super agent

Chapter 369 Robbing the Yanhuang Guardian

Chapter 369 Robbing the Yanhuang Guardian (Part [-])
Tianjiankou is located in the Xibei District of Zhonghai City. Extending from Tianjiankou, there are boundless mountains and forests. Inside, there are high mountains and rugged mountain roads, and there are many ferocious beasts.

The vast mountains have not been fully explored by modern people, and no one knows what exists in the deepest part of the mountain, but those who are detached from the ordinary know that there is actually a great power in the deepest part of the mountain, and that power belongs to ancient warriors Ordinary people can't spy on his own cultivation sect.

Liehuodong is an ancient warrior force hidden in the vast mountains. They have already transcended the world, so they don't care about the affairs of Huahua World at all. Even if they have something to do, they will dress up as ordinary people. The person you pass by may be someone with a special ability.

"Master, why haven't the Yanhuang Guardians come yet?"

At Tianjiankou, a group of more than a dozen people, all wearing red and white clothes, were looking up at the path in the distance. One of the young men frowned at the wrinkled old man beside him.

"Wait, this time the team is led by Commander Ye, there must be no problem, just continue to wait." The old man was dressed in fiery red clothes, and even his shoes were red. Just standing there gave people a little bit of a sense. With a fiery feeling, thick eyebrows and big eyes, he should look like a very strict and unsmiling person.


The young man in red and white clothes could only sigh helplessly immediately.


On the way to Tianjiankou, there is still a lot of distance from Tianjiankou, and a fierce battle is taking place. Obviously, it is impossible for the heretics and evil alliance to wait for the two forces to come together to fight, and they have two The first choice is the person who intercepts the guardian of Yanhuang halfway, and the second is the person who intercepts the Raging Fire Cave after the transaction is over.

Everyone who does things follows a path, and changes will happen if it is too late.

Therefore, they chose to intercept the guardian of Yanhuang. After all, Ye Tiannan was the only leader here, and it would be much easier for the two powerful ascetics, Luo Ye and Dead Ye, to deal with them.

However, there was an accident today. The task they thought they could easily win was unexpectedly broken. The reason is precisely because the deputy leader of the yellow team on the Guardian of Yanhuang also broke through to the Broken Realm, coupled with the tyrannical yellow team Commanding Ye Tiannan, although they are weak, they will not be completely wiped out.

"Falling leaves, dead leaves, you dare to go to our Huaxia Kingdom to snatch things openly and aboveboard. Aren't you afraid of facing the encirclement and suppression of our Yanhuang Guardians and other powerful people?"

Ye Tiannan, who was fighting dead and fallen leaves alone, roared at them. Ye Tiannan was a middle-aged man wearing black leather armor with a resolute and stern face. Dead leaves and fallen leaves fight.

"Hehe, Ye Tiannan, you're overthinking. The other powerful guardians of Yanhuang came here to collect the corpses, right? I advise you to hand over the Fire Lingzhu honestly, so that we can leave immediately. As for offending any Guardians of Yanhuang, just Tell your commanders to go find our Union Zun!"

Although the fallen leaves looked thin and weak, under his guidance, sharp swords turned from ice turned towards Ye Tiannan, and the space around him had become a place of ice, and the icy breath continued to spread It reached Ye Tiannan's feet, but it didn't erode Ye Tiannan. Obviously, Ye Tiannan was also trying his best to resist the ice.

And the magic performed by the withered leaves is even more weird, every time he stretches out his skinny hand, it will transform into an invisible skinny hand and grab Ye Tiannan. It seems to take away the vitality of others.

This kind of magic is quite terrifying. At this time, Ye Tiannan can clearly feel that his vitality is passing away. Although he has not been directly attacked, his vitality is indeed being lost, which is why Dead Leaf will always use that trick. The reason is that he was assisting Luo Ye at the side, so that Ye Tiannan could be dealt with faster.

"Damn it, when did these heretics infiltrate our Huaxia country, and they are so arrogant to go directly to our Yanhuang guardians."

The deputy commander, Zhou Gang, also fought against Guituo with a strenuous expression. Although he had not broken through for long, his combat power was quite terrifying. He was on par with Guituo. He looked at Guituo while fighting and said: " Guituo, if you join the heresy, if we don't die this time, we will definitely invite other commanders out to deal with you together."

"Hmph, then you guys should save your lives and talk about it first."

Guituo snorted coldly, and punched the deputy commander Zhou Gang again.

"Huh? What happened to the phone?"

At this moment, Dead Ye, who was fighting fiercely with Ye Tiannan, turned his head to look at a mobile phone lying on the ground not far away, and asked in a startled voice.

"My lord, it seems that someone called someone to inform?"

At this moment, Wei Tian, ​​who was covered in blood and arrogance, also changed greatly. He quickly picked up the phone, answered the phone angrily, and said, "Hey, who are you?"

"I'm Li Ren, you guys are so bold, you dare to come to my country, beep..." A masculine male voice came from the opposite side, after a few vicious warnings, he hung up the phone broken.

"Lord Dead Leaf, who called the people from Raging Fire Cave, it seems that they will rush over to save people soon!"

Wei Tian hurriedly threw the phone on the ground. We were fighting together just now, and no one expected that someone would suddenly call the person in Riehuodong.

"Damn it, then everyone will use all their strength to deal with them quickly, even if they pay a heavy price, we must do so as soon as possible, otherwise it will be even more difficult for us when the people from Raging Fire Cave come."

Withered Leaf's face changed, and then the whole person was furious, and shouted at Ye Tiannan in front, "Death Skeleton!"

Immediately, he saw a green skull appearing from his body, and then rushed towards Ye Tiannan with grinning teeth.

"Fast Ice Storm!"

Luo Ye naturally also heard the conversation just now, and she immediately unleashed all her strength. Suddenly, the surrounding area was cold and windy, and sharp ice blades gathered in front of him. Follow Ye Tiannan to fly away.

Obviously, the center of this battle is Ye Tiannan, as long as Ye Tiannan is resolved, it will be easy to talk about.


Ye Tiannan's role as the leader of the guardian of Yanhuang is naturally not a simple role, he also gave a low shout, and then the space he was standing in was suddenly covered by a black curtain, and even the dead leaves and fallen leaves were also covered in it at the same time.

The battle intensified, but at this time, in a mountain not far away, several figures were watching the fierce battle in the distance below.

"Let's fight, it would be better if we both lose."

Ye Fei, who had already changed into black clothes, looked at the battle below with a playful expression in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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