super agent

Chapter 265 Chairman Yang

Chapter 265 Chairman Yang
Young Group.

At this time, the shareholders were in a mess, and all of them were furious. Even the shareholders who had stood in Wu Weisen's camp before, turned against each other after learning that Wu Weisen embezzled the Yang Group's funds to establish his own company.

"Wu Weisen's doing this is too inhumane, taking everyone's hard-earned money to do his own business, making a fortune in silence!"

"Yes, this time you must not forgive him easily!"

"He is simply the scum of the industry, how could he be allowed to lead everyone before!"


The shareholders were sitting together cursing and yelling. It must be very uncomfortable to feel cheated.

Step, step, step...

Yang Manying walked into the conference hall with a gloomy expression, and went straight to the chairman's seat.

bang, bang...

Yang Manying glanced at the crowd, immediately patted the conference table vigorously, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone be quiet, and listen to me to say a few words!"

Immediately, everyone's voices gradually became quieter, and at the end everyone looked at Yang Manying.

"I'm sorry for what my aunt and uncle did!" Yang Manying bowed to everyone with a guilty expression on her face, "I will try my best to make up for everyone's losses."

"Miss Yang, we are businessmen. We don't care about the process, we only look at the results. When will the Yang Group's recent financial loopholes be filled? And this time what happened to Wu Weisen of the Yang Group, how do you ask the industry to treat us? Reputation and conduct are the most basic principles of a businessman!" A gray-haired middle-aged man knocked on the table and said, "We invest money in the hope of getting more money, not to help others , being played like a monkey by others."

"Don't worry about the financial loopholes, they will be filled soon, and Uncle Zhao, you are an 'old man' who has followed my father. It is impossible for our Yang Group to do anything that will harm the interests of all directors and shareholders. Everyone invests money in The Yang Group naturally hopes to make money together, so give me some time, and I will definitely be able to arrange it."

Yang Manying quickly looked at the indifferent middle-aged man and explained.

"Okay, what everyone should talk about now is how to deal with the position of the chairman. After all, a country cannot live without a king, and Wu Weisen was arrested. Now there must be someone to uphold justice, right?" Ding Shao said suddenly that day, he was handsome The corner of his mouth slightly raised and he said: "I think Ms. Yang is very suitable to be the chairman of the Yang Group. After all, she is the person who holds the most shares. At the same time, her ability to handle affairs is obvious to all. In the end, the Yang Group After all, the surname is Yang, and my father has proposed many times that Ms. Yang should succeed as chairman, so as to comfort the spirit of Chairman Yang."

Immediately, Yang Manying glanced at Ding Shao with a little surprise and nodded. She knew this man, his name was Ding Wei, and she used to visit her house often when she was a child.

Ding Wei's father fought with her father, but later he couldn't get used to Wu Weisen's approach, but he couldn't do anything about Wu Weisen, so in a fit of anger, he handed over the matter here to Ding Wei.

Ding Wei has always been on his side, and as Ding Wei spoke, several young people beside him also agreed.

"Let's all vote!"

Yang Manying glanced at the crowd and said.

"Xiaoying, you are the shareholder with the most shares in the legal sense, so you deserve to be the chairman!" Legal counsel Zhong Hao stood up and said to Yang Manying, but his voice was not low, obviously speaking to everyone present Listen.

"Well, I know, but this is a Mingzhu society, I think I still have to vote." Yang Manying nodded, but she still insisted: "I, Yang Manying, hope that I can win everyone's trust with my real skills. It is obvious to all that I will work harder in the future, so if everyone thinks that I, Yang Manying, is suitable to succeed the chairman, please raise your hands."

Immediately, Ding Wei took the lead in raising his hand, and Zhong Hao also raised his hand without hesitation. Someone took the lead and those people had nothing to say. Those young people seemed to be headed by Ding Wei. Seeing him raise their hands, others also raised their hands. The people who quickly raised their hands passed more than half.

Of course, there were still a few people who were stubborn and did not raise their hands. Among them was the middle-aged man surnamed Zhao who spoke just now.

"Okay, most people recognize me as the chairman, so from today onwards, I, Yang Manying, will take over as the chairman as the first shareholder."

Yang Manying nodded in satisfaction. Although she has been waiting for this day for too long, the Yang Group is in a precarious state. She did not secretly rejoice, but looked at the gray-haired middle-aged man and asked, "Uncle Zhao?" , are you dissatisfied with my ability?"

Yang Manying glanced at the crowd present, there were almost two or three people who did not raise their hands, and these two or three people were obviously headed by a middle-aged man surnamed Zhao, so Yang Manying only needed to ask his opinion.

"The Yang Group's reputation has been greatly damaged now, and there are also problems with internal investment. If you can solve all these, then I will recognize you!"

Zhao Zheng glanced at Yang Manying indifferently and said coldly: "At the same time, Wu Weisen deceived everyone and greatly damaged our interests. I hope you can punish him with correct legal means."


But at this time, Wu Shijie, who was standing at the door of the conference hall, changed his expression greatly after hearing Zhao Zheng's words, as if he was about to rush in to argue.

Fortunately, Ye Fei stood beside him, held him back, and explained: "Don't worry, let's see how your cousin handles this matter."

"Okay, okay!"

Wu Shijie nodded immediately.

Yang Manying glanced at Ye Fei and Wu Shijie at the door, and then looked at Zhao Zhengdao: "Since I assume the position of chairman of the Yang Group, I will definitely deal with it. As for... As for my Wu Weisen's disposal, As a family member, I naturally hope to be lighter, but I know that everyone here will definitely not be able to compromise easily, but everything can be kept private, will this work? I will add [-]% to each shareholder for the dividend at the end of this year, Wu Weisen Leave everything to me to handle?"

"I have no problem, as long as you can make money!"

Ding Wei leaned lazily on his seat and said.

"Neither do I, plus a bonus, Miss Yang... Oh no, it should be that Chairman Yang is so courageous!"

Another young man also spoke.

"No comment."

"no problem."


Immediately, the other directors also nodded one after another. It is really generous of Yang Manying to give an extra bonus.

"Uncle Zhao, what do you think?"

Yang Manying raised her eyebrows and glanced at Zhao Zheng and asked.

"I can only say that you are stronger than your father!"

Zhao Zheng snorted softly and said.

"Hehe, I'll take it as your compliment."

Yang Manying chuckled, and when she was about to sit down——

dong dong...

There was a knock on the door, and a young man stood at the door knocking.

"Come in."

Yang Manying got up and frowned at the man. He was Wu Weisen's special assistant and had been in charge of many important things.

"Miss Yang..."

The man came to Yang Manying and wanted to speak directly, but after thinking about it, he whispered to Yang Manying, because the matter was too serious, and if he said it directly, the directors might get emotional!
Seeing this, Yang Manying glanced at everyone, then walked to the man to listen to his explanation...


PS: Thanks to '⑨Linghou/Saoye' children's shoes for the reward, there will be five chapters today, and now Chapter 4!
 Thanks to '⑨Linghou/Saoye' children's shoes for the reward, there will be five chapters today without accident, and now Chapter 4!
(End of this chapter)

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