super agent

Chapter 263 Deadline

Chapter 263 Deadline

For a moment, the entire shareholder meeting fell silent, and everyone looked at Wu Weisen, waiting for his answer.

"Hehe, Xiaoying, the succession will definitely be inherited, but don't be in such a hurry. Now the group is launching a new project, and you have been in Baimei International for many years, and you don't know much about Yang's group, so it's still... or Let's talk about it after a while!" Wu Weisen said with a smile, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"Yeah, Xiaoying, you've seen it too. The new project is being implemented recently, and the shares have been sold out. If you suddenly come to take over now, many things will be too sudden. Take your time!" Yang Xueqin immediately responded. .

The two couples, singing and drinking together are perfect!
But Yang Manying and the others are not three-year-old children, how could they be fooled by their few words?
"Then what are you going to do? Selling the shares now, you won't be able to get them back when the time comes, and the capital loopholes will not be filled, what are you going to do?" Yang Manying sneered.

"When the time comes... when the time comes, you will take over!"

Wu Weisen spoke quickly for a moment, and blurted out directly.

"Okay! You said it!"

Yang Manying shrugged her shoulders and smiled with her beautiful eyes twinkling.

Yang Xueqin rolled her eyes immediately, and gave Wu Weisen a vicious look, but she had no other choice now, she had already said her words, and it was impossible to take them back, so she immediately said: "Then...then let's leave it like this for today's meeting, and then We will prove it with practical actions.”


Zhong Hao frowned and glanced at Yang Manying, Yang Manying shook her head at him immediately, he understood, and immediately began to tidy up his things, he knew that the time had not come.

"Well, I hope you can give us a satisfactory answer. If the Yang Group continues to develop like this, you really have to change someone!" Ding Shao in the gray suit stood up impatiently, and after taking a look at Yang Manying, Then he opened his mouth as he walked.

One after another, the shareholders left one after another, and in an instant, only Yang Manying and Wu Weisen were left in the entire conference hall.

"I'll give you some time to make up for it, but it doesn't mean that I will hand over the Yang Group to you to do whatever you want. After this incident, I will inherit all the equity. Don't stop me when the time comes. This time, I'm really just thinking about old feelings , so I didn't reveal the truth of the matter, but don't force me." Yang Manying picked up her notebook and left outside with a cold face.

"Wait a moment!"

Yang Xueqin's face was so stinky, she came directly to Yang Manying and shouted angrily: "When did you install those things in my house? Are there any more?"

Wu Weisen immediately thought of this, his face turned livid, and he also looked at Yang Manying coldly, unexpectedly she had installed bugs in their house.

"I don't know, but I've already got important information. This time I'm putting up with you once, but next time..." Yang Manying turned around and said with a cold face.


Unexpectedly, Yang Xueqin was so angry that she slapped Yang Manying's pretty face directly, and shouted angrily: "You treat me like this? When you were not grown up, who brought you up and who took care of you all the time?" Yours? Now that your wings are stiff, do you want to repay your kindness with revenge?"

Yang Manying touched her face that was beaten on the right side, her throat was choked, and she said coldly: "It is because I miss my old relationship and you are my relatives that I didn't tell the truth. If I did, You can still stand here now? Don’t you know that you have violated the law?”

"You... don't you..."

Yang Xueqin was so angry that she couldn't speak for a while, and suddenly said: "You have violated the law by installing those things in other people's homes without permission."

"Three days, you say three days, I will give you three more days to make up for the financial loopholes, and then give up the position of chairman yourself. It has been long enough for you to take away things that don't belong to you. It's the deadline I gave you, otherwise I will really do something!" Yang Manying was completely indifferent to Yang Xueqin's warning, and after finishing speaking in a cold voice, she left without looking back.

Yang Xueqin looked at Yang Manying who was leaving, and her face was complicated for a while.

"What should we do now? She must have known about our conversations at home and recorded them. If those things are made public, we will be sued by the shareholders of the Yang Group for embezzling public funds!" Wu Weisen thought of this. Egg hurts.

"What else can I do? Hurry up and fill up the financial loopholes as soon as possible. After three days, she has made it clear enough to get down from this position. Otherwise, we might really go to jail!" Yang Xueqin was furious. He stared at Wu Weisen and spoke.

"I... I... Hey, well, let's get down!"

Wu Weisen sighed. Although he was a bit unwilling, he had no choice. Otherwise, if Yang Manying really exposed his misappropriation of public funds, it would really be over.


At this time, Ye Fei and Ling Wei had already settled down, and after talking to Guan Xin for a long time, it made sense, and he was willing to give Ling Wei a room.

"Her, her and you? The relationship between you seems a little unusual?" After the two went downstairs, Ling Wei opened the door and got into the car, then glanced at Ye Fei and asked curiously.

"Hehe, average, very average!"

Ye Fei started the car and chuckled lightly.

"Are you raising a mistress outside?"

Looking at Ye Fei's expression, Ling Wei verified her guess even more.

"You think that house is a 'little three' house, so be it!" Ye Fei said with a smile.

Ling Wei reacted for a moment, and suddenly her pretty face flushed slightly, she glared at Ye Fei and said, "Who said it's a mistress' house, I'm going to live in it soon, I'm not your mistress!"

"Hey, I didn't say you were!"

Ye Fei chuckled, and after teasing Ling Wei, "Now I'll take you home to get some basic necessities. You can figure out what to say to your parents."

"Let's just say that, I was transferred to another place, far away from the company, so I rented an apartment temporarily, they won't suspect anything!" Ling Wei said calmly.

"Well, that's up to you!"

Ye Fei nodded, and then seriously drove ahead.

Next, Ye Fei ran back and forth with Ling Wei, finally settled Ling Wei, and went home by himself.

Around six o'clock in the evening.

Ye Fei drove home, glanced at Bao Bai next to him, and said to himself, "I think he can protect Manying."

Of course, Ye Fei was not in a hurry to tell Bao Bai that he had been observing for the past two days, and he opened the door to get off the car and walked into the house.

Wang Ma was preparing dinner in the kitchen, and half of her head was exposed on the sofa in the living room, obviously Yang Manying was sitting there.


Ye Fei suddenly walked up behind Yang Manying, intending to scare her, but at this moment, Yang Manying was completely indifferent, her beautiful eyes were staring at the front in a daze.

"Huh? When did your face look like a monkey's butt?"

Ye Fei frowned and glanced at Yang Manying, half-jokingly.

(End of this chapter)

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