super agent

Chapter 239 The Clone Captain

Chapter 239 The Clone Captain

Bao Bai stared at Ye Fei with a confused expression, not understanding what he was talking about.

"Hehe, you may not know, but these are not important, the important thing is that you know that you are very good." Ye Fei glanced at Baobai and smiled.

"Then Mr. Ye, can I protect Miss Yang and help her?"

Bao Bai nodded, then looked at Ye Fei expectantly and asked, after all, he was an honest and responsible person, and he was here to do things, so he felt quite guilty for cutting trees every day.

"It's not in a hurry now. My wife is still safe. What you have to do now is to improve yourself. You should know the truth of sharpening your knife and not mistakenly chopping firewood?"

Ye Fei waved his hand at Bao Bai. This simple and honest man in front of him is likely to become an important help in the future.

"I know."

Bao Bai nodded quickly.

"Yeah, your ability to control the blade with your mind is really good now, but it still needs to be improved, and the body needs to be strengthened, and then!" Ye Fei looked at Bao Bai and suddenly thought of something: "I still have a set of steps. At that time, I will copy it out for you, and you can practice according to it. If this is the case, it will be of great help to you in the future. By the way, have you read the book?"

"Graduated from elementary school!"

Bao Bai said with a little shame.

"That's enough, you just need to know how to read." Ye Fei patted Bao Bai's shoulder and nodded, "It's okay, go online more often and look at some high-end things, which will also help your knowledge a lot, okay, You continue to practice, I will give you the footwork later."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, I will definitely work hard."

Bao Bai nodded to Ye Fei gratefully.

"Come on."

Ye Fei nodded at Bao Bai and walked towards the house.

As soon as she walked into the room, Yang Manying was already standing at the door changing her shoes. She was obviously about to go out. When she saw Ye Fei walk in, she gave Ye Fei a cold look with her beautiful eyes, and said in a low voice, "The beauty nest is very comfortable, you know?" Come back?"

"Hehe, what a beauty's nest, this is my home, and my wife is so beautiful." Ye Fei walked to Yang Manying with a smile.

"leave me alone."

Yang Manying glanced at Ye Fei indifferently, thinking that this guy might be lingering with that woman for the past two days, she felt uncomfortable all over her body.


Ye Fei hurriedly took half a step back, and then asked curiously: "By the way, are things stable now?"

"thank you for your information."

Yang Manying has a clear distinction between public and private, and Ye Fei has really helped her a lot this time, so she should say thank you.

"It should be, we are husband and wife."

Ye Fei replied with a smile.

"I'm going to work."

Yang Manying was too lazy to talk nonsense with Ye Fei, so she immediately put on her high heels and went out.

Seeing this, Ye Fei originally wanted to say to send her there, but seeing Yang Manying's face just now, he thought about it and decided to forget it.

Immediately, Ye Fei walked into the room. Seeing this, Wang Ma, who was having breakfast, immediately called out to Ye Fei: "Young master is back, come over for breakfast."

"I ate, Wang Ma, you can eat by yourself, I will go in and get something before I go out."

Ye Fei turned his head and smiled at Wang Ma, then walked towards his room.

After Ye Fei returned to his room, he opened the closet, took out a clean suit, then changed the clothes on his body, took a picture in front of the mirror, felt that everything was OK, and when he was about to go out to work, the phone rang stand up.

"Huh? What's the matter with Xu Qing calling me?"

Ye Fei took out his mobile phone to look at the caller ID, then connected the mobile phone and asked, "Hey, what's the matter with Officer Xu calling me suddenly?"

"It seems that I have encountered some trouble recently, no, it should be said that our police have encountered some trouble." Xu Qing said in a low tone.

"Huh? Are the police in trouble?"

Ye Fei asked inexplicably.

"Recently, a strange person appeared in Zhonghai City, who often robs major banks...We are helpless against him." Xu Qing explained.

"Wait a minute, ran to rob the bank alone? You have nothing to do with him?" Ye Fei still didn't understand what Xu Qing meant, and hurriedly continued to ask.

"This weirdo, if he told ordinary people, he would definitely say that I am crazy, but I believe you will definitely not."

Xu Qing continued to explain: "Every time this weirdo robs a bank, he always goes with a gang. There are at least seven or eight of them. Our police caught them a few times, but after killing them all, we found that they were all the same person. And after they were arrested, they became fools. This is not the key point. The key point is that after we arrested a group of people, another group of people robbed them, and they were still that person. Now we are really helpless because of that person. "

" mean, that person has the technique of avatar?"

Ye Fei vaguely understood it, but he still couldn't believe it. A person with such abilities needs to rob a bank?
"From the perspective of modern technology, that person can clone, and he can clone himself infinitely. At least until now, this guy has cloned at least hundreds of people, and he has become a 'clone captain'." Xu Qing corrected Ye Fei's words explained.

"Captain clone?"

Ye Fei opened his mouth in astonishment.

"That's the name we gave him."

Xu Qing immediately explained, and then said: "We really can't do anything now, that's why I thought of you, are you free? Come to the police station."

"Okay, I'm also quite curious about the 'Captain Clone'." Ye Fei nodded in response. After all, Xu Qing helped him a lot. Now that he has trouble finding him, it's natural to get over it.

Of course, he was quite interested in this clone captain, he knew that that person was definitely not someone who possessed the avatar technique, but was really cloned as Xu Qing said.

In today's society, there are already examples of cloning living beings, and it is normal for those scientists who hide themselves to conduct scientific research to take another step on this road.

Immediately, Ye Fei hung up the phone, saw Bao Bai outside, and immediately copied a copy of Wuyinbu's law. After finishing these, he opened the door and went out, explained to Wang Ma, walked out of the room, and The decision of the five Yin steps was handed over to Queen Bao Bai.

Ye Fei drove the car straight to the police station.

Half an hour later, Ye Fei drove to the gate of the police station, and Xu Qing was already waiting for him at the gate.

"Is that clone captain really so awesome?"

Ye Fei opened the door and got off the car, walked to Xu Qing's side, and asked immediately.

"Yeah, that guy is going to rob again now, and we've already sent people there." Xu Qing nodded, with a helpless expression on her face, then looked at Ye Fei and said, "Let's talk inside first."

"Fuck, that guy is crazy about money, grabbing it every day?"

Ye Fei followed Xu Qing to the lobby of the police station speechlessly.


PS: Today is Chapter 3. At the same time, I would like to thank the 'Long Jinxian' children's shoes for their generous rewards. On behalf of Ye Fei, Xiao Zeng would like to express his sincerest gratitude. Xiao Zeng is full of motivation in a short time, and today there will be five chapters without any accidents.

 Today's Chapter 3, at the same time, I would like to thank the 'Long Jinxian' children's shoes for their generous rewards. On behalf of Ye Fei, Xiao Zeng would like to express his sincerest gratitude. Xiao Zeng is full of motivation in no time, and there will be five chapters today without any accidents.

(End of this chapter)

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