super agent

Chapter 259 Capture the Clones

Chapter 259 Capture the Clones

After Ye Fei answered the phone, it was naturally Xu Qing who told him about the situation, told him the location and asked him to come as soon as possible.

The elevator door opened and came to the first floor.

Ye Fei glanced at Ling Wei and thought for a while, then quickly said: "Sister Ling Wei, if you want to rent a house, I have a good place, but I want to live with a woman, I wonder if you want to?"

"Is the environment nice?"

Ling Wei's eyes brightened. She will not have a job in the future, and her financial resources will definitely be relatively tight, and she will have to support her family. If someone she knows recommends a place to live, she should be able to save a lot of money.

"It's definitely good. As for the rent, you can pay it at that time."

Ye Fei walked out of the elevator and smiled at Ling Wei, and said, "That's it first, I have something to take care of, you can call me later."


Seeing Ye Fei's hurried appearance, Ling Wei nodded quickly.


At this moment, there are seven or eight police cars parked in an abandoned parking lot in Zhonghai City.

"Everyone, don't startle the snake, spread out and ambush!"

Wearing a black police uniform and holding a gun in her hand, Xu Qing, who looked heroic, arranged many criminal police officers to ambush her in an orderly manner.

And their gazes were all focused on a separate secret room under the abandoned parking lot, because through various channels, the police were finally sure that the body of the clone captain Chen Jun was staying there.

I have to say that the covert work of the clone captain is still pretty good!
At this moment, a business Mercedes-Benz stopped, and Lin Zicong, with shawl and slightly curly hair, appeared in a white robe. It was obvious that there were many things in the loose robe.

"Is anyone in there?"

Lin Zicong stepped up to Xu Qing's side, looked forward and asked.

"If your thing is okay, it should be in there."

Xu Qing waved to a policeman in front who was holding a high-end instrument.

The man came over and handed the fist-sized, half-meter-long cylindrical instrument to Xu Qing, and saw the bloody light on the surface of the instrument climbed to the 90.00% mark.

"No problem, that guy must be inside!"

Lin Zicong glanced at it and nodded immediately, "Are you going to organize this time? Where's your captain?"

"He has other cases at the moment." Xu Qing nodded and replied.

"Okay, let's go straight in. Apart from cloning clones, that guy has very poor combat effectiveness."

Lin Zicong nodded quickly, with an urgent expression on his face.

"Wait a minute, I called Ye Feilai, wait for him to come."

Xu Qing glanced at Lin Zicong with a twinkle in her beautiful eyes and said.


Lin Zicong glanced at Xu Qing and smiled, then took out a pistol, with a silver body and high-quality build, you could tell it was a good gun just by looking at it!
In less than 10 minutes, Ye Fei arrived by car.

"In the parking lot below?"

Ye Fei stopped the car and walked straight towards Xu Qing and Lin Zicong.

"Mr. Ye is here."

Lin Zicong looked at Ye Fei with a smile and greeted him.

"Well, Mr. Lin likes to wear white robes so much? It's unlucky to wear pure white."

Ye Fei nodded in response.

"Hehe, I'm used to it."

Lin Zicong smiled.

"Well, let's go in then."

Seeing this, Xu Qing nodded, and said to the policeman next to him, "Give him a gun."

Immediately, the police officer nodded and threw a pistol to Ye Fei.


Ye Fei rubbed his nose and smiled at Xu Qing.

Immediately, everyone started the siege operation, and four or five police officers with heavy firearms opened the way ahead.

A group of people walked into the dark and damp parking lot!
Da da da……

At this moment, several middle-aged men in black uniforms with the same face shot towards everyone with machine guns.

"Hidden quickly, we have been discovered!"

Xu Qing immediately fired two shots in the front, and then told everyone to move aside, while she said to the people behind: "Go and make sure all the escape routes are under control."

"Let's go?"

Lin Zicong glanced at Xu Qing and said, "That guy's combat effectiveness isn't that strong. He will definitely die in a shootout with regular police."

"He will die, but it's not his body that dies, and if the people on our side are hit, they will die directly." Xu Qing cast a gloomy look at Lin Zicong.

"Hehe, let Officer Xu handle it!"

Ye Fei chuckled lightly, but had a calm expression on his face.

"Actually, I'm casual, so follow Officer Xu's instructions."

Lin Zicong immediately shrugged and smiled at Ye Fei.

"Okay, let's disperse now, let the assault team go, and use the grenade and the flashbang, anyway, it's not that guy who died!" Xu Qing glanced at Lin Zicong and Ye Fei, then turned her pretty face, and rushed to the back. The man said cruelly.

In fact, Xu Qing and the others were also misunderstood by this clone captain, and they couldn't catch him all the time, which made them sleepless.


Immediately, a group of five iron-blooded police officers in black police uniforms nodded and stepped forward, and then the two in front walked forward cautiously with guns.

The three people behind took out a grenade from their pockets, pulled the string directly, and threw it into the parking lot.

Boom boom boom! ! !
Then, three roars sounded, which were deafening for a while, and thick smoke billowed.

The five commandos covered their ears, and when the explosion stopped, the two commandos in front immediately took out the flashbang from their pockets, pulled the string, and threw it in.

When the three people behind saw the flash bomb thrown in, they rushed in with guns without saying a word.


Then, the sound of machine gun fire sounded, and the two people in front rushed in after seeing the other three rushing in.

"The cooperation is quite tacit."

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei couldn't help admiring.

"Nonsense, this is a special soldier specially invited from the special forces. How can he do it without this ability?"

Xu Qing cursed in a low voice, then looked at the policeman behind and said, "Everyone rush in with me now."

Immediately, everyone rushed into the abandoned parking lot, and at this time, there were more than a dozen corpses with the same face lying on the ground not far away. Obviously, these clones were killed by several special forces personnel.

The parking lot is large and empty, with many guard lounges.

After everyone came in, they gathered together and looked at the surrounding situation carefully, while some police officers began to search these lounges one by one.

"Why bother? If I open my mouth, that guy will definitely show up!"

Lin Zicong held a gun in his hand, with a calm expression on his face.

"What do you want?"

Xu Qing looked at Lin Zicong with a puzzled face.

"Chen Jun, I'm Lin Zicong, do you remember me? I made this body of yours for you, but I don't think you will thank me..." Lin Zicong smiled, and then rushed to the parking lot yelled.

Suddenly, the entire parking lot was silent for ten seconds.

"Lin Zicong, I will fight with you!"

At this moment, there was an angry roar, which was obviously the roar of a group of people.

(End of this chapter)

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