super agent

Chapter 264 The Unexpected Incident

Chapter 264 The Unexpected Incident
Yang Manying came back to her senses, glared at Ye Fei, and said coldly, "With Ling Wei?"


Ye Fei was taken aback, his guess was too accurate, but he didn't want to entangle Yang Manying with this topic, so he quickly sat next to Yang Manying, stared at her slightly bloated and red face and asked, "Who beat you?" ?”

"Leave me alone?"

Yang Manying raised her eyebrows and glanced at Ye Fei, then got up immediately, not wanting to say anything more.

"Nonsense, I don't care about you, who cares about you!"

Seeing this, Ye Fei quickly pulled Yang Manying into his arms, and immediately Yang Manying's delicate body lay in his arms.

"You... what are you doing?"

Yang Manying was not used to being treated in this way, her expression changed again and again.

"Who hit it?"

Ye Fei asked, caressing Yang Manying's reddish face.

" let me go first!"

Yang Manying struggled to get up.

"You speak first!"

How could Ye Fei compromise? He also said forcefully.

"By my aunt!"

Yang Manying was helpless, knowing that there would be no good results in a stalemate with this scoundrel.

"No counterattack? Tell me what's going on!"

Ye Fei frowned and stared at Yang Manying.

"Let go of me first, what should I say?"

Yang Manying's pretty face flushed and she struggled hard.


Ye Fei immediately released Yang Manying.

"The shareholders' meeting was held today. Everyone unanimously impeached Wu Weisen, and I gave them three days. Once the three days are up, I will take over the Yang Group!" Yang Manying said simply and clearly.

"Well, although it sounds simple, I think a lot of things should have happened." Ye Fei nodded, and then asked: "Then they agreed?"

"It's up to them not to agree!" Yang Manying sat down and said.

"Oh? Are you so confident?" Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at Yang Manying.

"Your monitors have helped me a lot. Wu Weisen and my aunt have been misappropriating funds from the Yang Group, but I don't care about that, as long as they return the Yang Group to me!" Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei and explained.

"Hehe, what you want to do is naturally your own business!" Ye Fei chuckled, although he knew that it was Yang Xueqin who beat Yang Manying, but he didn't bother to argue with a menopausal woman.

"Well, thank you for the things you did to me before. Although you are a rascal, you are still not bad!"

Yang Manying pursed her lips and thanked Ye Fei sincerely.

"Are... are you complimenting me?"

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, staring closely at Yang Manying.

"Otherwise? You think I'm scolding you, I'm not that boring." Immediately, Yang Manying stood up and walked towards the dining table.


Ye Fei could only be speechless immediately, Yang Manying boasted so deeply.

In the next few days, the world went on as usual, and three days passed in a flash.

Ye Fei got up early in the morning. Today he will accompany Yang Manying to the Yang Group to witness Yang Manying's success.

When he came to the living room, Ye Fei saw that Yang Manying was not watching TV on the sofa. It was obvious that he had to prepare well today. It might be a little late. He took a look at Wang Ma who was making breakfast in the kitchen, and then sat down and turned on the TV.

"Today is a good day!"

Ye Fei was also in a good mood today. After turning on the TV, he sat on the sofa and watched the news.

"Next, our station will broadcast a new news. According to relevant sources, it was revealed that Wu Weisen, the chairman of the Yang Group, has embezzled the group's public funds to develop his own foreign enterprises. Now it has caused a loophole in the group's funds. The police have begun to intervene in this matter. The specific news will be released soon. broadcast in the evening..."

At this moment, a middle-aged woman with short hair broadcast the news in the morning news of Zhong Hai Channel.

"What? It was made public?"

Ye Fei stared at the TV screen, and he froze for a moment. He subconsciously glanced at the direction of the second floor.

And just at this moment, a voice came from the second floor, and Yang Manying came down in a black professional woman's attire. She looked capable and elegant, a true strong woman.

"Why are you yelling?"

Yang Manying walked down with her bag in her hand, glanced at Ye Fei and said.

"Isn't it you?"

Ye Fei froze for a moment, staring closely at Yang Manying.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Yang Manying frowned. She didn't know what Ye Fei was talking about. Just as she walked downstairs, her phone rang.

Immediately, she glanced at Ye Fei and took out her mobile phone to connect, but immediately her face changed drastically, and a puzzled expression appeared on her whole face.

"What should we do now?"

Ye Fei stood up, he knew that someone must have called Yang Manying to explain what happened just now.

"I didn't do that. I promised to give them three days, and I will definitely not break my promise. This is definitely not what I announced!"

Yang Manying shook her head and denied.

"I know, but what's going on now?"

Ye Fei nodded sullenly, he knew that Yang Manying would never do that.

Bang, bang, bang...

At this moment, the door of the villa was slammed hard.

"Let's go out together."

Ye Fei frowned, then walked outside.


Yang Manying nodded, her face was extremely ugly.

"Shijie? Why are you here?"

As soon as Yang Manying and Ye Fei walked to the door, Bao Bai opened the door of the villa, and saw Wu Shijie running into the villa.

"Cousin, my parents have already said that I will hand over the position of chairman to you today. You...why are you announcing their misappropriation of public funds?" Looking at Yang Manying, he knew that his parents had always had a company abroad and planned to set up their own business, so he had always felt ashamed of Yang Manying, but this time, his parents had already compromised, and he did not expect Yang Manying to do such a great job.

"Shijie, you... you trust my cousin, I absolutely can't do that. I set the three-day deadline for my uncle and aunt. How could I break my promise?"

Yang Manying immediately came to Wu Shijie to explain, and then asked in a panic, "How are your father and mother doing now?"

"Some shareholders directly reported to the police, and now they have been brought into the police station. I heard that the police will go to the Yang Group to check the accounts later. If the matter is true, they are likely to go to jail!" Wu Shijie heard Yang Manying's words , his face softened a lot, and he also felt that it was impossible for Yang Manying to do it.

"What? Has been taken away by the police?"

Yang Manying was shocked immediately.

"Yes, the investigation has started now, and many shareholders are very angry, saying that my parents must be severely punished, is it really you, cousin?" Wu Shijie nodded and said.

"It's really not me. Someone must be controlling it behind the scenes. Don't worry about that. You go to the Yang Group with me. The shareholders will come to the meeting soon!" Yang Manying quickly shook her head in denial.

"Get in the car, it's useless to be in a hurry here!"

Ye Fei drove the car over to the two of them.


PS: The latest plot is about business wars, but Xiao Zeng doesn’t know much about those. If there is any error, please don’t take it seriously. Thank you everyone!
 The latest plot is a business war, but Xiao Zeng doesn't know much about those, if there is any error, please don't take it seriously, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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