super agent

Chapter 261 The Opportunity Comes

Chapter 261 The Opportunity Comes
Boom, boom, boom...

Li Guotai tapped the desk lightly with his right hand, and fell into deep thought. He was considering whether to continue fighting Ye Fei and the others.

"Dad, why are you hesitating? In the shopping mall, our Li company has never been afraid of anyone!" Seeing Li Guotai's hesitation, Li Tianyu said anxiously. He didn't know why, but he didn't want Ye Fei Had a better time with Yang Manying.

"I have to think of a perfect plan this time, otherwise it will be too stupid to return home like before!" Li Guotai's eyes flickered, and he naturally wanted to take revenge.

"Well, let's not use Li's company to buy their shares. After buying the shares sold by Wu Weisen, we will try to find a way to bring down the Yang's group!" Li Tianyu nodded and said with a sinister smile.

"Okay then, I'll leave this matter to you, and it must be done well, so don't make any mistakes!" Li Guotai gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Dad, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down this time!" Li Tianyu nodded with certainty.

"Well, go ahead, I won't interfere in this matter."

Li Guotai waved his hand at Li Tianyu, as a tacit consent that he did so.

"Well, then I'll go."

Li Tianyu turned and left.

"Wu Weisen, don't blame me for being ruthless, although there is a little friendship between us..."

Li Guotai stared forward, with a bit of ruthlessness in his tiger eyes.

Shopping malls are like battlefields. In the face of interests, there are no permanent enemies, and it is also impossible to have permanent friends!

On the top floor of the Yang Group, the door of the chairman's office was rudely pushed open.

"Wu Weisen—"

Angrily, Yang Xueqin stepped on her high-heeled shoes and pushed the door hard, followed by the chairman's secretary with a helpless expression on her face.

"what happened?"

Wu Weisen, who was full of sadness, stood up and looked at Yang Xueqin with a puzzled expression.

"You idiot, how dare you ask me what's wrong!"

Yang Xueqin walked up to Wu Weisen, pointed at his nose and cursed.


Wu Weisen immediately glanced at Yang Xueqin in astonishment, then saw the secretary standing aside, and hurriedly said: "You go out first, we have something to talk about."

"Yes, Chairman!"

The female secretary nodded, glanced at Yang Xueqin meaningfully, then turned and left, closing the door behind her.

After the female secretary left, Wu Weisen looked at Yang Xueqin with a frown and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you suddenly so angry?"

"Tell me, what have you done recently, don't you need to discuss it with me?"

Yang Xueqin sat down on the sofa seat in the office, holding back her anger.


Wu Weisen followed Yang Xueqin, with a confused expression on his face, he shook his head and said, "It's nothing important. The company was short of funds yesterday, so I just sold some of my shares!"

"Are you selling shares? A little bit? Don't you know that the Yang Group has always been short of funds? You suddenly come up with this, do you know it will be very dangerous?" Yang Xueqin stared at Wu Weisen with a frown and said road.

"Dangerous? No way, this time I just embezzled a little more than before. Our own company recently had some cash flow problems, so I embezzled some, but it can be made up soon!" Wu Weisen didn't feel that There are too many problems.

"It's not a big problem? You sold the group's shares privately and embezzled public funds privately, causing the group's capital turnover to fail. Do you know that some shareholders have called me to ask me what's going on? I really don't know what you've been doing recently. Don’t you need to discuss things with me now?” Yang Xueqin stared at Wu Weisen with a livid face, and continued: “If the shares you sold this time are bought by someone who wants to harm the interests of the group, then he will use the shares to mess around. It's very dangerous if you come here, hurry up and make up the funds for me!"

"Don't worry, when our foreign company stabilizes, I will transfer the funds back." Wu Weisen nodded with a confident expression.

beep ring...

Just then, Yang Xueqin's cell phone rang.

Yang Xueqin glanced at the caller ID of her mobile phone, and immediately connected the call. Then her face became more and more ugly.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Yang Xueqin's attitude was getting worse and worse, Wu Weisen frowned.

Yang Xueqin put down the phone slowly, her face became more and more ugly, her eyes stared at Wu Weisen as if they were about to breathe fire, and cursed: "You idiot, selling shares, now some shareholders don't understand the situation, so they follow you to sell, The shares are currently acquired by a mysterious force, and the funds will be transferred in three days later. Three days, three days, can you make up for the capital loopholes? This is not the point, the point is that the mysterious force continues to buy If you go on, they will become the major shareholder at that time, and they can impeach you casually!"

"Three days?"

Wu Weisen's face changed slightly, "Why three days?"

"People saw that we are in urgent need of funds, so they deliberately delayed and delayed the process!" Yang Xueqin said with a gloomy face.

"Then... what do we do now?"

Wu Weisen's face suddenly panicked. He originally thought that as long as he sold his shares, he could immediately cash out the money and make up for the problem of capital turnover.

"What should I do? You are asking me what to do now. Hurry up and call our company and take money to remedy it, otherwise it will be over. Not only will the company fall into crisis, but if it is traced at that time, maybe it will be taken If your misappropriation of public funds is investigated, then you will be finished." Yang Xueqin looked at Wu Weisen with a look of hatred.

"Oh, alright."

Wu Weisen quickly reacted, and walked towards the desk in a panic.


Just then, the phone on the desk rang.

"Huh? Who called suddenly?"

Wu Weisen immediately ran over to answer the phone, but within a few seconds he yelled loudly: "What? Not enough funds? How can I get money now? Now the Yang Group is in crisis!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Weisen threw the phone away with a look of dismay.

"what's the situation?"

Yang Xueqin got up and looked at Wu Weisen and asked.

"They even asked for money over there!"

Wu Weisen suddenly felt dizzy.


At this time, in Baimei International.

Yang Manying stared at the computer screen, drinking coffee in her hand, suddenly she was stunned, then her pretty face changed slightly, she put the coffee aside and said to herself: "What's going on? Why did the shares of the Yang Group suddenly change so much?"

Looking at the changes in the shares of the Yang Group on the computer screen, Yang Manying immediately took out her mobile phone, "Hey, Uncle Zhong, have you seen the shares of the Yang Group? what?"

"Xiaoying, called a meeting of shareholders, all of this was done by Wu Weisen!"

Then, a thick and steady male voice came from the phone.

"it is good!"

Yang Manying's beautiful eyes flashed slightly, she nodded quickly, and hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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