super agent

Chapter 287 Your Dad Is Here

Chapter 287 Your Dad Is Here
The Mid-Autumn Festival was spent in a warm and harmonious family. This was the first traditional festival that Ye Fei celebrated after returning to China. This kind of warmth made him feel relaxed. For him who was always on guard, yesterday The experience is really valuable.

But the good moment, still can't wait for the aftertaste time.

On the morning of the second day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, seven or eight business Mercedes-Benz cars stopped at the gate of Yang Manying's villa at some point, and the aura was beyond imagination.

In the leading car, Ye Junxiang and Ye Xuan came out, and Susan also followed in one of the cars. After a few people got out, men in suits with a cold temperament and a sense of iron came out of the other cars. , Scanning around in readiness to ensure Ye Junxiang's safety.

"I'm going to tell my aunt!"

After getting out of the car and coming to Ye Junxiang and Ye Xuan, Susan said softly.

"Go, cousin!"

Ye Xuan glanced at Ye Junxiang and nodded.


Susan nodded, turned and ran towards Susan's house.

"Does he live here?"

Ye Junxiang was dressed in a neat suit, frowned and looked at the villa in front of him, and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, this is my sister-in-law's house. Ye Fei has been living here since returning to China." Ye Xuan nodded in response.

"Then go in."

Ye Junxiang took a look at the dilapidated wall, and walked towards the door first.

"I'll knock on the door!"

Ye Xuan walked to the door and knocked on it.

At this time, the door of the villa just opened, and Yang Manying, who was dressed in professional black attire as usual, was about to go to work, but just as she opened the door, she heard a knock on the door, and then saw a row of cars parked outside through the dilapidated wall. Mercedes-Benz cars, and there are men like bodyguards standing beside those cars.

"what happened?"

Yang Manying frowned, but she went to open the door right away. After all, they knocked on the door very politely. It was obvious that the person who came was not looking for faults. Otherwise, just walk in through the wall of her house.

"Miss Yang..."

At this moment, Bao Bai also came out from the guard room.

"I'll open the door!"

Yang Manying nodded at Bao Bai, and immediately walked straight to the gate, and opened the door, seeing two unfamiliar but somewhat familiar faces.

The reason why they are familiar is because the faces of these two people are somewhat similar to Ye Fei, but she is sure that she did not know these people before.

"Hi sister-in-law!"

Before Yang Manying could open her mouth, Ye Xuan who was beside her nodded her head in greeting.


Yang Manying looked at the two of them unknowingly.

"Are you Chairman Yang of the Yang Group?" Ye Junxiang looked at Yang Manying, his daughter-in-law, quite satisfied.

"Yes... yes, who are you two?" Yang Manying stared at the two with a short-circuited head, and the young man next to her actually called her sister-in-law when they first met?

"My name is Ye Xuan, this is my father Ye Junxiang, we are Ye Fei's relatives!"

Seeing Yang Manying's confused expression, Ye Xuan quickly explained.

"All surnamed Ye?!"

Yang Manying was stunned for a moment, then she came to her senses and said in surprise, " are all Ye Fei's relatives, so who are you?"

"I'm his own younger brother, and this is your father-in-law!" Ye Xuan said with a smile, obviously he was not very afraid of the commander-in-chief who commanded the three armies.

Ye Junxiang had a cold face, he was not used to being blocked from the door to speak, and he released that iron-blooded and noble aura invisible.


Yang Manying suddenly felt a great pressure, she quickly glanced at Ye Junxiang, realized something, blushed and stammered a little: "First... oh no, father... you, father-in-law, come in quickly .”

At this moment, when Yang Manying faced Ye Junxiang, she acted like a shy little daughter-in-law facing her father-in-law. She completely lost the usual demeanor of being at the helm of the Yang Group. She immediately stepped aside and said respectfully.

"Sister-in-law, we haven't met Ye Fei yet, and I may need you to help persuade me later." Ye Xuan smiled at Yang Manying and said, he still admires this sister-in-law, after all, Yang Manying's affairs are not only It is only circulated in Zhonghai City.

"Huh? Good, good."

Yang Manying nodded, as if she understood something. She had heard Ye Fei say that she was an orphan, but now that his father and brother had come to visit her, it was obvious that there was something tricky about it.

"Miss Yang, who are they?"

Bao Bai at the side looked at Ye Junxiang and Ye Xuan vigilantly, he always felt that Ye Xuan was somewhat familiar.

"hehe Hello."

Ye Xuan noticed Bao Bai's gaze, turned his head to look at Bao Bai and smiled, obviously he recognized Bao Bai, the reason why he was able to kill Hojo Okuyama and Hojo Morino so smoothly that night was a great contribution to Bao Bai without.

"It's okay, just watch outside!"

Yang Manying whispered to Baobai expressionlessly, and then immediately followed Ye Junxiang and Ye Xuan who were already walking towards the house.

After several people entered the room, they just saw Wang Ma walking towards them. She looked at Ye Junxiang and Ye Xuan who led the way in with a puzzled expression. Are there any guests?
But why does her own lady still follow behind like a little daughter-in-law? She quickly turned her head to look at Yang Manying and asked, "Miss, this is..."

"Mother Wang is fine, go and make some cups of tea!"

Yang Manying immediately winked at Wang Ma.

"Oh, alright."

Although Wang Ma didn't understand it all at once, but when Yang Manying asked, she naturally followed suit and immediately walked towards the kitchen.

After Ye Junxiang walked into the room, he looked around and walked towards the sofa in the living room.

"Where's Ye Fei?"

Ye Xuan also took a look inside the room, then asked Yang Manying in a low voice.

"I guess he's still sleeping in. I'll wake him up." Yang Manying glanced at Ye Junxiang who was already sitting on the sofa, and said hastily.

"It's almost eight o'clock, and I haven't woken up yet!"

Ye Junxiang obviously heard Yang Manying's words, and immediately said in a very unhappy tone, their Ye family has been soldiers for generations, and iron-like discipline has become accustomed to them, but as a Ye family, there is still such a lazy person, as a father Naturally he was very upset.

"Dad, Ye Fei didn't grow up in Ye's parents, so he's not that punctual!"

When Ye Xuan heard Ye Junxiang's words, he quickly reminded him unhappy.


Ye Junxiang sat on the sofa and snorted coldly.

"Hehe, I... I'm going to wake him up!"

Yang Manying smiled awkwardly at the two of them, and hurried to Ye Fei's room.

Yang Manying came to Ye Fei's door, didn't bother to knock on the door, opened the door and went in, then closed the door, took a look at Ye Fei who was sleeping on the bed in a large boxer style, walked to Ye Fei's head of the bed, and took a picture. He patted the bed and frowned, "Hey, hey, get up!"


Ye Fei opened his eyes in a daze, and what he saw was a glamorous and beautiful face, he was startled immediately, moved his body back, looked at Yang Manying puzzled, and said, "Uh, you... ...What are you doing? Didn't you go to work early in the morning?"

"Your dad is here, get up quickly!"

Yang Manying didn't bother to talk nonsense with Ye Fei, so she put her hands on her chest and said straight to the point.


(End of this chapter)

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