super agent

Chapter 260 The Crisis of the Yang Group

Chapter 260 The Crisis of the Yang Group

Ye Fei accompanied Xu Qing to get some soy sauce, and after leaving the scene, he called Ling Wei.

In the hometown restaurant!

"Sister Ling Wei, do you usually come here to eat?"

Ye Fei looked at the environment of this small restaurant. Although it was simple, it was elegant and clean, with a bit of a peasant atmosphere.

"Well, I prefer to eat the dishes here, simple but delicious!"

Ling Wei sat opposite Ye Fei and nodded.

"Ha ha."

Ye Fei chuckled, saw the toolbox next to Ling Wei, and asked, "What have you been up to this morning?"

"I, just go for a stroll, look at the house and so on." Ling Wei pursed her lips and glanced at the toolbox she brought out of her resignation.

"Didn't you just say that I have a house. If you don't dislike it, you can live in it." Ye Fei immediately looked at Ling Wei and said, but after thinking about it, he asked: "By the way, if you move out, what should I do?" How do you explain it to your parents?"

"I just said that I was transferred to another branch, so I need to live outside. Isn't it easy to find a reason?" Ling Wei smiled and said to Ye Fei.

"That's good. After lunch, I'll take you there directly. The environment is not bad." Ye Fei nodded and smiled.

"Who are you living with? A man? A woman?"

Ling Wei thought about it and asked Ye Fei.


Ye Fei rolled his eyes at Ling Wei, and said, "Of course it's a woman. Living with a man doesn't directly mean that a sheep is in the mouth of a tiger!"


Ling Wei smiled, nodded and said, "Okay, let's take a look then."


At this time, at the San Diego Entertainment Center.

"Can't you change your clothes? Wear military uniforms every day!"

Susan sat at the bar downstairs, staring at Ye Xuan who was going downstairs and muttering.

"I only brought this kind of clothes here!"

Ye Xuan glanced at Susan speechlessly, and didn't care what clothes he was wearing.

"Where are you going?"

Susan waved her hand, seeing that Ye Xuan was about to leave, she hurriedly asked.

"I'm planning to go to the military region. The Japanese forces here seem to be stronger this time, so I plan to use the military's strength to fight against them, and at the same time let the military dispatch to search for their whereabouts." Ye Xuan turned to look at Susan and explained. road.

"You really care about it!"

Susan couldn't help giving Ye Xuan a thumbs up.

"Are you kidding me when my father disciplines you? I still understand the principles of being a human being. The Ye family owes him, and now I can only try my best to make up for it. This is what my grandfather told me when I came out. We must do this well." Something!" Ye Xuan smiled and looked at Susan and said.

"You are calm and reliable. You should be the head of the Ye family. Ye Fei, that bastard, will play tricks and play hooligans. If your father sees him, he will probably be pissed to death!" Susan resented Said the woman's expression.

"Let's see when the time comes, I'm free to make any arrangements for Grandpa and the others. Since you said Ye Fei's character is like this, I don't think it's possible for him to fight for such a false name!" Ye Xuan stared at Susan calmly. , then smiled and said: "Seeing that when you talked about Ye Fei, you looked like your teeth were itching, what happened to you?"

"Go, how dare he attack me? I'll hack him to death in minutes!"

Susan rolled her beautiful eyes and said angrily.

Ye Xuan curled his lips, and immediately left outside. He has nothing to do anyway, so let's solve Ye Fei's worries.


And at this moment, on the top floor of the headquarters building of Li's company.

dong dong——

There was a knock on the door of Li Guotai's room.

Li Guotai, who was sitting on the chairman's seat and looking at the documents, took off his glasses, looked at the door and said, "Come in!"

The person who came was none other than Li Guotai's youngest son, Li Tianyu. Recently, the family became silent after what happened to Hua Tianshi and Jiumingyao. , if this continues, they will all be finished.

"Dad, it's a big deal, a big deal!"

As soon as Li Tianyu entered the office, he walked around the door with a happy face and walked to the seat opposite Li Guotai and sat down.

"Why can't I change my frizzy habit? Now that your brother is abolished, Li's business will depend on you in the future!" Li Guotai frowned and reprimanded Li Tianyu with a slight dissatisfaction, and then asked, "What's the big deal?" ?”

"About the Yang Group..."

Li Tianyu spoke excitedly, but before he could continue speaking, he was interrupted by Li Guotai.

"It's the Yang Group again? Are you still thinking about fighting with Yang Manying and that Ye Fei? Didn't you see what happened to your brother?" Li Guotai looked at Li Tianyu with a gloomy face. Obviously he was very tired and didn't want to fight with Ye Fei. Fly them to fight, so he feels a little disgusted when Yang's group is mentioned.


Li Tianyu was taken aback, then reacted, scratched his head, looked at Li Guotai with a flustered expression, didn't know how to explain it for a while, pondered for a few seconds and said: "Let's not fight them openly this time, and not by force. thing……"

"What do you mean?"

Li Guotai frowned and looked at Li Tianyu puzzled.

"Dad, who are we?"

Li Tianyu asked quickly.

"That's the kind of person!"

Li Guotai said blankly.

"No, we...we are businessmen, and the shopping mall is our battlefield. If we can hit the Yang Group in the shopping mall, we will definitely be able to retaliate against Yang Manying and the others. What do you think?" Li Tianyu looked at Li Guotai, really What is more confused.

"What are you going to do?"

Li Guotai listened to Li Tianyu's words, his eyes sparkled. He has never started from this aspect. After all, he knows that Yang Manying values ​​Yang's group more than his own life. For the group, Yang Manying must be heartbroken, and maybe she will kneel down and beg herself at that time.

"The projects invested by the Yang Group recently have capital turnover problems. Their group's funds are not enough to supply, so many projects are currently stagnant. Wu Weisen has no choice but to sell the stock price, so as to alleviate the group's capital problem!" Li Tianyu immediately He explained with excitement.

"Fund turnover problem? The Yang Group's funds seem to have been abundant all the time. Why did such a big problem suddenly appear?" Li Guotai listened to Li Tianyu's words and pondered, a little confused. After all, he is old and cunning, thinking about things Definitely have to think it through.

"I wonder if you know a rumor?"

Li Tianyu knew that Li Guotai would ask such a question, but he was already prepared.

"What rumors? If you have something to say, make it clear at once. What's the point in front of me!" Li Guotai said impatiently.

"Wu Weisen founded his own company abroad, and he already knew that he was embezzling the Yang Group's public funds, but the amount was relatively small, so no one noticed it. Recently, with Yang Manying's entry into the Yang Group, that guy was a little panicked. , so..." Li Tianyu looked at Li Guotai with a sinister smile and said.

"So, he misappropriated public funds on a large scale, causing a crisis for the group!" Li Guotai finally heard the point, and his eyes lit up!

PS: I haven’t left a message for a few days. I didn’t expect a brother to give a reward recently. Xiao Zeng is very grateful. Here is a list of thanks: Thank you very much, 'Louisyang', 'People are tired of life' and 'Huafeng Machinery' For the tipping of children's shoes, there seems to be someone else, but it didn't show up, and Xiao Zeng doesn't know who it is, but I still have to thank you!
 I haven't left a message for several days. I didn't expect that there are brothers giving rewards recently. Xiao Zeng is very grateful. Here is a list of thanks: Thank you very much, 'Louisyang', 'People are tired of life' and 'Huafeng Machinery' several children's shoes There seems to be someone else for the reward, but it didn't show up, and Xiao Zeng doesn't know who it is, but thanks anyway!
(End of this chapter)

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