super agent

Chapter 257 Ling Wei Resigns

Chapter 257 Ling Wei Resigns
Baimei International, in an elegant coffee shop next to it.

"Xiao Wei, you look so ugly, are you complaining about your parents coming to your company?" Ling Guofeng stirred the coffee in front of him twice, and then broke the embarrassing atmosphere, because he obviously found that something was wrong with Ling Wei's mood.

"Hehe, Xiaowei, if you don't like it, then we won't come here anymore." Ling Ma naturally saw that Ling Wei's expression was abnormal, and said apologetically.

"Uh, hehe, Uncle and Aunt, you are thinking too much. Why doesn't Xiaowei want you to come? Maybe you came too suddenly!"

Seeing Ling Wei's silence, Ye Fei quickly smiled and talked nonsense.

"Dad, have to tell me in advance when you come to the company, you suddenly followed me to work without saying a word, trouble Ye Fei!" Ling Wei sighed, facing her parents, she also have no choice.

"No trouble, no trouble, I'm free."

Ye Fei quickly waved his hand, looking like a good old man.

Ling Wei glanced at Ye Fei, then looked at her parents and said, "If you want to visit the company in the future, call me and don't look for Ye Fei. He and I are really just colleagues. If you are in this way in the future , I may have to resign."

"No, no, never again!"

Seeing his daughter's persistent attitude, Ling Guofeng waved his hands in a panic.

"Yes, Xiaowei, don't talk nonsense. If you don't like it in the future, Mom and Dad won't bother you." Ling's mother's face also changed slightly.

"Hehe, uncle and aunt are joking."

Ye Fei laughed lightly and said.

"Hehe, just a joke, just a joke."

Mama Ling smiled and nodded.

For the next 5 minutes, everyone drank coffee in silence. Of course, the most important reason was that Ling Wei didn't speak.

"Then... then that's it for today, we're just strolling around, Xiaowei, go to work with Xiaoye."

Ling Guofeng drank the coffee in one gulp, then patted Ling Ma's hand beside him, and smiled at Ling Wei with a forced smile.

"Yeah, Xiao Wei is going to work hard!"

Ling Ma understood, picked up the old handbag, stood up and said to Ling Wei.

"Well, okay, be careful."

Ling Wei nodded and pursed her lips in response.

"Uncle and aunt, then you go slowly!"

Ye Fei took a deep breath. When he faced his elders, he was really aggrieved, even more aggrieved than when he faced a hail of bullets.

"Sister Ling Wei, something is wrong with you?"

After Ling's father and Ling's mother left, Ye Fei wanted to get up and leave, but seeing Ling Wei's expression was not normal, he hurriedly asked with concern.

"I'm going to resign!"

Ling Wei stirred the coffee and said in a deep voice.

"Resign... resign?"

Ye Fei was taken aback, and said: "Sister Ling Wei, you are very good at Baimei International. You have done so many things for Manying. She is about to enter the Yang Group. By then, you will definitely become a high-level figure in Baimei International. Even if you have the opportunity to enter the Yang Group, if you leave now, wouldn't all your hard work in the past few years be in vain? If you go outside, you must start all over again."

"I'm a little tired and want to take a good rest. Baimei International puts a lot of pressure on me." Ling Wei looked up at Ye Fei and said.

"Because of your parents? Are you afraid that Manying will misunderstand you?"

Ye Fei frowned and asked Ling Wei.

"No, I really..."

A little panic flashed in Ling Wei's beautiful eyes.

"You think you can fool me? It's really nothing. You don't need to leave for this reason at all. "

Ye Fei looked at Ling Wei helplessly.

"you do not understand!"

Ling Wei put down the coffee spoon in her hand, glanced at Ye Fei, stood up with a complicated face, turned and left towards the door.

"I don't understand, then explain it to me!"

Ye Fei immediately stepped over his seat and chased after him.

"Some things will change if you say them out!"

Ling Wei stepped on her high heels and shook her head to look at Ye Fei.


Ye Fei was startled immediately, and was about to catch up.

"Sir, you pay the bill!"

The coffee waiter walked up to Ye Fei and spoke.


Ye Fei nodded, and immediately took out a few 100 yuan coupons and stuffed them into the waiter's hand, "You don't need to look for it."

After finishing speaking, he immediately chased after Ling Wei. If she really resigned, he would be very sorry. He vaguely felt that the reason why Ling Wei planned to resign was because of him, even if Ling Wei didn't say it clearly.

Ling Wei walked quickly, and arrived at the gate of Baimei International in the blink of an eye.

Ye Fei naturally quickened his pace and followed Ling Wei, "Sister Ling Wei, don't be arrogant, there are still many opportunities for you in the future."

"Xiaoye, you don't need to do this. In fact, I thought about resigning a few days ago. There is really no complicated reason. I want to leave."

Ling Wei smiled and said to Ye Fei while walking: "Besides, Mr. Yang's career has gradually stabilized now, and I can't help you much..."


Ye Fei glanced at Ling Wei, and it hurt a little bit to say this, why did it sound like he was going to retire after a successful career!

The two entered the elevator together. Since it was working hours, there were not many people taking the elevator, so it happened to be just the two of them.

"Sister Ling Wei, are you planning to resign now?"

Ye Fei glanced at Ling Wei and asked.

"Xiaoye, don't be like this. It's okay if I resign. Don't you believe in my ability?"

Ling Wei looked at Ye Fei with a smile and said.

"But, I feel that if you really resigned, you would really be resigned." Ye Fei shook his head helplessly.

"It's nothing, gold shines everywhere, trust me, even if I'm not here, we can still be friends in the future, right?" Ling Wei smiled.

Soon, the elevator doors opened.

Ling Wei nodded at Ye Fei, and then walked out of the elevator.


Ye Fei sighed, and didn't know how to explain it. Just like Ling Wei said, she had something hidden in her heart, and it was useless to say anything.

It is rare for Ye Fei to have the opportunity to come to the company. As soon as he walked in, he greeted everyone enthusiastically. Unfortunately, everyone knew his identity. He didn't dare to be too enthusiastic, at most he just nodded and said hello to him.

Ye Fei went back to his seat, and sat down a little bit. The life of an urban white-collar worker can be regarded as an experience. In the future, he may not come to work here, because Yang Manying is leaving here, he is naturally Will not stay any longer.

Not long after Ye Fei sat down, there was the sound of high-heeled shoes trampling next to her. Ling Wei was holding a letter in her hand and walking towards the office of Zhao Wanrong, head of the public relations department. Glancing at Ye Fei, he gestured with a smile.

"It seems that he is determined to leave here!"

Ye Fei could only shake his head and sigh immediately, originally Ling Wei would definitely do better in Baimei International...

(End of this chapter)

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