super agent

Chapter 240 Clues

Chapter 240 Clues
Immediately, Ye Fei and Xu Qing went straight into the police station. Xu Qing walked into the back of the police station and said, "One of the cloned corpses of that person is kept."

"what about others?"

Ye Fei thought for a while and asked.

"Of course it was destroyed, why keep those, more than 100!"

Xu Qing glanced at Ye Fei and explained.


Ye Fei shrugged, then followed Xu Qing into a room in the police hall.

"Team Liu!"

After entering the room, Xu Qing immediately greeted Liu Feng in the room, "Ye Fei is here."


Liu Feng nodded, glanced at Ye Fei and said, "Brother Ye, I may need your help this time."

"You're welcome."

Ye Fei waved his hand, and walked straight in without being polite. A corpse in a black uniform was lying flat in the middle of the room. If the black uniform he wears, others will think that this person is a rural person.

"Just him?"

Ye Fei pointed at the dead body lying on the ground, looked at Liu Feng and Xu Qing and asked, "Does it look very ordinary? Such a person actually makes you so miserable?"

"That's right. We checked this person online. It seems that his name is Chen Jun. He was from Jianghe Town. He used to farm in the village. He disappeared a year ago, and his family also died strangely." Liu Feng looked at Ye Fei. explained.

"Well, it must be during the year of his disappearance that wonderful changes have taken place in his body, otherwise it would be impossible for him to suddenly become what he is now."

Ye Fei nodded and analyzed.

"Well, we also know that the key now is to find out the changes that happened in the year he disappeared, otherwise it would be really difficult to get started. Those who come out for activities are all his substitutes, and the main body must be hiding somewhere." Xu Qing also went up. Said before.

"Then what do I need to do? Go catch those doubles? It seems that you are enough, and that guy's fighting power is not strong." Ye Fei rubbed his nose and glanced at the two of them and asked.

"That guy bought a gun after stealing money. If we kill him, he will just die as a substitute, but when he kills us, he will suffer heavy casualties..."

Xu Qing looked at Ye Fei and said.

"In this case, then find the source of the firearm..." Ye Fei pondered for a while, but immediately reacted and continued: "Oh yes, even if you know it, it may not be useful. After all, that guy can also use a substitute, but we You can limit his sources of firearms!"

"Yeah, why didn't we think of that!"

After hearing Ye Fei's words, Liu Feng's eyes lit up, and he looked at Xu Qing excitedly and said, "Go and investigate immediately, which black forces are selling guns without permission."

"Well, I can help you with a question, but this is a temporary solution, not the root cause, we still have to find that guy!" Ye Fei said immediately.

"Okay, let's limit his firearms first, otherwise the police will suffer too much." Liu Feng nodded immediately.

"Well, I'll make a call and ask."

Ye Fei nodded, and then left outside.

"Then I'll go out first."

Xu Qing quickly followed her out.

Ye Fei took out his mobile phone while walking, then turned to Susan's phone, dialed it, leaned against the wall of the door, and watched Xu Qing leave outside.

"Hey, what's the wind blowing? Call me when you have time?" Susan said with a somewhat resentful voice.

"I want to ask you something, are your firearms selling well recently?" Ye Fei asked after thinking about it.

"Why do you ask this? Are you interested in this kind of thing now?"

Susan immediately asked Ye Fei curiously.

"It's a serious matter, tell me quickly, is there any?" Ye Fei said to Susan in a solemn tone.

"It's always been the same, we haven't changed much here, but..." Susan replied indifferently.

Ye Fei immediately asked, "But what?"

"Long Qi's guns have sold a lot these days. I heard that a big customer has come." Susan replied.

"Long Qi, okay, thank you."

Ye Fei nodded, and then hung up the phone. No matter what happened to Long Qi, there must be a lot of suspicion in him anyway.

After asking about the result, Ye Fei walked to the door of the room just now. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Xu Qing running over in a panic. He quickly asked, "What's wrong? You look so flustered?"

"Big situation, big situation."

Xu Qing looked at Ye Fei excitedly, then opened the door and said, "Go into the room and talk."

Ye Fei nodded and followed Xu Qing into the room.

"Captain, something has happened."

Xu Qing came to the room and said excitedly to Liu Feng.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Liu Feng raised his eyebrows to see Xu Qing asking.

"Just now, Professor Ma Lin from the Municipal Academy of Sciences said that there is an important situation that needs to be reported to the police." Xu Qing said.

"What is he doing here?"

Liu Feng looked at Xu Qing puzzled and asked.

"He said he knew some information about the clone captain and wanted to provide us with it." Xu Qing quickly explained to Liu Feng.

"Really? Well, let's go there quickly."

Liu Feng's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly, with an eager look on his face. He can't be blamed for this, it really annoyed him to death, and the higher-ups issued a death order, and he must solve this matter as soon as possible, after all, the impact is too bad Yes, every day someone robs a bank or something.

"By the way, Captain Liu, I also have some news. Do you know that Long Qi?" Ye Fei next to him said suddenly.

"Dragon Seven?"

Liu Feng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and responded, "I know, this guy is a gangster and has some influence, why? Has something to do with him?"

"A little bit, his recent gun sales are relatively abnormal. I think it's a bit suspicious, but of course it's not necessarily."

Ye Fei nodded solemnly and said.

"Well, I would rather kill by mistake than let it go." Liu Feng murmured, then looked at Xu Qing and said, "Arrange some people to investigate Long Qi's place."


Xu Qing replied.

"Well, let's go and see what clues that Professor Ma Lin can give us. I hope it will be useful. Otherwise, if that guy continues to be a disaster, then we will be finished." Liu Feng said with an urgent expression on his face. go outside.

"Let's go over and hear what's going on!" Xu Qing glanced at Ye Fei and said, "This time, it's really too damned. I can't believe that such a person would appear!"

"Okay, it turned out to be a professor, so it must have something to do with scientific research, and there are so many things in this world that make you unbelievable, this is actually nothing, I think that person should be like the actor on TV. Different changes have taken place like the experimental mice."

Ye Fei shrugged and followed out with a calm face.


PS: Sweat, I feel sleepy while writing, I am really tired, let's go to the fourth watch, sorry!

 Khan, I feel sleepy while writing, I am really tired, let's make it to the fourth watch, I'm sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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