super agent

Chapter 269 The Calm Ye Fei

Chapter 269 The Calm Ye Fei

After Ye Xuan flew upside down, he tossed a few times in the air, glanced ahead, and then escaped with his strength. He knew he couldn't win, so he definitely wouldn't stay longer.


The soldiers brought by Ye Xuan looked at each other in blank dismay. The leading officer glanced at Ye Xuan who flew away, and immediately ordered to shoot at Hojo Okuyama and Hojo Morino, and said at the same time: "Retreat while shooting!"

Burst, burst, burst...

The sound of bullets firing sounded, and when the dense rain of bullets swept towards Hojo Okuyama and Hojo Morino, the two of them cast black masks to resist.

"Kill them all?"

There was a mad killing intent in Beijo Morino's eyes, when he raised his knife and was about to rush towards those people.

"Are you crazy? We went to China to kill such soldiers, do you want to start a war?" Hojo Okuyama, as the senior commander of the Japanese military, naturally couldn't do such a stupid thing, grabbed Hojo Morino, looked at Ye Xuan and fled Direction: "Chasing and killing that person, go!"

After Hojo Okuyama finished speaking, he chased after Ye Xuan in the direction he left.

Immediately, Hojo Morino glanced at the Chinese soldiers who were still shooting at them, and immediately gritted his teeth and followed Hojo Okuyama.


Watching the two leave, the officer with a star on his shoulder let out a sigh of relief. People at this level are simply not something that ordinary forces can deal with. Fortunately, these two people have not yet reached the point of insanity.

"Sir, Mr. Ye is being hunted down now, what should we do now?" A soldier next to him asked.

"Report to the higher-ups, we can't deal with this kind of people, we have to invite the strong guardian of Yanhuang to come, everyone go back with me first, I think Mr. Ye will be fine!" The senior officer stared at Ye Xuan's leaving Xiang Xiang said: "At the same time, Japanese people dare to come to our Huaxia country so blatantly, and they must report to the higher authorities!"

Immediately, the soldiers retreated towards the original road.

But at this time, Ye Xuan left that place extremely quickly by relying on his unique body skills, and quickly got rid of Hojo Okuyama and the others.

When he came to the road, his face was a little pale, and he looked ahead and said as he walked: "The people of the Heiyun family are really crazy. They sent two such powerful people to Zhonghai City to chase and kill Ye Fei. You have to follow Ye Fei in advance." Fei reminds me, I don't know if that guy can handle it."

Immediately, Ye Xuan took out his mobile phone. He knew that after he escaped, those two people met, and they would probably deal with Ye Fei, so he had to remind Ye Fei in advance, but he would not call directly Not to Ye Fei, but to call Susan.

"Hey, where have you been?"

When the phone was connected, Susan asked.

"Ahem, I was chasing and killing those Japanese ninjas today. Unexpectedly, helpers appeared later. They are relatively strong. I couldn't handle them, so I ran away for the time being. You call Ye Fei and tell him to be careful recently. Click!" Ye Xuan coughed twice and explained.

"Huh? You're injured, come back soon!"

Susan immediately spoke with concern.

"Well, I'll be right back."

Ye Xuan nodded in response.

"Then can the two of you deal with those Japanese people together?" Susan asked immediately.

"Ye Fei and me? I don't know how strong he is, but it's a bit difficult. The man who came this time is a very powerful general in Japan, and I'm no match for him!" Ye Xuan shook his head and replied, he didn't know much about Ye Fei's strength. I understand, so it's hard to say.

"The general of the Japanese country? Such a powerful person chased and killed Ye Fei, how did this bastard provoke such a person?" Susan immediately cursed angrily.

"I heard that he killed someone, and I don't know how he did it in the first place. He was the young patriarch of the famous Heiyun family in the Japanese country. This is such a great hatred. No wonder they sent the general Hojo Okuyama to go out! "Ye Xuan thought for a while to explain, and then said: "Well, that's it, you go and explain to Ye Fei, I will go back by car now."

Saying that, Ye Xuan hung up the phone, then stopped a train along the way, and went back to Zhonghai City.

As for the soldiers he brought out, he wasn't too worried. He didn't believe that Hojo Okuyama was there, and they dared to kill those hundreds of soldiers. If that was the case, then a war would really start.


"This bastard, I haven't seen him do good things, so I just do some worrying things!"

In a room in the San Diego Entertainment Center, Susan held a mobile phone in her hand and continued to call cursingly.

"Hey, why do you have time to call today?"

Ye Fei was lying on his own sofa with a calm and leisurely expression on his face. Now that he was fired, Yang Manying didn't need him anymore, so he just sat at home to recuperate.

"You think I want to fight? It's not you, a bastard, who is causing trouble everywhere, and now the enemy is coming!" Susan heard Ye Fei's voice and didn't fight anywhere.

"Uh? I don't understand. Can you elaborate more? By the way, the girl's tone should be softer, and acting like a baby sounds more comfortable!" Ye Fei responded in surprise, and immediately laughed, completely ignoring what Susan had just said. Take your words to heart.

"Damn, you bastard, you still have time to joke around!"

Susan was dying of anxiety. After all, Ye Xuan said that the current situation is very serious and the enemy is very strong.


Ye Fei was speechless for a moment. Why did he hear Susan's tone, as if he had pushed her on the bed dozens of times yesterday?

"Okay, you'd better talk about business!"

Ye Fei replied helplessly, he didn't know why he made Susan unhappy, and immediately asked: "You said my enemy came to the door, which enemy is it?"

"You have many enemies?"

Susan immediately asked in astonishment.

"One, two, three... It seems like a lot. I was very sloppy when I was doing things. I left when I was done. I didn't do that. So I think there should be many enemies."

Ye Fei thought for a while and answered, when he used to be alone, when he went outside to do missions, sometimes he might be a bit abnormal. After finishing missions and killing people, he still didn't forget to tell his relatives his basic information and home address , Let them seek revenge on themselves.


Susan completely collapsed, what the hell did this bastard do back then, and the character of this scoundrel really hasn't changed.

"Huh? Why don't you talk? Tell me, which enemy is it? Could it be that someone's child has grown up?" Seeing Susan's silence, Ye Fei curled his lips and continued to ask. It's extremely calm.

"Okay, let me tell you clearly, your enemy this time is the Heiyun family from the Wa Kingdom, and they sent a very scary person over this time, called 'Hojo Okuyama'." Susan immediately felt helpless explained.

"Hojo Okuyama? The name is a bit familiar, oh yes, I remembered it. I met it when I was on a mission last year. I went to Japan to find something. I accidentally killed this Hojo Okuyama's nephew, and then fought with this guy. After a fight, this guy jumped into the river and escaped after being beaten by me, and he was defeated!"

Ye Fei explained with a smile.


PS: Continue to thank the children's shoes of 'From now on: Don't feel sorry for anyone' for their rewards. These two days, children's shoes have given a lot of rewards, haha! ! !
 Continue to thank the children's shoes of 'From now on: Don't feel sorry for anyone', the children's shoes have given a lot of rewards in the past two days, haha! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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