super agent

Chapter 275 Hojo Okuyama VS Ye Fei

Chapter 275 Hojo Okuyama VS Ye Fei
Hojo Okuyama was also moved away by the terrifying shock wave, and he took five or six steps back on the ground before he stopped.

Immediately, Hojo Okuyama glanced at his hand, there were a few white marks on it, which were obviously caused by Baobai flying knives, and he clearly smashed those few flying knives, but they could still cause damage to his hand. A little hurt.

Thinking about it, Hojo Okuyama stared at Baobai with dark eyes, he had already used [-]% of his strength just now, and he only caused this guy a little injury.

"I haven't seen Hojo Okuyama for a year. I never thought that your strength is still so vulnerable!"

Ye Fei looked at Hojo Okuyama who was staring at Bao Bai and smiled.

At this time, Bao Bai came to Yang Manying's side in a flash, nodded at Yang Manying, then looked at Ye Fei and Hojo Okuyama.

"Ye Fei, can't you see that it was just a warm-up?"

Hojo Okuyama twisted his neck, and immediately took off his coat.

"It seems that you are indeed hot enough!"

Ye Fei smiled and nodded, "I have an unfeeling request, I wonder if I can agree to it?"


After Hojo Okuyama threw his coat aside, he stared at Ye Fei tightly and said, "What?"

"Let's go out and fight, it's not easy for these flowers and trees to grow up!" Ye Fei looked at Hojo Okuyama with a smile and said.


The corner of Hojo Okuyama's mouth twitched slightly, and he knew that if Ye Fei, the bastard, had to talk, there must be nothing good to say, and he was obviously teasing him.

Immediately, Hojo Okuyama was furious, and as soon as his body moved, he rushed towards Ye Fei.

"What a grumpy fellow!"

Ye Fei shook his head, just when Hojo Okuyama rushed in front of him, his foot suddenly stomped, and then his whole figure turned into a cloudy wind, and he dodged aside.

"Miss Yang, let's stand a little behind."

Seeing this, Bao Bai immediately turned his head and said to Yang Manying.

"it is good."

Yang Manying subconsciously glanced at Bao Bai and nodded.

"Miss, this is it?"

At this time, Wang Ma came out of the room in a daze.

"Wang Ma, go in quickly, don't worry about what's going on outside, don't come out!"

Yang Manying's face changed slightly, and she quickly turned her head and shouted at Wang Ma.

"You go in too!"

At this time, Ye Fei kept using the Five Yin Steps to dodge, making Hojo Okuyama unable to get close. At the same time, he did not forget to take the time to say something to Yang Manying.

"Miss Yang, can you go in too?"

When Bao Bai heard Ye Fei speak, he quickly spoke to Yang Manying.

Taking a look at Ye Fei in the battle, Yang Manying nodded, and then walked towards the door, Bao Bai immediately followed Yang Manying at the same pace.

"Ye Fei, are you still fighting or not? Running around, aren't you tired?"

Hojo Okuyama circled Ye Fei a few times, but he couldn't touch this guy, and he became even more irritable.

"Hehe, I recently practiced a footwork, so I asked you to practice my hands, but according to the current situation, it's still pretty good!"

Ye Fei smiled slightly and looked at Hojo Okuyama opposite him. In fact, he practiced these five Yin steps every day, and he has reached a good level now.

Hojo Okuyama was stunned for a moment, then his eyes turned hard, and he was about to rush towards Yang Manying and the others, and said indifferently: "If you don't fight me, then someone will fight me!"

"Fuck, bastard!"

Ye Fei immediately scolded angrily. Now that he is tied down, his hands and feet are bound. When he saw Hojo Okuyama rushing towards those people, he suddenly shouted: "Definitely!"

As he spoke, Ye Fei stretched out two fingers and pointed at Hojo Okuyama's legs, and a strange wave of power spread out from his fingers.


Hojo Okuyama, who was rushing towards the door at a high speed, suddenly felt that his legs were as heavy as lead, and his movements became sluggish, but he was very strong, and he recovered in less than three seconds.

However, just after Hojo Okuyama recovered, a huge fist hit him in the face.


Hojo Okuyama's complexion changed slightly, and just after he recovered, he immediately rolled on the spot, seeming to dodge to the side in a panic.

"Want to fight? Okay, I'm done warming up too!"

Ye Fei stared at Hojo Okuyama who had stood up with a smile and said with a smile.

"You... what did you just do?"

Hojo Okuyama stood up, staring at Ye Fei with fear in his eyes. He knew that the reason why he was slow to move just now must be because of Ye Fei. Unexpectedly, since he hadn't seen him for a year, this guy's methods have increased a lot, and The move just now looked quite terrifying, although he was only restrained for a second or two.

But the master's moves are all in the blink of an eye, a second or two is enough to be fatal!
"I didn't do anything, I just stood in front of you."

Ye Fei shrugged, looked at Hojo Okuyama calmly and said, "Could it be that I have to tell you my trick?"

"Well, today I want to see how much progress you have made in a year's time!" Hojo Okuyama narrowed his eyes slightly, his fists surging with black light.

"You won't be disappointed for sure."

Ye Fei smiled, and clenched his hands into fists. Although he doesn't know how to box, he still knows the basic fighting skills, and the power of basic fighting skills is quite impressive under the blessing of true energy.

"it is good."

Hojo Okuyama nodded, and then rushed forward with his whole body, the fist in his hand also hit Ye Fei, and a huge fist shadow roared out.

After reaching a certain level, true qi can be transformed into form, so in general, the strong fight against the enemy in the form of true qi, because that kind of lethality will be greater.

Seeing Hojo Okuyama's punch, Ye Fei quickly turned his right hand into a palm, and with the blessing of true energy, a white palm print rushed towards the black fist light.


The fists and palms intersected, and the violent energy fluctuations vented to the surroundings.

"The strength has increased a lot!"

Ye Fei took half a step back, then nodded to look at Hojo Okuyama Road.

"Neither are you!"

Hojo Okuyama also took half a step back, and then the whole person continued to rush towards Ye Fei.

Immediately, the two wrestled together. From a distance, it looked like two balls of light, one black and the other white. Terrifying power spread from the middle of the two. The confrontation between the two was evenly matched!
At this time, a car slowly drove up a few hundred meters away from the villa.

Ye Xuan stopped the car, then opened the door and got out of the car, looked up at the direction of the villa, and said to himself: "Sure enough, Hojo Okuyama chose to do it at night, damn it, the guardian of Yanhuang summoned by grandpa was delayed by someone, it seems Today I have to expose."

After finishing speaking, Ye Xuan flew towards the villa in front of him. As soon as he came to a place tens of meters away from the villa, he saw a figure. behind the tree.

"Isn't that guy Hojo Morino? It seems that this guy is lying in ambush, ready to suddenly explode..."

Ye Xuan stared at the figure in front of him, his eyes flickered and said: "Then I'm not in a hurry to make a move, just watch this guy aside!"


PS: Thanks for the rewards of 'Jiuxia Guangnian' and 'Anan' children's shoes!

 Thanks for the rewards of 'Jiuxia Guangnian' and 'Anan' children's shoes!

(End of this chapter)

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