super agent

Chapter 258

Chapter 258

Minister's Office!
"Ling Wei, you are outstanding, why did you resign for no reason?"

Zhao Wanrong had a gloomy face, holding a resignation letter in her hand, and stared up at Ling Wei.

"My personal reason is that I'm a little tired and want to take a vacation for myself!" Ling Wei looked at Zhao Wanrong with a somewhat apologetic face.

"Tired? It's okay. The company may not be so busy recently. I approve you for a week's leave. It's not enough. Is that enough for one month?"

Zhao Wanrong stared straight at Ling Wei. She really didn't want Ling Wei to leave the company. After all, her ability to handle affairs was obvious to all, and now she was the most capable public relations person under her command.

"I... I'm actually because of some personal reasons, and there's something wrong with my family!"

Ling Wei pursed her lips and thought for a while before explaining.

Zhao Wanrong immediately looked at Ling Wei silently.

"Okay, originally I was going to be promoted to be a special assistant, and you must be the head of the public relations department. Since you are leaving now, I can't decide this matter. I will call Mr. Yang!" Zhao Wanrong knew that she had nothing to say now. No, Yang Manying still has to take charge of this matter.

As she said that, Zhao Wanrong picked up the phone and called Yang Manying. After a while, she looked at Ling Wei and said, "I've already called Mr. Yang, and she said that she will be down soon, please sit down."


Ling Wei immediately had a stunned expression on her face, but she also guessed that this might be the case, so she immediately calmed down and sat down to wait.

In less than 3 minutes, the elevator doors on this floor of the public relations department opened, and Yang Manying, who had become even more vulgar in temperament, appeared.

When she came to the PR department, her complexion didn't look very good. She glanced at the people present, fixed her eyes on Ye Fei, glared at him, walked to Zhao Wanrong's door, and knocked politely.

Immediately, Yang Manying walked in and closed the door behind her.


Ye Fei glanced at the crowd, smiled, and went to the door of Zhao Wanrong's office to eavesdrop.


After Yang Manying walked into the office, she looked directly at Ling Wei and said, "Is it because of Ye Fei that you are leaving?"

"Ah I……"

Ling Wei just saw that the person who came in was Yang Manying, and before she stood up, Yang Manying had already said straight to the point.

"That bastard, if I knew it, I wouldn't let him come to work here."

Yang Manying glanced in the direction of the door angrily, then continued to look at Ling Wei and said: "Baimei International, I will leave soon, and you are the next head of the public relations department I have identified, you don't need to leave for such a reason, waiting for your , will be a better future, and Ye Fei is about to leave here!"

"He...why did he leave?"

Ling Wei immediately looked at Yang Manying puzzled.

"Do you think he is here, like going to work?"

Yang Manying looked at Ling Wei with a faint smile and said.


Ling Wei glanced at Zhao Wanrong in astonishment, not knowing what to say.

"So, there's no need to leave because of that bastard. You have a good future, and you might be able to transfer to the headquarters in the future."

Yang Manying continued to persuade, she also did not want to lose such an outstanding employee in her hands.


Ling Wei was rendered speechless by Yang Manying's sharp words, and didn't know how to refute.

"Ling Wei, stay here, Mr. Yang has clearly promised you the position of minister."

Zhao Wanrong stood aside and echoed.

Immediately, Yang Manying didn't speak, and looked at Ling Wei quietly. What she needs now is to give her time to think.

After ten seconds of silence, Ling Wei gritted her teeth, looked at Yang Manying and said, "I... I still plan to leave..."


Yang Manying stared at Ling Wei and nodded for a few seconds, then looked at Zhao Wanrong and said, "Follow the procedure."

She knew that Ling Wei had made up her mind to go, and it was useless to say what she said, so she might as well just be direct.

After speaking, Yang Manying turned around and walked out the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Ye Fei was eavesdropping with his ears pricked up. Yang Manying immediately got angry and said in a deep voice, "You've been fired!"

"Uh, good!"

Ye Fei touched his nose with a calm expression.


Yang Manying glared at Ye Fei and snorted coldly, then walked towards the elevator.

"Then I approve your resignation, but if you want to come back in the future, you are welcome anytime!" Zhao Wanrong glanced at the door, then looked at Ling Wei and said.

"Yeah, Miss Wanrong, thank you for taking care of me all the time. If I have a chance in the future, I will go out to drink tea, go shopping, etc. Anyway, I will continue to look for a job in Zhonghai City, but don't worry, I won't go digging cypresses. A customer of American International." Ling Wei's tense face finally eased a lot.

"Hehe, okay, I'll see you off."

Zhao Wanrong nodded, and continued: "You shouldn't be looking for a new job tomorrow, right? If possible, come to the company to hand over."

"Well, no problem!"

Ling Wei nodded, then walked towards the door.

"Sister Ling Wei, let's leave together!" Ye Fei looked at Ling Wei with a smile and said.

"Ha ha!"

Ling Wei chuckled, she knew that Ye Fei was the kind of person who came to play, so there was nothing to be sad about leaving.

Ye Fei walked to his place and glanced at it. It seemed that he had nothing and didn't need to tidy up at all. He immediately went to Ling Wei's desk and helped tidy it up.

"Could it be that the two of you agreed?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Zhao Wanrong, who was also helping to clean up, hurriedly said in a slightly joking tone.

"No, how can I, I really want to resign!"

Ling Wei shook her head nervously.


Zhao Wanrong and Ye Fei had similar glances, and it was easy to tell that Zhao Wanrong was joking, why are they so serious.

"Hehe, I'm joking." Zhao Wanrong smiled lightly and patted Ling Wei on the shoulder.


Ling Wei nodded, glanced at Ye Fei, and then continued to pack her things.

Soon, Ling Wei packed her things, and then she glanced at the other people in the public relations department, and at this moment, those people almost understood, and turned their eyes here one by one.

"Goodbye everyone, I'm leaving."

Ling Wei smiled at everyone with a slightly sad face.

Immediately, those female staff members came forward and exchanged greetings in a comforting tone.

Soon, after everyone exchanged pleasantries, Ling Wei hugged her personal suitcase and left towards the elevator.

And Ye Fei walked with Ling Wei with a calm face. He was here to play, so it's okay to leave, and he also felt that he was going to leave. Today, he just came to resign.

"Sister Ling Wei, what are your plans for the future?"

Ye Fei walked into the elevator with Ling Wei, he looked at Ling Wei and asked.

"Let's rest for a few days, and then I will see where to find a job." Ling Wei said with a reddish glance at Ye Fei.

"You go home like this?"

Ye Fei pointed at the things in Ling Wei's hands, obviously packing up and leaving!

"Of course not. I plan to rent a house outside, otherwise I don't know how to explain it to my parents."

"Rent a house?"

Ye Fei was taken aback.

beep ring...

Just as he was about to say something, the phone rang. He took out his cell phone and saw that it was Xu Qing calling. He didn't need to think about what he was looking for, but he answered the phone immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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