super agent

Chapter 370 The time has come

Chapter 370 The time has come (second update)
A fierce and terrifying battle broke out in the distance, but the people on Ye Fei's side were smoking cigarettes leisurely, acting as bystanders.

"Hey, do you want to change your cigarettes to higher-end ones? Is it still a few dollars short?"

Hua Qing smoked carelessly, and kicked Ye Fei in a bad mood.

"Fuck, smoking is just for fun, how about some cigars for you?"

Ye Fei glared at Hua Qing angrily and said.


Hua Qing quickly responded.

"Think beautifully, please be quiet. Damn, we are not doing something aboveboard. We have to cover our faces later. Don't be found out. It will be a lot of trouble then."

Ye Fei rushed to the people next to him and said, "By the way, Jiuming Yao and I will go down to snatch the Fire Lingzhu later. You two are here to meet us, so you don't go down."

"Huh? Mr. Ye is just you two?"

Bao Bai immediately looked at Ye Fei and Jiuming Yao worriedly and said.

"Of course, Nine Lives Demon and I are both in the Shattered Realm, with stronger strength, and we will run away after grabbing things. If you also go down, it will cause us a lot of trouble."

Ye Fei patted Bao Bai's shoulder and nodded.

"Okay then, let's meet here."

Bao Bai thought about it and felt it made sense, so he nodded quickly.

"Ye Fei, that Fire Spirit Orb hasn't been taken out yet? How can we snatch it then?"

Also put on a black suit, the Nine Lives Demon, whose face was superfluously covered with a layer of black cloth, turned his head to look at Ye Fei and asked.

"Don't worry, look below, those people from the Heretic and Evil League have already begun to work hard, and the Yanhuang Guardian doesn't seem to be their opponent. I don't think it will be long before that leader called Ye Tiannan will honestly hand over the Fire Spirit Orb of."

Ye Fei waved his hands, looked down indifferently, and smiled, but when he mentioned Ye Tiannan, he was taken aback for a moment. This guy is also named Ye, so he must have something to do with the Ye family, right?

"Well, okay, let's wait first then."

Nine Lives Demon stared down and nodded.

"By the way, I will attack first!"

Ye Fei turned his head to look at Nine Lives Demon and reminded.

"Oh? You attack? Okay!"

Nine Lives Demon hesitated for a few seconds and looked at Ye Fei, then nodded.

At this time, the battle below is almost coming to an end. There were originally more than 20 people on the Yanhuang Guardian side, a few died, and most of them were seriously injured. Something is missing.

In a one-on-one match, Ye Tiannan would definitely not lose, but in a one-on-one match, two such powerful people belonged to the top experts in the Dark Vatican, so he couldn't stand it anymore, especially the damage caused by the dead leaves to him. It hurt the most, constantly depriving him of his vitality, consuming his strength little by little.

"Ye Tiannan, don't struggle anymore. You look at the guardians of Yanhuang, many of you have died. I know that it is not easy for you to train everyone, so I advise you to catch your hands and hand over the Fire Spirit Orb, so that we It can save you a life."

Master Fallen Leaf waved his hands, and the hurricane of ice blades continuously attacked Ye Tiannan, but his attacks were all blocked by Ye Tiannan. Although he saw that Ye Tiannan was about to lose his strength, he knew he couldn't drag it any longer.


Ye Tiannan should not have been distracted after hearing Master Luoye's words, but the situation has reached this point, so he naturally knows that his side has lost.

“Absolutely Frozen!”

Seeing that Ye Tiannan was distracted, Master Luo Ye quickly chanted a spell, and then he slapped his hands on the ground.

wow wow wow-

The ground immediately started to freeze, spreading to Ye Tiannan at a very fast speed, freezing his feet in the blink of an eye, until Ye Tiannan's legs were completely frozen, Ye Tiannan reacted and quickly used his true energy to resist, but he His reaction was too slow. Although he resisted the continued erosion of the ice, he couldn't break free at all, and his legs were sealed by ice.

"Commander Ye!"

Zhou Gang, who was fighting fiercely with Guituo, saw this scene and immediately gave up the fight with Guituo, and was about to run to rescue him, but unfortunately he was still stopped.

"Uncle Ye!"

Ye Xuan who was fighting Wei Tian at the side stopped immediately and shouted loudly.

If the coach is restrained, then this battle can be declared over!
"Stop it all, I'll leave the Fire Spirit Orb to you."

Ye Tiannan knew that he couldn't break free for a short time, so he immediately took a look at the others and quickly compromised, otherwise it would be just a useless sacrifice, he looked at Luoye and Dead Ye and said coldly: "Are you really planning to kill us directly? ? The Heretic Alliance doesn’t have much to do with our Huaxia Kingdom, right? If we are all killed, maybe our Huaxia Kingdom’s ancient warriors will be furious and help the Ability Alliance to fight against you..."

"Hehe, Commander Ye is worrying too much. We are here only for the Fire Spirit Orb. How could we commit crimes? Don't worry, as long as you hand over the Fire Spirit Orb, we will leave immediately." Master Withered Leaf caressed Brushing his beard, he glanced at Master Luoye and smiled at Ye Tiannan.

"Yes, Commander Ye is a high-ranking figure in Huaxia Kingdom. How could we declare war on Huaxia Kingdom directly? Hand over the Fire Spirit Orb and we'll leave." Master Luo Ye rolled his eyes and nodded in agreement.

"I have to make sure that my people won't be killed first." Ye Tiannan narrowed his eyes and glanced at Master Luoye and Master Withered Leaf, and then said: "Vice Commander Zhou, Ye Xuan and others, you all go to I'm here."

"Commander Ye..."

Deputy Commander Zhou Gang looked at Ye Tiannan with an unyielding face and said loudly.

"I told you to come here, don't you dare to disobey my order now that I'm trapped?"

Ye Tiannan shouted at Zhou Gang.

Immediately, Ye Xuan and the others stopped and followed Deputy Commander Zhou Gang towards Ye Nantian's back. Master Luoye and Master Withered Ye didn't stop them either. Obviously they didn't want to kill randomly, after all, the people from Raging Fire Cave are probably coming soon However, it is better for them to take their own things and leave.

"Okay, I will hand over the Fire Spirit Orb to you now, but you have to leave after taking the Fire Spirit Orb. If anyone wants to kill me, I will do my best. I think if I do my best, you will probably have to pay a lot." pay for it."

Ye Tiannan saw that his people were walking behind him, so he quickly glanced at Master Withered Leaf and Master Fallen Leaf.

"Okay, Commander Ye, don't worry."

The two immediately nodded with a smile.


Ye Tiannan stared straight at Master Fallen Leaf and Master Withered Leaf, then took out a fist-sized exquisite box from his pocket, and after taking out the box, he opened it to show the man.

Immediately, a round, crimson ball the size of an egg appeared inside. There seemed to be a flame burning inside the ball. When the box was opened, a faint heat was emitted from it.

"Fire Lingzhu?!"

Master Fallen Leaf and Master Withered Leaf were startled, and said excitedly, "Hurry up and throw it over here, we'll leave right away when we get this thing."

"it is good."

Ye Tiannan glanced helplessly at the Fire Spirit Orb in his hand, and immediately threw it into the sky, saying: "Take it."

The box containing the Fire Spirit Orb was thrown into the sky immediately, Master Luoye, Master Withered Leaf, Guituo and others watched the Fire Spirit Orb fly over in a daze.

But at this moment-

"The Spear of Destruction!"

A low voice suddenly resounded in the distance!

(End of this chapter)

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