super agent

Chapter 274 Hojo Okuyama VS Baobai

Chapter 274 Hojo Okuyama VS Baobai
A few meters high in the middle of the villa, a tall and burly figure was standing in the air, looking down.

Seeing this, Bao Bai immediately ran to the door of the room, waiting for Ye Fei to come out.

"what's the situation?"

Yang Manying, who was watching TV in the room, narrowed her beautiful eyes, and said while looking outside.

"The enemy is here to seek revenge!"

Ye Fei shrugged, then stood up and walked towards the door.

Yang Manying hesitated for a moment, but immediately followed her out!

"Mr. Ye, Miss Yang!"

As soon as the door opened, Bao Bai immediately greeted him respectfully.


Ye Fei nodded, passed Baobai and walked forward, looked up at Hojo Okuyama in mid-air, and said with a smile: "Hojo Okuyama, unexpectedly, they have all chased to Huaxia Kingdom!"

"Even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will chase you down!"

Hojo Okuyama fell to the ground, staring at Ye Feidao with a ruthless face.

"Huh? It seems that you were hunted down by me at the beginning, right?"

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, then said with a smile.

"You still have such an annoying face. I will step you on the ground later and see if you can still be so relaxed!" Hojo Okuyama shook his body. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with Ye Fei. One hand, in addition to strength, there is another feature that makes people speechless, and that is cheap mouth!

Immediately, he saw Hojo Okuyama's black glow surging all over his body, he clenched his fists, and then rushed towards Ye Fei.

"It's such a disgusting smell again!"

Ye Fei shook his head and murmured, and was about to make a fist and rush away.

"Mr. Ye, get out of the way!"

I saw that Bao Bai who was standing behind spoke.


Ye Fei responded lightly, stepped aside immediately, and looked at Baobai.

At this time, in front of Bao Bai, a two-finger-wide throwing knife was ups and downs in front of him, and a terrifying power was brewing.

"Miss Yang, stand next to Mr. Ye, or you will be hurt later." Bao Bai did not forget to remind Yang Manying next to him.

"Oh well!"

Yang Manying nodded with twinkling eyes, feeling that this scene was too surprising, subconsciously walked to Ye Fei's side, and was about to ask something.

"Let's take a look first!"

Ye Fei said with a slightly heavy face, although Baobai's strength is good, but his combat experience is not good, and Hojo Okuyama is an old fritter, if he fights with this guy, even if Baobai is strong, he will suffer a lot.

However, Ye Fei knew that actual combat was still necessary.

"Who are you? Get the hell out of here!"

Hojo Okuyama suddenly saw Bao Bai standing in front of him, he was furious, gave a low shout, and then punched Bao Bai.

"I want to ask who you are!"

Baobai's face turned hard, and he put his palms in front of him, and saw the seemingly ordinary flying knife turning rapidly, and then his body leaned forward slightly.

The flying knife rushed towards Hojo Okuyama with a strange power.

"Small tricks, you dare to run wild in front of me!"

Hojo Okuyama looked at the flying knives rushing forward with a sneer, without feeling the slightest threat.

"Break me!"

Hojo Okuyama punched out again.


At this time, the flying knife intersected with the fist light, and a terrible wave suddenly erupted, causing a violent shock in that space.

"go with!"

Bao Bai's face was sweating, but he still slammed a knife again. He originally lacked an opportunity to perform well in front of Yang Manying. Now that the opportunity came, he naturally had to grasp it well. expectations.


Hojo Okuyama's eyes flickered for a moment, he didn't expect that there was another master here. From this point of view, it would be a bit difficult to kill Ye Fei today. He glanced at Baobai and said secretly: This guy is a bit weird, he doesn't look too strong. I'll try my best to get this guy out of the way first!

Immediately, Hojo Okuyama glanced at Baobai, with a strong killing intent in his eyes, and shouted: "Heiyun Killing Fist!"

Then, he saw the black light on Hojo Okuyama's fists exploding, and the aura of his whole body changed instantly, much stronger than before, and his fists blasted towards Baobai from the air.

Punch after punch, superimposed punches, the power is not ordinary astonishing.


When Ye Fei saw this scene, his eyes flashed, and he was about to rush over.

"Mr. Ye, let me try!"

Bao Bai had an insight into Ye Fei's actions in advance, shook his head at him expectantly, and then glanced at Yang Manying.


Then, in front of Bao Bai, two flying knives suddenly appeared, and a strange fluctuation erupted from his whole body, and the forehead was dripping with sweat. Obviously, such a battle was too heavy for him. Still pretty big.

The two flying knives stopped in front of Bao Bai's body, frightening power was brewing.

And those punches that Hojo Okuyama punched turned into a huge black cloud in front of him.

"This... Isn't this too miraculous? It feels like the fairy fight on TV?" Yang Manying, who was watching this scene, was beyond amazed.

"In the future, you may see it often!"

Ye Fei turned his head to look at Yang Manying and smiled.

"You said that you are stronger than Bao Bai? Then you will too?" Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei with complicated eyes.

"It's not beyond the abilities of ordinary people. Do you think I've really survived the hail of bullets?" Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at Yang Manying.

Yang Manying thought for a while and nodded, then looked at the center of the battle ahead, and saw that the two of them were almost at their peak, ready to go, she quickly looked at Ye Fei worriedly and said, " think Bao Bai can do it ?"

"I can't do it, I'm the only one, anyway, I'm still there!" Ye Fei had a calm expression on his face.


Yang Manying couldn't help but admire Ye Fei, this guy really has the characteristic of not changing his face when the mountain collapses before him!

"Death to me!"

Hojo Okuyama yelled angrily, and his momentum suddenly became extremely fierce. He pushed forward vigorously, and then he saw the black cloud formed by countless fist lights, rushing towards Bao Bai seemingly lightly .


Bao Bai snorted coldly, and the two flying knives in front of him rushed towards Hojo Okuyama with astonishing momentum.

Boom! ! !

Then, a violent sound erupted in the courtyard of the villa, and violent energy fluctuations raged towards the surroundings. Immediately, many flowers, plants and trees in the courtyard were swept by this fluctuation and turned into dust!

Soon, Bao Bai's body was also lifted up by this power. Obviously, he still lacked a lot in fighting Hojo Okuyama.

"Stay away!"

With a wave of Ye Fei's hand, he counteracted the terrifying fluctuations rushing towards him, and after whispering to Yang Manying, he moved towards Bao Bai with a movement of his feet.

Ye Fei appeared behind Bao Bai extremely quickly, then blocked his tendency to fly backwards, and brought him to the ground. However, Bao Bai's face was pale at this time, and his breath became quite sluggish, but fortunately, he should No serious internal injuries!

Bao Bai coughed twice, and when he noticed Ye Fei behind him, he said with some shame: "Mr. Ye, I have let you down!"

"Hehe, you did a great job, really!"

Ye Fei chuckled, patted Bao Bai on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Mr. Ye, actually... Actually, I can use three-pointed throwing knives, are you asking me to try?" Bao Bai glanced at Yang Manying, then gritted his teeth to see Ye Fei and said.

"You still have the strength to fight like this now? It's the first time you've fought against someone. It's really good to be so strong. Leave it to me and protect Manying!"

Ye Fei waved his hand and said to Bao Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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