super agent

Chapter 361 Winning over

Chapter 361 Winning over (three more)
Hearing Hua Qing's sudden exclamation, everyone who was joking at the scene immediately cast their eyes on Ye Fei, and then their eyes lit up.

"Ye Fei, also broke through?"

Nine Lives Demon was the first to react, walked quickly to Ye Fei, and said excitedly.

"Yeah, at first I also felt that it might take a few days, but who knew that I was hit by Guituo yesterday, which made me realize something, and then I was recovering and repairing last night, and it will come to fruition early this morning. It broke through."

Ye Fei nodded, with a smile on his face, and then he looked at the Nine Lives Demon and laughed jokingly: "Once I break through, you may not be able to beat me."

"Can't beat you? Think too much."

Nine Lives Demon pouted immediately, and said with a disdainful smile: "I broke through earlier than you, and I regret to tell you that I didn't show my full strength last night. My trump card is too strong. I haven't used it yet, otherwise Guituo couldn't walk so easily!"

"Blow you."

Ye Fei said with a look of disbelief.

"Really, who lied to you, we had the upper hand last night, and it was a scuffle, what if I hurt one of my own people?"

Nine Lives Demon quickly explained.

"Damn, what are you two arguing about? Isn't it a good thing to break through? It just so happens that we find their lair today and settle Guituo. Then there will be fewer enemies!"

Hua Qing, who was on the side, watched the two of them arguing endlessly, and suddenly said angrily, they are all his mother's own people, so there is nothing to argue about.

"Well, I'm going to start doing it. Everyone, just watch from the sidelines. I'll play tricks on that guy named Golden Eyes first, and then find their hiding place."

Then, Hua Qing glanced at the crowd and said.

Immediately, Ye Fei, Jiu Ming Yao and others took a few steps back to make room for Hua Qing.

"Let's see who can catch Guituo then."

Nine Lives Demon took a look at Ye Fei, the person he wanted to compare with was Ye Fei, so he was very dissatisfied with what Ye Fei said just now.

"Hehe, okay, this proposal is very good."

Ye Fei nodded and smiled lightly.

Immediately, Hua Qing began to cast spells.


But at this time, on the side of 'Carmen' in the northern district of Zhonghai City, it belonged to Long Qi's territory.

In one of the grand and luxurious halls, Wei Tian smoked a cigar and squinted at Guituo who was drinking in front of him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Guituo, our Heretic Alliance has investigated your information very clearly, so I sincerely hope that you can join our group. Even Bishop Wusenuo of the Dark Holy See has recommended you to our great "Allied Lord" many times. The Dark Pope has also mentioned you to the Allied Lord. If you are willing, no matter if it is the Dark Holy See or other forces in the Heretic Alliance, they will be happy to accept you, and your status is definitely not low, how about it?"

"Aren't you going to stay in Europe? And I heard that your heretical alliance is fighting that alien alliance. Do you want to drag me over there as cannon fodder?"

Guituo looked at Wei Tian calmly and said.

"War? It's a joke. Only a few forces from our Heretic Alliance participated in the war this time. Not even the strongest Dark Church was dispatched."

Wei Tian said with a look of disdain, obviously he didn't care about the alliance of supernatural beings at all.

"Is the Dark Holy See restrained by the Bright Holy See?"

Guituo explained to Wei Tian with a sneer.

"It seems that Mr. Guituo is determined not to join us? But it's okay, I believe you will agree to join us in a short time."

Wei Tian's face darkened, he stared at Guituo and smiled lightly.

"Who else will come this time?"

Guituo looked at Wei Tianlow and asked.

"You just need to know that the two ascetic adults will come."

Wei Tian looked at Guituo with a sneer and said.

"The ascetics of the Dark Holy See? I don't know if you can tell me who they are. Although I don't know much, I still have some understanding of some forces in Europe."

Guituo asked.

"Of course it belongs to the Dark Holy See, Lords Fallen Leaf and Dead Leaf." Wei Tian said without thinking.

"What? These two?"

Guituo was startled, and quickly stood up and asked in surprise, "They didn't come here just to deal with Ye Fei, did they?"

You must know that the strength of these two ascetics is quite terrifying. He is no match for any of them. After all, with the status of those two, the Pope of the Dark Holy See can order them, but he did not expect the people who came to Zhonghai City this time. will be them.

"Just kidding, to deal with Ye Fei, we still need two ascetic masters? And the fallen leaves and the dead leaves?" Wei Tian pouted and said disdainfully: "Actually, our most important purpose this time is to seize something. I heard that even the Venerable Alliance valued that thing very much, but it was only limited to those forces on the Huaxia side, so the Venerable Alliance and the others did not come here in person."


Guituo asked curiously.

"I don't know either. Anyway, I'm just a pioneer, and everything will depend on the two ascetics." Wei Tian shook his head and replied.

"Then you will deal with Ye Fei when you get the things?"

Guituo thought for a while and continued to ask.

"Of course, this guy is actually on the reward order of the Heresy Alliance. Now that he is found, I just need to tell those two adults, and they will definitely take action to get rid of him."

Wei Tian nodded, and then said: "And what you have to do is to think carefully whether you want to join us, or you will be hunted down by the guardians of Yanhuang every day in Huaxia Kingdom. I think you will be in pain too?"

"I will think about it……"

Guituo stared at Wei Tian, ​​nodded solemnly, if he could not kill Ye Fei this time, then his mission would be a failure, and Yan Han would not be able to help him at that time, in this case, he will have to live again next time After all, the commanders of the guardians of Yanhuang are not vegetarians. Although he barely possesses the strength of a commander, he is still a lot worse than those people. Every time he meets those people, he just Run away.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

At this moment, Long Qi suddenly walked in from the door, looked at Wei Tian and Gui Tuo and said, "That Mr. Golden Eyes, it seems that something happened, he suddenly rolled on the bed for some reason..."

"What? What happened to that bastard?"

Hearing that he had golden eyes, Guituo hurriedly said angrily, in the past, he would never have been able to save that guy, but now he still needs to rely on that guy to catch up with Yan Han, after all, he really doesn't want to join any heresy Alliance, that force is too mysterious, the water is too deep.

"I don't know, anyway, he suddenly said where it hurts, and then rolled over on the bed." Long Qi shook his head and looked at Guituo and said.

"Let's go and have a look first."

Wei Tian frowned and stood up.

"it is good."

Guituo nodded, and immediately they walked towards the place where Jinyan lived.

(End of this chapter)

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