super agent

Chapter 268 Hojo Okuyama

Chapter 268 Hojo Okuyama
Facing Hojo Morino's knife, Ye Xuan remained unafraid, twisted his neck slightly, clenched his fists tightly with his hands in black gloves, glanced at the crowd behind and said: "Everyone stay away, don't move without my order!" act rashly!"

At this time, Hojo Morino's knife had already been chopped, with a terrible sound of breaking the wind, as if it was about to cut the air, but it was a pity that Ye Xuan had practiced it after all, so he dodged aside as soon as he moved.

"Bejo Morino, if you want to kill Ye Fei with this level of strength, you are probably not close!" Ye Xuan whispered with a sneer, then raised his fist and rushed towards Beijo Morino.

At this moment, the fist in Ye Xuan's hand surged with pale yellow light, and invisible power was gathering. He came less than two meters in front of Beijo Morino, and punched out his right fist fiercely.

Suddenly, a bright yellow fist light rushed towards Beitiao Forest like a tiger descending the mountain.


The long knife in Beijo Morino's hand burst into a black light, and the long knife in his hand also cut a jet black horse towards the fist light.

Boom! ! !
The fist light and the knife light intersected, and the terrifying fluctuations immediately vented. The fallen leaves and branches scattered all over the sky, and the place where the two fought was gray.

"Broken legs!"

Ye Xuan's roar came, and he flew up into the air, and without waiting for Beijo Morino to react, he went straight to attack him again.

This time the power was even stronger, the right leg shone with light, and with a terrifying whistling sound, it turned into a huge leg shadow, which looked amazing!

"Huh? This guy is so strong?!"

Seeing Ye Xuan rushing again, Hojo Morino's expression froze, with a horrified expression in his eyes.

But he didn't have time to think about it, and immediately blocked Ye Xuan's fierce blow with his sword in front of him!
Ye Xuan kicked, and saw Kitajo Morino holding on for less than two seconds before flying backwards.

After Ye Xuan kicked his leg, he stood still, his eyes fixed on Beijo Morino who was still flying upside down.


After flying more than ten meters backwards, Beijo Morino borrowed some strength from the nearby trees to stabilize his figure.

"You are indeed very powerful, but what you want to do with me is not close!" Kitajo Morino's eyes were deep and intimidating, and then there was a murderous intent in his eyes, and he waved his hand and shouted: "You can take me too!" Let me do it, Black Cloud Slash!"

Beijo Morino shouted indifferently, and the long knife in his hand kept slashing out, and then the light of the knife turned into a black evil cloud, and the evil and terrifying power spread, and he kept waving the long knife against the black cloud. The knife rushed towards Ye Xuan.


Ye Xuan's eyes froze, and he stretched out his fists, and immediately felt the wind around his fists whistling, the violent fist wind whistling, accompanied by the faint sound of thunder.

At this time, Beitiao Morino rushed to Ye Xuan, waving the long knife in his hand continuously, and the black evil cloud filled with suffocating fluctuations.

And Ye Xuan naturally punched out with both fists, and suddenly there was a strong wind around him, a terrifying thunder rumbled, and the fist hit the black evil cloud, making a violent explosion.


After the two supported for a while, they flew backwards together. After Ye Xuan tumbling a few times in the air, he appeared in front of the soldier standing next to him, but his hands could be seen trembling slightly.


The leading officer in front hurriedly took a step forward, and the others also stared sideways at Ye Xuan. At this time, Ye Xuan was like a god in their hearts!
"Stand back, keep backing!"

Ye Xuan waved his hand, and the glove on his right hand was broken a lot, but he was unmoved, still staring at the front tightly, and his brows gradually began to wrinkle.

Because at this moment—

"Morino-kun, you have failed your family's expectations too much, you can't even beat such a young man!"

I saw a burly middle-aged man in a black suit appearing. This man had a beard on his rough face, and his big cold eyes looked majestic and intimidating. It belongs to military leaders.

He put one hand on Kitajo Morino's back, stabilized his upside-down body, then pushed him aside, and looked at Ye Xuan with great interest.

"Okusan-kun, you are finally here!"

Hojo Morino stabilized, then turned his head to look at the majestic man in the suit next to him, his face was pale, and he said with a bit of shame: "This young man is a master among the guardians of Yanhuang, I can't deal with him, please Okusan-kun, do it!"

After Hojo Okuyama said so bluntly, Hojo Morino did not refute, but sincerely admitted that he was not strong enough, and the Japanese people are very good at this point.

"Is he the one who obstructed you? Baga, he looks very similar to that Ye Fei!" Hojo Okuyama stepped towards Ye Xuan, stared at Ye Xuan and suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly opened his mouth to Hojo Morino Said.

"Huh? It's... indeed a bit the same!"

Beijo Morino glanced at Ye Xuan in astonishment. He did feel that Ye Xuan and Ye Fei looked very similar before, but in his opinion, people are not all alike!
"Who are you? From the Heiyun family?"

Ye Xuan frowned and looked at Hojo Okuyama, he sensed a dangerous aura from this person, obviously this person was much stronger than Hojo Morino.

"My name is Hojo Okuyama, what is your relationship with Ye Fei?"

Hojo Okuyama stood a few meters away from Ye Xuan.

"Hojo Okuyama?!"

When Ye Xuan heard this name, his pupils shrank suddenly. He had inadvertently heard his father mention the outstanding military officers of the Japanese country. Among them was this Hojo Okuyama from the Heiyun family. strength.

"Young man, are you bringing so many people to arrest us?"

Hojo Okuyama looked at Ye Xuan with a playful smile on his face.

"Hojo Okuyama, you are a dignified general of the Japanese country, and you came to the Huaxia country alone, so you are not afraid of being detained by our Huaxia country!"

Ye Xuan squinted his eyes and looked at Hojo Okuyama with a smile. In fact, he just heard that Hojo Okuyama is very powerful, and he may not be able to actually do it.

"Detain me? Is it up to you?"

Hojo Okuyama smiled lightly and looked at Ye Xuan with a disdainful expression on his face.

"It's not up to me, but someone in my Huaxia Kingdom can restrain you!"

Ye Xuan's face darkened, and he spoke.

"Then I will restrain you first!"

Hojo Okuyama snorted coldly, then he clenched his fist with his right hand, and the same black glow surged, and then he punched Ye Xuan.

It seemed like a random punch, but Ye Xuan could see that the power was astonishing. This Hojo Okuyama's control over power was far beyond Hojo Morino's ability.

Ye Xuan didn't have time to think about it, so he also punched him.

When the two fists intersected, Ye Xuan's fist light was instantly canceled out, while Hojo Okuyama's fist light remained undiminished.


Ye Xuan immediately stretched out his hand to block.


The black fist light exploded directly in front of Ye Xuan, and the terrifying power was released immediately. Ye Xuan persisted for less than a second before he was thrown flying.

"Get out!"

The moment he was thrown, Ye Xuan yelled at the crowd, and the whole person used his strength to retreat backwards. With just one blow, he knew the strength of Beishan Okuyama.

It is absolutely terrifying. If he keeps fighting, he will probably die here. Even if Hojo Okuyama can't kill him, there is another Hojo Morino who is almost as strong as him.

Therefore, when Ye Xuan was shot flying, what he thought of was to leave first, there was no need to make fearless sacrifices!

(End of this chapter)

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