super agent

Chapter 360 Getting Golden Eyes

Chapter 360 Getting Golden Eyes (Part [-])

Once breaking through the Broken Realm, it will involve the cultivation of space. Although it is only the first step in this field, after entering the Broken Realm, there will be a huge leap in one's own strength.

"Spear of Destruction? Profound Palm? These two seem to be very powerful spells. Unexpectedly, after the Shengxuan Derivative Art broke through to the seventh floor, these two methods will automatically appear in the depths of my memory. I thought they would There is no attack technique."

Ye Fei sat on the bed and meditated. The breakthrough brought about a huge change in his whole being, and he obtained two very powerful methods.

The Spear of Destruction is a spear that condenses its own strong true energy into a spear that mainly attacks and kills. It is specially used to restrain those techniques of self-protection, so it is called the "Spear of Destruction". This is Ye Fei. One of the methods obtained is extremely powerful, but how big it is depends on him trying it himself.

Shengxuan Palm is a strange attacking spell, which can devour the enemy's vitality with one palm, that is, Qi and blood to enhance one's own Qi and blood. After all, everyone is maintained by Qi and blood. Once Qi and blood If it declines, the whole person will become decadent and weak.

Of course, the consumption of these two offensive spells is extremely terrifying for the true energy. Even if Ye Fei is desperate, condensing all the true energy in will greatly increase the power of the two spells he casts.

However, it is impossible for Ye Fei to use this kind of thing that the enemy loses [-] and self-damage [-] unless it is very critical.

"I didn't have any offensive spells before, but now I can make up for the previous shortcomings. How powerful is it, I have to ask Guituo to try it!"

Ye Fei sorted out his thoughts with joy, then turned his head to look at Yang Manying who was blinking her beautiful eyes at him on the bed, and immediately smiled: "You're awake."

"I've been awake for a long time, and I've been watching you sitting there giggling."

The corners of Yang Manying's mouth curled up slightly, then she sat up and looked at Ye Fei and said, "Breakthrough?"

"Of course, can I still lie to you? Now we don't have to worry about Guituo and those people anymore. If they dare to come, I will definitely let him come and go." Ye Fei patted his chest and looked at Yang Manying confidently. He said with a smile, now that he has broken through, his face is also flushed, and his self-confidence is even more inflated.

Because of his low realm before, he felt very depressed when facing Guituo, but now with his many means, if he fights Guituo one-on-one, he is also confident that he will not lose.

Even if there is a real battle, his chances of winning are even greater. Even if Guituo's strength has already reached the commanding level, he still has a lot of accumulation, and the two offensive spells of Spear of Destruction and Profound Palm are just right. Guituo can be restrained.

"So powerful? You don't think you can coax a child, do you?"

Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei's proud expression, and said in disbelief.

"Just wait and see when the time comes!"

Ye Fei grinned at Yang Manying, and then said: "By the way, I will give you the first level of the Shengxuan Derivative Art for you to practice."

"Huh? I... Am I a little late for practice?"

Yang Manying was startled, and quickly stared at Ye Fei with her beautiful eyes and asked.

"It won't be too late, and you don't want to see who is here to teach you."

Ye Fei waved his hand, and immediately began to teach Yang Manying the magic technique he was about to practice.

Next, Ye Fei spent the whole morning on Yang Manying, guiding her step by step. At around nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Fei dropped a word and went out by himself, letting Yang Manying practice hard.

"Huh? What about people?"

Ye Fei walked down the stairs and found that no one was in the living room. He originally wanted to report the good news of his breakthrough.

"Grandpa, have you recuperated?"

At this time, Wang Ma was coming out of the kitchen, and she saw Ye Fei who was full of energy at the moment, and asked quickly with a bright light in her eyes.

"Well, rest well."

Ye Fei nodded. The breakthrough in realm was not only internal, but also all the injuries he suffered. Thinking of him, he came down to see Wang Ma and asked, "Where are they?"

"Oh, Hua Qing is practicing outside, everyone went outside to see."

Wang Ma explained that there were so many unimaginable things happening at home these days, she was quite calm, and she was not surprised by these things.

"How to do it? What's wrong with this guy?"

Ye Fei was taken aback immediately, and hurriedly walked outside.

"My uncle doesn't eat breakfast?"

Wang Ma asked quickly.

"Wait and eat."

Ye Fei turned his head to explain, and thought of something, he said: "By the way, Manying said she won't eat this morning."

"Don't eat?"

Wang Ma looked at Ye Fei puzzled, but it was a pity that Ye Fei had already left outside.

In the courtyard of the villa.

Jiu Ming Yao, Wang Min and the others were looking at Hua Qing who was re-approving the Taoist robe in the center of the courtyard, and saw that he had put these things up again at some point.

However, the official work has not started yet, and they are still preparing. Bao Bai and Linda are putting candles on the side.

"Fuck, what expressions do you all have? Don't you believe me?"

Hua Qing glanced at the crowd cursingly, and just caught sight of Ye Fei who came out of the room. His eyes lit up, and he quickly pointed at Ye Fei with a mahogany sword in his hand and said, "Ye Fei, come here quickly, tell me if I cast a spell on you back then. Is it a pain in the ass?"

"Egg hurts your sister, how dare you say that!"

As soon as Ye Fei walked out, he was slandered by the bastard Hua Qing, and he said angrily, "What are you planning to do with all this?"

"How to do it!"

Hua Qing looked at Ye Fei with a natural expression and smiled.

"How to do it? Who is the target?"

Ye Fei suddenly came to the counter with a surprised expression and asked.

"Golden Eye, you made that guy so miserable yesterday, and I found a lot of things to play with him, so today I'll go back to my old business, mess with that guy, and find out where they are going." Hua Qing looked at Ye Fei and said.

"What? You got something important about Jinyan's body?"

Ye Fei was shocked, and he could imagine that Jinyan was about to hurt, and then he said, "Can you still find their foothold?"

"That's right, otherwise you think I'm just torturing people? But it will consume a lot of my true energy..."

Hua Qing nodded.

"Damn, then why don't you engage in Guituo!"

Ye Fei glanced at Hua Qing and said, in fact, he still remembered the thing that he was injured by that guy last night. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, so now he has the opportunity to mess with that guy.

"Fuck Guituo? How can I do it? That guy has a bald head, he can't even find a hair, and he was not injured at all yesterday, and he didn't leave any blood. How do you ask me to do it?" Hua Qing was annoyed. Taking a blank look at Ye Fei, he suddenly found that Ye Fei seemed to be a little different, and quickly exclaimed: "What? broke through?"

(End of this chapter)

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