super agent

Chapter 339 The Instigator Behind the Scenes

Chapter 339 The Instigator Behind the Scenes (Fourth Update)

Immediately, he saw Brother Meng's body rolling a few times on the ground before he stopped.

"Brother Meng!"

"Brother Meng!"

Seeing this, those younger brothers ran up one by one to help Mengge up.

"I didn't do it. It was this foreign teacher who did it. So there are many people in this world who call themselves teachers, but not all of them teach. It's too immoral for you to be stuck in other schools. Their teachers want to preach and teach. industry."

Ye Fei waved his hand, smiled at the reporter next to him, looked at the expressions of several people, and said coldly: "Looking at your appearance, you must have been bought by someone, right? Although I have no influence, I have to investigate It is still very easy to get to your place of work, and I will complain to you until the time comes to bring your company down, so get out now if you are sensible."

"Ah, I... I know who he is."

A young reporter who accompanied him stared at Ye Fei, and he always felt that Ye Fei looked familiar. At this moment, Ye Fei stared at them, and finally recognized Ye Fei.

"Who is he?"

The leading female reporter's face darkened, she looked at Ye Fei and asked the reporter next to her in a low voice.

The reporter stared at Ye Fei with apprehension, and immediately explained to the female reporter.

After the female reporter heard this, her face turned pale, she looked at Ye Fei with flickering eyes, pondered for a moment, and immediately made a big turn, and said respectfully: "Sorry, Mr. Ye, we didn't know it was you, so let's go now. "

After speaking, the reporters left one by one in a panic.

"Recognized? Is it possible that I am so famous in Zhonghai City?" Ye Fei was taken aback, but it would be better if he was recognized, it would save a little trouble.

"Fuck, do you really think anyone can hit me?" Surrounded by many younger brothers, Brother Meng stood up, covered his covered face with his right hand, his eyes were full of anger, and was about to walk towards Linda hour.

"I can do it now." Seeing that Linda was going forward, Ye Fei quickly stopped Linda, walked towards Brother Meng with a smile, and said in front of Brother Meng: "It's not good to fight, everyone Sit down and talk about it?"

"Talking about wool, I'm going to make trouble in the school now!" Brother Meng obviously knew that Linda came here with Ye Fei, so his anger was about to explode, and he turned around and walked towards the school.

"If you dare to go, I will break your legs."

Ye Fei stared at Brother Meng indifferently and said.

"Damn, you dare to hit someone..."

Brother Meng glanced at the side with disdain, and found that the arranged reporters were gone, and there were not many people here at this time, Ye Fei might really do something to him, thinking of this, he felt a little guilty.

"Shall we sit down and have a good talk now?" Ye Fei smiled. It was the first time he met such a fun hooligan. Although this guy is also a typical bullying guy, he is still quite interesting.

"Okay, okay, Teacher Ye can talk about whatever he wants."

Brother Meng immediately shrank his eyes, and his tone became flattering.

"Then find a quieter place, it's not good to disturb others in class." Ye Fei nodded and smiled lightly.

"Okay, okay, find a quiet place."

Brother Meng could only nod in agreement.

"Well, let me get in my car."

Ye Fei nodded and pulled Brother Meng towards his car, but halfway turned to look at Linda.

"I won't go to the car, you guys talk slowly."

Seeing Ye Fei looking at her, Linda shrugged and smiled.

"it is good."

Ye Fei nodded, and then took Brother Meng and I into the car.

in the car.

"How are you going to deal with it?"

Ye Fei took out his cigarette, looked at Brother Meng and said.

" can deal with it as you say."

Brother Meng is like an eggplant beaten by Shuang at this time, looking at Ye Fei with a face of fear and opening his mouth, he has already got into Ye Fei's car, no one knows about being killed and disabled, if he knew it earlier, he shouldn't repeat it again and again And San listened to what Chen Bo said.

"Who ordered you to do this? I think you were ordered by someone when you were in the bar. Otherwise, how could you come to us by chance? Don't you think so?" Ye Fei smiled and handed a cigarette Ask Meng Ge.

Brother Meng took the cigarette from Ye Fei with trembling hands, put it in his mouth and thought about it, and then said: "Actually... Actually, we were indeed ordered by someone. He paid us to do things. Just to teach you a lesson."

"who is it?"

Ye Fei set himself on fire, and then leaned close to Brother Meng's mouth. Although he has many enemies, those enemies before should not be so low-level as to find someone like Brother Meng to deal with him. Then he really can't figure out who it is .

"Thank you!"

Brother Meng lit his cigarette, took a deep breath, and then looked at Ye Fei and said, "'s Mr. Chen Bo from that school. He has a good background, so we will do things for him."

"Chen Bo?"

Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, shook his head and said with a smile: "Haha, it's that guy. I can't figure out who would come to deal with me. It's because of such a trivial matter!"

"This... we actually didn't want to come this time, but Chen Bo threatened us that if we don't come, he will find someone to fix us, hey..." Brother Meng said to Ye Fei in a sad tone.

"It's not easy. After all, you have been beaten so badly by me. I won't beat you this time. Anyway, you can go back and be a good person."

Ye Fei patted Brother Meng and said in a sympathetic tone, after all, it's really useless to have the same knowledge as this kind of gangster!
"Thank you, thank you, Teacher Ye!" Brother Meng was so moved that tears fell down his cheeks. He was already prepared to be beaten, but he didn't expect that Ye Fei really only asked him a few questions, so he hurriedly said: "That's right. , Teacher Ye, you offended Long Qi’s people yesterday, and he will send people to block your way today, so be careful today.”

"Long Qi? Don't worry, that guy is not a threat to me yet."

Ye Fei waved his hand, and then said: "You apologize to the school later, just say that you found the wrong school, it was Teacher Ye from another school, and you have to apologize to Teacher Shangguan at the same time, you know?"

"Uh, this... this..." Brother Meng thought for a while, looking a little embarrassed.

"What? Do you find it difficult?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and asked Brother Meng.

"A little bit, mainly because of Chen Bo, he...his family is a bit powerful. Although I'm doing well, I'm still far behind those powerful people. If they want to kill me, they can just find someone to kill me." The reason is enough." Brother Meng looked at Ye Fei timidly and said.

"Don't worry, he will be too busy to take care of himself in the future, and if he provokes me, there will be no good fruit to eat." Ye Fei said in relief.

"OK then."

After pondering for a moment, he gritted his teeth and nodded in response, otherwise he would have to be beaten now.

(End of this chapter)

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