super agent

Chapter 286 Ye Junxiang is Here

Chapter 286 Ye Junxiang is Here

The next day, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, so naturally there is no need to go to work.

Yang Manying got up early in the morning and was busy with Wang Ma and Su Tong, and every household was also busy with the festival.

Early in the morning, Ye Fei was woken up when he just walked into the living room.

"Uncle, come and kill a duck, we are so busy!"

Wang Ma came to the living room table with the bowls and chopsticks, saw Ye Fei at a glance, and shouted quickly.

"Huh? Kill ducks?"

Ye Fei walked towards the kitchen, saw Yang Manying and Su Tong at a glance, and asked, "Don't you have three people working?"

"There is not enough manpower. Xiaosu wants to cook. I will wash the dishes and clean the furniture, but the young lady dare not kill her. Please help me. The holidays are always lively together." Wang Ma took a white look at Ye Fei and explained immediately. .

"Oh, well, just kill it directly?"

Ye Fei smiled, seeing how happy the few people were, he really wanted to participate.

"Cut the neck, drain the blood, and clean the duck feathers."

Wang Ma walked into the spacious kitchen, pointed to a tied up duck lying on the ground, and explained.

"So troublesome?"

Ye Fei put away his sleeves, and walked into the kitchen with a puzzled look on his face.

"Trouble, don't eat later!"

Yang Manying, who was washing the dishes, immediately turned her head and glanced at Ye Fei, and said angrily.

"Hehe, why don't I come?"

Su Tong, who was washing pots and utensils, smiled and said.

"No, no, I'll do it, it's rare to have something to do!"

Ye Fei waved his hand immediately, then picked up the duck on the ground, and walked aside, intending to study it first.

Su Tong looked into Ye Fei's eyes for a while, she knew a lot about Niu Dahai and Shangguan Fei'er yesterday, which made her feel more guilty, so today she volunteered to cook by herself.

In fact, she really wanted to cook a meal for Ye Fei on this festive festival. After all, as a mother, she couldn't even cook a decent meal for her son. She was too remiss.

Next, the family and Su Tong celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival lively and lively. Everyone participated, and the atmosphere of the festival rose sharply. Although it was plain, it was the warmest in the world.


At this time, at the San Diego Entertainment Center.

Originally, Susan also planned to arrange a good meal, but due to the arrival of a person, the atmosphere in the entire San Diego entertainment center became depressing.

"Uncle, you...why did you come here suddenly?"

At this moment, Susan was like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law, carrying a cup of hot tea to the sofa in the living room to put it down, and then walked to the Ye Xuan sofa next to her to sit down.

And in the middle of the sofa, sat a middle-aged man, wearing a straight suit, with a stern and steady face, sitting there like a king, giving people tremendous pressure invisible.

This person is [-]% similar to Ye Xuan, Ye Junxiang came to Zhonghai City from Yanjing.

"Xiaoxuan, tell me what's going on, why did Ye Fei kill Hojo Okuyama all of a sudden?" Ye Junxiang picked up the tea Susan put on the tea table, took a sip and asked Ye Xuan.

"The general story of the matter, I almost explained it to you yesterday, it is not very complicated, that is, Ye Fei went to the country of Wa last year and killed the young patriarch of the Heiyun family, so Hojo Okuyama came to take revenge, but Ye Fei's strength Strong, killed." Ye Xuan looked at Ye Junxiang and explained.

"Hojo Okuyama has a very high status in the Japanese army, and he is also a high-level figure of the Heiyun family. It must be very troublesome to be killed by Ye Fei now." Ye Junxiang said in a cold voice, frowning.

"It's pointless to pursue those things now. Now we have to see how to solve them. Of course, the Japanese soldiers have no evidence to say that Ye Fei killed them, but the people in the Heiyun family must know." Ye Xuan pondered for a moment and said. : "The Heiyun family should send stronger people, this is the key."

"This is not the most important thing. The Heiyun family has contacts with the Yan family. The Yan family will definitely help the Heiyun family. It is estimated that they will also do something to our Ye family. This time is a breakthrough for them." Ye Junxiang waved his hand Then he said: "It seems that we can't delay any longer. Let's meet him directly now, analyze the seriousness of the matter to him, and tell him not to cause trouble again."

"Wait Dad, if we recognize Ye Fei now, it's too sudden, right?" Ye Xuan's face changed slightly, he glanced at Susan and said quickly.

"Yes, uncle, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Auntie said that today I will make a meal for Ye Fei to have a good Mid-Autumn Festival. If you go now, will it be affected?" Susan on the side quickly asked Said.

"Then... well, just wait a day, and tomorrow I have to go and clarify the relationship with him. It's even more useless if your mother does that. Although he can't accept it now, he will always accept it. After all, no matter how unwilling he is Admit it, he is also from the Ye family..." Ye Junxiang hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"I think it's a bit faster. Ye Fei's temper, I've figured it out recently, is a relatively tough character, not so easy to compromise." Ye Xuan frowned and analyzed.

"Now those families in Yanjing have begun to shift their attention to Ye Fei. Our Ye family also has many enemies. We must not leave any excuses for others to deal with our family, so just get straight to the point and hurry up, otherwise it will take a long time. , let him do anything wrong, this time about the Heiyun family, let the Ye family help him take it down." Ye Junxiang said with a cold face.

"Dad, can you not be selfish in this matter? I don't know that you did all this for your own status, but Ye Fei has already made a lot of sacrifices because of your status and family affairs. , he has been wandering outside since he was a child, we must not understand how much he has suffered and suffered, so when dealing with this matter, I think it is better not to be too selfish, otherwise Ye Fei might do something extreme Come out, he actually has a very violent temper in his bones, and I can see that his past was very bloody. You don't know how calm he was when he killed Hojo Okuyama. People who don't have a lot of blood on their hands are not at all. It's possible to do that."

Ye Xuan quickly stood up, looked at Ye Junxiang with a bit of dissatisfaction and said: "You are a father, and to Ye Fei, you are a father who is not qualified at all. If you do such a thing now, it will only make people feel angry." He's more disgusted."


Ye Junxiang's face turned blue, and he pointed at Ye Xuan and was about to scold him, when he suddenly felt that he didn't know what to say, Ye Xuan was right, he did owe Ye Fei, and he owed too much.

"However, the truth of the matter must be made clear to him tomorrow, and it will not be good for him to delay it any longer. Only those who truly recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors will those people dare not deal with him blatantly. I do this to protect him. The Heiyun family and the faction of the Yan family in Yanjing are all thinking of ways to deal with him."

Ye Junxiang pondered for a moment, then spoke in an unquestionable tone.

(End of this chapter)

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