super agent

Chapter 254 Encountered Sniper Attack

Chapter 254 Encountered Sniper Attack
KTV door.

"You are too bad, you just got the whole group drunk!"

Yang Manying glanced at Ye Fei beside her and said in a low voice.

"Are you still distressed?"

Ye Fei shrugged and glanced at Yang Manying.

"I'm overthinking it, but you're too ruthless and let him drink so much." Yang Manying said with a curled lip.

"Originally, if they lose, they only need to drink ten cups, so whoever asked you to raise!"

Ye Fei touched his nose and smiled.


Yang Manying gave Ye Fei an angry look, and quickly changed the topic: "When you played that dice, you must have made a thousand shots, right? I don't believe that I am really that good, and I can roll it when I say what time?"


Ye Fei glanced at Yang Manying and replied.

"Do not believe."

Yang Manying shook her head and continued to stare at Ye Fei.

"I don't believe you still ask?"

Ye Fei glanced at Yang Manying speechlessly.

"I...I want to hear your answer!" Yang Manying was stunned for a moment, but immediately continued to ask.

"Well, you have OCD!"

Ye Fei sighed, and then said: "I'll drive over here, just wait a moment!"

"Is that right?"

Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei unwillingly and asked.

Ye Fei was really defeated by Yang Manying, and immediately turned around and said, "Didn't you already know..."

Ye Fei suddenly stopped in the middle of speaking, because he saw a tiny red light flashing through the flashing glass at the entrance of the KTV.

"Be careful--"

Ye Fei's expression changed drastically, and he rushed towards Yang Manying. His speed suddenly became extremely fast, and he turned into a black shadow and rushed to the front and back of Yang Manying, leading her to the side.

Just as Ye Fei took Yang Manying away from that place, a muffled gunshot exploded.


Then, there was a series of screams, and the people in the KTV and those who had just walked to the door panicked.


Not far from the KTV, Ye Xuan, who was waiting in the car, narrowed his eyes slightly. Suddenly he opened the car door. He, who was dressed in an officer uniform, glanced at the top floor of the building opposite the KTV. A black flash flashed across. Immediately, he Glancing at Ye Fei and Yang Manying at the door behind, they quickly rushed towards the building.

"Just...just now?"

Yang Manying was held in Ye Fei's arms, her face paled with fright.

"We were being targeted, and it was a sniper."

Ye Fei glanced slightly at the opposite building, and a handsome figure flew towards the top of the building like a ghost. He knew that the person who had been following him was also a master.


Yang Manying immediately looked around with her beautiful eyes in a panic. She didn't know from which direction the sniper was aiming at them.

"He's gone."

Ye Fei continued to stare at the building opposite, the tall figure had rushed to the top of the building, but it was difficult for him to leave now, he had used the strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain before.


Yang Manying nodded. Hearing what Ye Fei said, she felt relieved, and said quickly, "Then let's go back quickly."

Ye Fei nodded, put his arms around Yang Manying, looked around and walked to the place where the car was parked. When he reached the door of the car, Yang Manying immediately opened the door and got into the car, while he stood at the door and looked at the empty license plate not far away.

"what happened?"

Yang Manying frowned and shouted at Ye Fei.

"It's nothing."

Ye Fei shook his head, opened the door and got into the car, then started the car and rushed home.

"Who do you think would want to do this?"

Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei who was driving with a gloomy face and asked, she was in a good mood today, but unexpectedly it was ruined like this.

"Many, your enemies may also be my enemies, wait until they continue to come, but I feel that our family will not be very ordinary in the future, I will try to let some of my former friends come to our house as guests. "Ye Fei frowned. He felt that the enemy this time should be looking for him. Maybe it was the enemy left behind when he was on a mission. He knew that there would be many such people, but before he He was alone, but he had never been afraid of someone coming to seek revenge on him, but now it was different, he had a bondage burden, and if someone took advantage of his loopholes, it would be very dangerous.

"your friend?"

Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei with raised eyebrows.

"Don't worry about this matter, just do your own thing with peace of mind." Ye Fei glanced at Yang Manying and said.


At this time, in a remote alley.

A figure in dark blue clothes with a sniper rifle on his back stopped on the spot, then slowly turned around, looked at the handsome man in military uniform in front of him, and said, "Who are you? It's okay to meddle in other people's affairs at will. Very impolite!"

tread, tread...

Just after the man in the dark blue clothes finished speaking, two figures covered in dark blue clothes came running quickly from a distance. They both carried sharp scimitars about a foot long in their hands, shining coldly. cold light.

"Didn't you see what kind of clothes I was wearing? If you ran to my Huaxia country and shot casually, are you looking for death?" Ye Xuan snorted coldly, looking directly at the three people in front of him with cold eyes.

"People from the military?"

The mysterious man with a sniper rifle looked at Ye Xuan, and said disdainfully, "So what, do you think we are ordinary people?"

"Ninjas? I don't know which faction it is from the Wa country. They ran to the Huaxia country to play wild, and be careful that you will never come back." Ye Xuan smiled lightly, and said to the others: "Be honest, why did you want to kill Ye Fei?"

"You want to know?"

The ninja with the sniper rifle on his back snorted coldly, and then saw him stretch his hands into his arms, and then thrust his hands forward.

Brush, brush, brush...

He saw more than a dozen darts in the shape of plum blossoms rushing towards Ye Xuan, and the two ninjas with scimitars beside him also rushed forward immediately upon seeing this.

"Hmph! Bug carving trick!"

Ye Xuan gave a cold snort of disdain, then clenched his fist with his right hand, the yellow glow surged, and terrifying power was brewing in his hand, seeing the dart flying, he directly thrust his fist forward.

bang, bang, bang...

The dart flying towards him was immediately sent back, but his body didn't stop. After flying the dart, his body moved and rushed towards the three people in front.

"Broken legs!"

Ye Xuan rushed to the front and back of several people, let out a low growl, and kicked out his right leg horizontally, and immediately saw a huge leg shadow kicking out.

Then, a bang sounded, the ground became shattered, and the surrounding area was filled with hazy smoke and dust.

Puff, puff, puff...

The three ninjas were the first to bear the brunt, and after being kicked more than ten meters away like sandbags, they hit the wall hard to stop their figures and fell to the ground.

"Cough cough..."

The ninja with the sniper rifle on his back was obviously stronger, so he immediately stood up enduring the pain in his body, and said to Ye Xuan in a cold voice: "I remember you, how dare you sabotage our affairs, even if you are powerful, must die too!"

bang, bang...

After finishing speaking, he threw two cannonball-like objects, and his place was suddenly covered in gray.


While waiting for Ye Xuan to look ahead, the person had already disappeared!
(End of this chapter)

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