super agent

Chapter 273 Killing directly at the door

Chapter 273 Killing directly at the door
Immediately, the atmosphere in the living room became awkward, Yang Manying's indifferent and aggressive eyes made Bao Bai feel afraid, his throat moved, and he was about to go out.

"Hehe, let's sit down and have a meal together."

Ye Fei held Bao Bai with a chuckle, then stared at Yang Manying and said, "Besides, I want to say something today."

"what's up?"

Yang Manying frowned and glanced at Bao Bai, then stared at Ye Fei.

"It's a big deal, so we have to sit down and talk about it, and talk while we eat!"

As Ye Fei said, he pulled Bao Bai towards the dining table.

"I'm going to add some tableware!"

Seeing this, Wang Ma quickly stood up with a smile and walked to the kitchen.

"Come on, sit down, you are a big man, are you still afraid of a weak woman?"

Ye Fei abruptly pulled Bao Bai to the dining table, pressed his shoulders and sat next to him with a smile.

"Who are you talking about weak women?"

Yang Manying immediately raised her eyebrows and glanced at Ye Fei.

"Relatively, relatively speaking, with Bao Bai's physique, I am weak in front of him!" Ye Fei immediately looked at Yang Manying with a smile and explained.

At this time, Wang Ma brought over a bowl of rice and chopsticks, "Xiaobai..."

"Thank you Wang Ma!"

Bao Bai took the bowl and chopsticks from Wang Ma, glanced at Yang Manying, and said with a smile.

"Tell me, what are you trying to sell today?"

Yang Manying put down the bowl and chopsticks and stared at Ye Fei and asked.

"How should I put it, you are now the chairman of a large group, and it is normal to have bodyguards around you when you are away from home? I don't think ordinary bodyguards are enough, so..." Ye Fei thought for a while, and then looked at Yang Manying explained.

"So you plan to let him follow me? Think too much?"

Yang Manying glanced at Baobai blankly, then stood up, and was about to walk towards the sofa.

"Then when are you going to be kidnapped by someone, and then what?"

Ye Fei turned his head to look at Yang Manying and asked in a deep voice.

"I... Even if I want a bodyguard, I can find someone else!"

Yang Manying stopped, and replied after hesitating for three seconds.

"Others? You must be able to trust. Bao Bai is an honest person. It is easy to see that he has been at home for so many days, and he really wants to do something to make up for it. The past is unavoidable. Now we should do it." What do you think after getting well?" Ye Fei said seriously: "Besides, to tell you the truth, some of my enemies have gradually come to the door, and those people are not something ordinary bodyguards can deal with, and Bao Bai can't help it. Same, I checked his strength today, it's pretty good, he's almost catching up with me, so if you let him protect you, I'll feel relieved!"

"Catch up with you? Then what did you do before?"

Yang Manying turned around, her beautiful eyes stared at Ye Fei closely, she had always been curious about Ye Fei's past.

"I... I used to..."

Ye Fei looked left and right with erratic eyes, not knowing what excuses to make up.

"Tell me what you did before, and I will agree to him being my bodyguard!" Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei with flickering eyes, pointed at Bao Bai, and then said with a smile: "But don't try to lie to me, you Although the bastard is not blushing or heartbeating when he is lying, I can still see it at a glance."

"that's it?"

Ye Fei stared at Yang Manying in astonishment, he was so curious to know his past, then he shrugged and looked at Bao Bai and said, "I used to be a secret agent."


Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei in surprise, she didn't expect this guy to say what he did before so decisively today.

"That's right, don't you understand, Agent? Do you want me to explain it to you a little bit?" Ye Fei nodded. He has done so many things recently, and his identity must be more sensitive. It's better to say it straight to the point.

"No, there is something called Baidu, thank you!"

After speaking, Yang Manying turned around and left.

"Wait, what did you just promise me?"

Ye Fei asked quickly.

"I will start working tomorrow, if I don't do well, I will fire!"

Yang Manying walked forward without looking back.


Seeing this, Ye Fei looked at Bao Bai and smiled.

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Ye!"

Looking at Yang Manying's back, Bao Bai showed an excited smile on his face, he was finally able to do something, but he knew that all of this was due to Ye Fei.

"Do well in the future and protect her!"

Ye Fei shook his head at Bao Bai and smiled.

"Yeah, I will, I will!"

Bao Bai immediately nodded with a firm face.

"Well, eat."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Today, I'll take a good rest and don't need to practice in the yard."

"Okay, Mr. Ye!"

Bao Bai responded.

After dinner, because it was still early, Ye Fei and Yang Manying sat in the living room of the villa and watched TV.


But at this moment, not far from the villa, two figures came sneakily.

"Wait a minute, I'll go out and meet that guy for a while, you are always ready in the dark!" Hojo Okuyama said to Hojo Morino while walking.

"I'm preparing in the dark? Do you want me to sneak attack?"

Hojo Morino stared at Hojo Okuyama in astonishment and asked: "Okuyama-kun, are you not sure about dealing with that guy? If we do this, it violates the spirit of Bushido in Japan?"

"I'm a soldier, and our purpose is to kill him, not to fight him. When did I say we want to fight him fairly?"

Hojo Okuyama stared at Hojo Morino indifferently and said.

"Uh, well, I'll be ready in the dark at any time. If the two of us do it together, it shouldn't be difficult to kill that guy, and you've even mastered our Heiyun family's unique skill, Heiyun Disillusionment."

Hojo Morino responded lightly in astonishment, and nodded.

While talking, the two had already come outside the villa's wall.

"Huh? Why is there such a big hole in the wall here?"

Kitajo Morino glanced at a large hole that had been destroyed on the fence, and said immediately.

"Why do you care about those!"

Hojo Okuyama snorted, and continued: "I'll rush in right now, you are ready to make a move at any time, after killing someone, we will leave, that guy will definitely have scruples in his house."

"Okay, Okusan-kun, it's up to you!"

Hojo Morino nodded firmly.


With a movement of Hojo Okuyama's body, black light surged all over his body, lifted him up and flew straight up, and then rushed towards the yard.

"Ye Fei, come out!"

After Hojo Okuyama flew over the courtyard, he shouted loudly, although he said he wanted Hojo Morino to wait for the opportunity to attack, but that was only when he was not sure, if it was more than enough for him to kill Ye Fei, then he would do it himself to avenge his shame.

The thick and majestic voice of Hojo Okuyama suddenly echoed over the courtyard of the villa.


The first one to react was naturally Bao Bai who lived in the yard and guarded the room. He had already detected the movement outside the villa with his keen mind, but he did not act rashly under unknown circumstances.

(End of this chapter)

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