression was not very good-looking, with a bitter face, as if he had expected something.

"No wind? Your wind is very strong."

Ye Fei walked to a place five or six meters away from Wufeng and stood still, then looked at Wufeng with a smile and said.

"It's okay, you are Mr. Ye, I heard that scar-faced man said a lot of bad things about you when I came down the mountain, but I know that guy must be sowing discord."

Wufeng raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Fei with a smile and said.

"Scar-faced man? Well, I know who that person is, but Wufeng, you seem a little rude like this, right?"

Ye Fei smiled immediately after hearing Wufeng's words, and then said indifferently when he saw Shangguan Fei'er lying next to him.

"I'm really sorry, but this is the best way for me to achieve my goal." Wufeng smiled apologetically at Ye Fei, then looked at Shangguan Fei'er beside him and said, "She's fine, she just fainted from fright."


Ye Fei nodded immediately, then looked at Wufeng and said, "Your goal is him?"

"That's right, this bastard is dishonest in the sect. Unexpectedly, he went to the metropolis of Huaxia Kingdom to misbehave. He even dared to ask someone to come to the sect for help. He completely embarrassed the Maoshan sect." Wufeng nodded, then looked at Tianshi Hua indifferently and said, "Junior Brother Huaqing, are you doing well in the metropolis? How dare you call yourself a celestial master? Master, his mana is so powerful that he doesn't even dare to call himself a master." Heavenly Master, it’s good that you’re here, but you’re just a scum.”

"Second...Second Senior Brother, I was wrong..."

Hua Tianshi suddenly looked at Wufeng with a mournful face and said.

"Now I know I'm wrong? It's too late, the master personally went out of the customs once because of your matter, and directly expelled you from the sect, but before that, you have to go back to the sect to be punished. You can do whatever you want, but if you still dare to go to the metropolis to misbehave next time, maybe next time I will not come to arrest you, but to kill you."

Wufeng glanced at Tianshi Hua indifferently. Judging from the situation, Tianshi Hua didn't do well in the sect.

It seems that these brothers and sisters don't have any good looks for him, no wonder he wants to leave the sect and run to the metropolis to pretend to be aggressive.

"Hua Qing?"

Ye Fei turned his head to look at Hua Tianshi. He thought Hua Tianshi was the guy's real name before.

"Hehe, it looks like you're finished when you go back."

Nine Lives Demon chuckled, and looked at Tianshi Hua jokingly.

"Shouldn't it be abolished directly?"

Ye Fei glanced at Tianshi Hua curiously and asked.

"Master is not that cruel, at most he will punish, but I ruined it." Hua Tianshi looked at Ye Fei and Jiuming Yao pitifully and said.

"Uh, it's okay if you're not in the sect. If you haven't been abolished, you can hang out with us in the future." Ye Fei glanced at Tianshi Hua in astonishment, then stared at Wufeng and said, "It's OK if you want him." ?”

"Well, our mission is just to take him away, don't you think we are here to avenge this bastard?"

Wufeng looked at Hua Tianshi and nodded in response.

"Well, Tianshi Hua, you are asking for blessings. We really can't beat your senior brother, otherwise we might be able to protect you."

Ye Fei touched his nose and saw Tianshi Hua said: "When you come back, everyone is drinking."

"Uh, well, we are not acquainted with each other."

Hua Tianshi nodded in astonishment, and at this point he had no hatred for Ye Fei and Jiuming Yao.

"Your medicine will almost wear off tomorrow."

Nine Lives Demon glanced at Tianshi Hua and said.


Tianshi Hua nodded, and then stepped towards Wufeng.

Wufeng glanced at Tianshi Hua indifferently, then looked at Ye Fei and said, "Mr. Ye, take this lady there. If Hua Qing returns to Zhonghai City in the future, if he does evil, he can be killed directly." .”

"Oh Well!"

Ye Fei nodded with a chuckle. Unexpectedly, things went smoothly today. At first, he thought he was going to fight Hua Tianshi's second senior brother. Unexpectedly, Hua Tianshi was a scum in the sect, but Saved him a lot of trouble!
"Nine Lives Demon, I have to remind you that something in your hand has attracted the attention of many forces. I think you should be careful, after all, your strength is still a bit weak." Wufeng suddenly glanced at Nine Lives The demon said: "It was just to test your strength just now. If I try my best, you will probably be killed by me."

"I know, your strength is indeed very powerful, but I don't know what you are talking about." Jiuming Yao said, staring at Wufeng with a slight glint in his eyes.

"The map to Huozhou has been circulated among our sects for a long time, and this time it was the faction of the Yanhuang guardian that leaked the secret, directly saying that the map is in your hands, and there is another mysterious person ..."

Said, Wufeng subconsciously glanced at Ye Fei who was hugging Shangguan Feier and said.


Nine Lives Demon immediately looked at Wufeng in shock.

At this moment, Ye Fei, who carried Shangguan Fei'er in his arms and walked towards Jiuming Yao, also frowned and stopped to look at Wufeng.

"Don't be so surprised, and I can definitely tell you that the people from the 'Fire Cave' have already started to hunt and kill you. As for our Maoshan faction... we don't plan to get involved here. The place of Huozhou is really not suitable. Let's go, don't say it's me when we go to Huozhou, even my master's strength will be greatly reduced, instead of fighting with those people in Liehuo Cave, I'd like to send you a message." Wufeng Chong Nine Lives Demon said indifferently Explained: "That's it, our task is also completed, so let's go first."

As he said that, Wufeng moved his body, and suddenly a strong wind blew up around him, everywhere was gray, and the sky was full of smoke and dust.

"Just leave?"

After a while, the place returned to normal. When Ye Fei was looking at the spot, Wufeng and others had disappeared.


After listening to what Wufeng said just now, Jiuming Yao's eyes became dark.

"What that guy said just now, I think we have to think long-term." Ye Fei saw the worry of Nine Lives Demon, and said quickly.

"Well, but let's go back first, you have to settle this woman down." Jiu Ming Yao nodded.

"Okay, let's go."

Immediately, the two of them jumped up and rushed towards the edge of the cemetery together.

At this time, it was a few miles away from the cemetery.

After Wufeng and others fell to the ground.

"Second senior brother, you seem to be very polite to that person named Ye Fei?"

Another man in black looked at Wufeng and asked.

Wufeng glanced at Tianshi Hua beside him, and said in a low voice: "His identity is not simple, don't ask the specific reason, let's hurry back to the sect."


The man in black nodded thoughtfully.



PS: Just four chapters today, let me brew it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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