super agent

Chapter 255 Mysterious Forces

Chapter 255 Mysterious Forces
After Ye Fei drove home with Yang Manying, Ye Fei parked the car, and Yang Manying got out of the car with an ugly face, and she was quite frightened.

"Wait a moment."

Ye Fei called Yang Manying to stop.

"what's up?"

Yang Manying turned to look at Ye Fei with a serious expression on her pretty face.

"In the future, don't strike up a conversation with strange men."

Ye Fei touched his nose and stared at Yang Manying with a pitiful look.


Yang Manying suddenly collapsed. She thought Ye Fei was going to say something serious, so she glared at Ye Fei coldly and said, "Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, but the common people are not allowed to light lamps?"

After speaking, Yang Manying shook her head and left.

"Who is the governor?"

Ye Fei was taken aback, and immediately got out of the car.

Walking into the room, Ye Fei saw that Yang Manying was not in the living room, so he probably went back to the room to rest.

Seeing this, Ye Fei could only go back to his room. He didn't know what to do now. The sniper hid in the dark to snipe today, but it didn't seem to be targeting Yang Manying. be careful.

"Hey, there are too many enemies, and I don't know who came to the door."

Ye Fei sighed and shook his head. When he was an agent, he completed too many missions, and there were many difficult ones. More or less, he would provoke many unknown enemies, so now he doesn't know what to do. To deal with it, we can only wait slowly.

Thinking, he took out his mobile phone, found Susan's phone number, and dialed.

"Hey, you finally thought of me? Why did you hang up for no reason?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Susan's cursing voice came.

"Uh, there was a little accident, do you have something to do with me?"

Ye Fei asked Susan in astonishment.

"It was there, but it's gone now."

Susan replied.


Ye Fei was speechless for a moment, and quickly said: "Is it there or not? If not, then I have something to do."


Susan shook her head and continued, "What's the matter with you?"

"Help me check something."

Ye Fei said directly: "Help me check the license plate number of a car, the number is 9527388."


Susan suddenly felt that this number was a little familiar, and immediately reacted, "Why are you asking about this license plate number?"

"Fuck, I don't know who is following me today, and he seems to be a master, I have to investigate!" Ye Fei said.

"Uh, then... well, you wait for my news then."

Susan thought for a while and nodded.

"Well, check it out for me."

Ye Fei nodded.


Immediately, Susan hung up the phone.

"Huh? Why do you feel something is wrong today, why don't you ask specifically?"

However, Ye Fei just thought about it casually without much doubt.

"It's time to find someone to come over and do the security work, otherwise I'm a little worried!"

Ye Fei has really felt a sense of crisis recently. Of course, that kind of crisis is not aimed at him. He is not afraid of anyone seeking revenge. The main reason is that he has so many women around him, which makes him feel relieved and worried!
And if someone is called, it is natural to call someone who is outstanding, and there are many people in their secret service base.

Immediately, he turned on the computer and called for someone!


San Diego Entertainment Center.

"Have you fought Ye Fei?"

Susan stood in a room, looking at Ye Xuan who was sitting on the sofa and was wearing a military uniform.

"Huh? Why do you ask that?"

Ye Xuan drank tea, looked up at Susan and asked.

"You went to follow him today and you were discovered. I thought you guys did it!" Susan pursed her lips and looked at Ye Xuan and asked, "Ye Fei called me just now to ask me to check your license plate number."

"Oh, I originally wanted to talk to him, but I found something interesting, so I followed him all the way, and I didn't hide." Ye Xuan nodded, and continued: "Ye Fei seems to be in a little trouble , someone sniped him today, but luckily he is very skilled, so he avoided it."

"Someone sniped him?"

Susan exclaimed.

"Well, and the person who sniped him was not an ordinary person. It seems that the person didn't want to kill him today, but just wanted to give a warning."

Ye Xuan glanced at Susan and said.

"then you?"

Susan stared at Ye Xuan.

"Ye Fei didn't dare to leave. His wife was there, afraid of being tricked by others, so I went to help him chase them. Those people turned out to be ninjas from Japan. What did this guy do before? Man, I vaguely saw a black evil cloud on the ninja's clothes, which may indicate that those people are the identity of a certain black force in the Japanese country, such an enemy is very powerful." Ye Xuan explained.

"I don't know Ye Fei's identity, but he is also very powerful, with power beyond ordinary people, just like you." Susan Dai said with a slight frown.

"Oh? Yeah, I thought my elder brother was really just like you said, just a rascal. According to what you said, he still has some skills, but I think about it, otherwise how could it be possible? You have provoked such an enemy!" Ye Xuan frowned, temporarily becoming curious about Ye Fei.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Susan nodded, then stared at Ye Xuan and asked.

"Next? Let's not talk to him for now, and secretly see what forces are dealing with him. If you have a chance to help him eradicate it, just treat it as a greeting." Ye Xuan shrugged and said.

"Hehe, that would be pretty good."

Susan chuckled.

"Well, but before that, I have to call the secretary of Zhonghai City called Tang Yanmin. The future mistress of the Ye family will not allow his son to get involved!"

Ye Xuan nodded and took out his phone.

"What do you mean?"

Susan didn't understand what it meant.

"The interesting thing today is that Tang Yanmin's son is still pursuing Yang Manying. Is he crazy?"

Ye Xuan looked at Susan with a smile and said.

"Eh? No way, it's not what you said just now, Yang Manying will become the mistress of the Ye family in the future?"

Susan looked at Ye Xuan with a stunned expression.

"Yang Manying doesn't talk about appearance, but she is quite outstanding in terms of ability. You can't compare with her in this regard. Is it true?" Ye Xuan glanced at Susan and said.


Susan curled her lips and snorted.

"This is one of them. What's more, when my grandfather asked me to come out, he told me that the Ye family had treated Ye Fei a lot, so they should make more compensation in the future. My grandfather is also very satisfied with Yang Manying's daughter-in-law. Her Many people in Yanjing know of many deeds, she will be the mistress of the Ye family in the future, I believe no one will have any objections."

Ye Xuan continued to explain with a smile, although it was obvious that Susan was uncomfortable, he still said it out.

"Why do you look at me like that? Don't you have any objections?"

Susan crossed her arms and stared at Ye Xuandao.

"I have no objection, and I'm not interested in those things. It's just that my dad told me to come back. Otherwise, I don't plan to hang out in Yanjing. It's boring. It's better to stay in Kunlun and be free." Ye Xuan spread his hands and looked Calm expression.

"That's none of my business, that's it, you can rest."

Susan shrugged, then turned to leave.


At this time, in a remote dilapidated factory building.

"How did this happen? Didn't I ask you to just give a warning? It's impossible for you to kill him." A deep and sharp voice sounded in the dilapidated factory building, but it was not Chinese, but a 'Japanese language' .

In the dilapidated factory building, a figure in a black robe who doesn't look very tall is standing in the factory building, wearing a black hood on his head. In the dark night, he can only vaguely see his pair of deep and deep, With bloodthirsty eyes, and if you look carefully, you can see a black evil cloud on the robe of this man in black.

In front of this black-robed man, there were three half-kneeling figures, and their three breaths were slightly sluggish.

"I'm sorry, my lord, we just gave a warning, and that person didn't come after him, but I don't know where he came after a Chinese master and injured us. He is too strong." He was injured by Ye Xuan before and escaped. The ninja in blue lowered his head and said.

"A master of the Huaxia Kingdom? You dare to destroy the affairs of my Heiyun family, you really want to die!" The black-robed man's eyes flashed, and he asked quickly: "Can you see who it is?"

"Wearing a military uniform, he looks very similar to that person!" The blue-clothed ninja immediately explained.

"Then let's kill together."

A murderous intent flashed across the eyes of the black-robed man, and he said: "Agent Ye Fei must die. He actually ran to my Japanese country and killed the young patriarch of my Heiyun family. He was at the secret agent base, and we Heiyun The family still has to worry about Western influence, now he has gone to Huaxia, and he is still alone, hum..."

"My lord, are you going to make a move?"

The ninja in blue asked immediately.

"The family will still send some people over in a few days. At that time, they will kill you together with Ye Fei and the person who injured you. My Heiyun family has always bullied others. No one dares to bully us. That man in military uniform must be One of the so-called Guardians of Yanhuang in Huaxia Kingdom."

The man in black robe glanced at the ninja in blue and said in a low voice.

"Guardian of Yanhuang?"

Immediately, the blue-clothed ninja showed panic on his face, no wonder he was so powerful.

"Don't worry, the guardians of Yanhuang usually gather in Yanjing. There are no people in Zhonghai City. After we get rid of the agent Ye Fei, we can return to China smoothly..." the black-robed man said with a bit of longing in his tone!
(End of this chapter)

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