super agent

Chapter 338 Call Me a Foreigner Teacher

Chapter 338 Call Me a Foreigner Teacher (Part Three)
Linda could tell that Ye Fei was going to do something very interesting next, anyway, she was very bored now, so why not go outside with Ye Fei.

"OK, I'm done eating, let's go."

Ye Fei walked to the sofa in the living room after breakfast, picked up the car keys and said to Linda.

If you bring someone there, it won't be too embarrassing to stand with Shangguan Fei'er.


Linda nodded, then got up and smiled and asked, "By the way, where are we going?"

"Going to school, I have some things to deal with, but I think it will be very interesting."

Ye Fei walked towards the door, talking while walking.

"Hey, with you, there will be many interesting things."

Linda in a tight black leather suit was taller than Ye Fei, and walked out with Ye Fei with a smile on a pair of sneakers.


Ye Fei drove very fast, and in about half an hour, he arrived at the gate of Zhonghai No. [-] Middle School. When he came to the gate, he saw a large group of people, some were sitting drinking water, some were standing and smoking, and they were holding white strips of cloth in their hands.

"Damn, these bastards are doing it professionally!"

Ye Fei parked the car, glanced at the group of people at the school gate and said speechlessly.

"Did you provoke this group of people?" Naturally, Linda also saw the people in front of her, obviously a group of hooligans.

"Yeah, when I was playing in the bar last night, I had a festival with them. I didn't expect these bastards to get a little memory after being beaten up, so they played in a different way." Ye Fei nodded, and said angrily, he I know that Shangguan Fei'er must be having a hard time today, but why didn't she call herself? It seems that she doesn't want to bother him.

"Get out of the car, don't you plan to go and have a look?"

When Ye Fei opened the door and was about to get out of the car, seeing that Linda hadn't moved, he hurriedly asked.

"Of course I'll go and see, but to deal with such a bastard, don't you have nothing to do when you're full?" Linda smiled and opened the door to get out of the car.

"No way, if this kind of scoundrel wants to find you, you can't just ignore it." Ye Fei shrugged, closed the car door, and walked towards the school gate ahead.

At this moment, those people sitting at the school gate were smoking cigarettes impatiently. A young man with tattoos and dyed hair next to him just threw the cigarette butt away when he saw Ye Fei coming from a distance. Recognizing him, he quickly walked to Brother Meng and said in shock and fear: "Brother Meng, that guy is here!"

"Here? Where?"

Brother Meng quickly put the cigarette in his hand aside, and then looked at the school gate. It was time for class, so there was no one there.

"over there!"

The boy with yellow hair and dyed hair quickly pointed to the opposite side.


Brother Meng turned his head in confusion, and sure enough, he saw Ye Fei walking towards them with a smile on his face. Brother Meng immediately shook his body, stood up immediately, looked at Ye Fei's smiling face, and always Feeling shuddering, he hurriedly shouted to the people next to him: "Quick, quick, stand up fucking, people are coming."

Immediately, those sitting people stood up, and then cast their gazes in the opposite direction one by one.

"Is it very professional?"

Ye Fei walked a few meters away from Brother Meng, looked at the 'props' next to him, and said with a smile.

"It's unprofessional!"

Brother Meng glanced at the approaching reporter, relaxed his heart, and spoke directly to Ye Fei.

"It's all wrapped up like this, and you dare to come out to do evil, you really don't cry when you see the coffin!"

Ye Fei looked at Brother Meng with a smile and said, "Tell me, who ordered you to do this?"

"What order and not order?"

Brother Meng's eyes flickered, and he still looked at Ye Fei with a stubborn mouth. At this moment, he saw the blond Linda walking by, and his eyes lit up. When will there be such a foreign beauty again.

"You said no one ordered you? You, a guy with well-developed limbs, definitely can't think of using these methods... Uh, shit, even the reporters are looking for it. How dare you say that you were not ordered? Be honest, otherwise... "Ye Fei stared at Brother Meng, and suddenly found a few people with cameras and signs coming up next to him, and believed his guess even more.

"Sir, you should be Mrs. Ye who led the students to fight in the bar last night, right?" The reporter next to him rushed over, and a long-haired female reporter asked Ye Fei with a microphone.

"Eh? Teacher Ye? Who is Teacher Ye? I don't know him!" Ye Fei glanced at the reporter and quickly shook his head in denial.

"Aren't you Teacher Ye?"

The female reporter looked at Ye Fei in disbelief.

"I'm really not Mrs. Ye, I guess you've got the wrong person!" Ye Fei shook his head sincerely.

"No, he is Teacher Ye, and I was beaten by him. Even if this guy turns into ashes, I know him. He must be the teacher Ye that those female students call him." Seeing the reporter, Brother Meng knew that Ye Fei would not dare to mess around. , I was not so scared anymore, and said quickly.

"Damn, she is also called a teacher, does she really teach?" Ye Fei rolled his eyes at Brother Meng and said, "You have the guts to go to the school ahead and ask if anyone knows me, I'm not a teacher at all. "

"Then...then what do you do?" the female reporter asked after thinking about it.

"I... I'm a bastard just like him. It's just a fight between two scumbags. Do you want to make headlines?" Ye Fei thought for a while, and took care of everything on himself first. After all, Shangguan Fei'er must be very troublesome now. up.

"He's not a scumbag, I...I'm..."

Brother Meng was a little incoherent by Ye Fei's speech, and he almost admitted that he was a scum, and quickly said: "He...he is a teacher. "

Nima, this guy clearly wants to make headlines for himself!

Ye Fei was speechless, reasoning with hooligans was much more tiring than fighting, but this was a public place, and it was still at the school gate, and he didn't want to cause more trouble to Shangguan Fei'er.

"Well, I will pay you twice as much as the person who ordered you gave you."

Ye Fei didn't bother to argue with such a guy, if it wasn't for Shangguan Fei'er, Brother Meng would probably have to be beaten again.

"See, he still wants to seduce me with money. I, Meng, have nothing else to do but accept death. If you hit me, you have to apologize and pay me for medical expenses." Brother Meng saw that this trick really worked. , the whole person became more proud.

"Ahem, you guys are talking so excitedly, can you let me say a few words?" Linda on the side looked at this scene and felt the urge to laugh. Seeing that Ye Fei had nothing to do with this guy, she hurriedly said.

"Where did you come from, a foreign girl? Huaxia Wen is quite good, but this is a man's business, you still stand..."

Brother Meng glanced at Linda, and there was a bit of lewdness in his eyes.He had a dirty look, but at this time the business was important, and he didn't intend to talk to Linda, but who knows, before he finished speaking, a long and slender leg directly kicked him in the face.

"You can call me 'Foreign Teacher'!"

Linda was too lazy to talk nonsense about this guy, so he just kicked him, maybe it would be better to talk about it this way.

(End of this chapter)

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