super agent

Chapter 371 Succeeded

Chapter 371 Succeeded (third shift)

The void trembled at this moment, and a wave of terror and shattered breath came from a distance.

Then, there was a muffled and sharp sound of breaking wind, and a bright light beam like a comet broke through the sky towards the distant mountain. If you look carefully, it is a war spear formed by the power of heaven and earth. , there are dense and complicated runes flashing on it, with a bit of ancient vicissitudes.

And when the bright battle spear rushed down, two black figures also flew down through the air.

"Hurry up and get the Fire Spirit Orb!"

Seeing the impact of the bright and gorgeous spear, everyone was stunned. Master Withered Leaf was the first to react and was about to run over to get the box immediately.

But at this time, Ye Fei's Spear of Destruction also rushed down, directly blocking the way of Master Withered Leaf, and hit the ground with a violent impact.

Immediately, a terrifying wave of power spread and swept around, causing everyone to be thrown off their feet.


Seeing this, Guituo and the others immediately backed away, each with serious expressions on their faces.

But at this moment, Ye Tiannan took advantage of the impact and immediately broke free from his frozen body, and immediately retreated to the side.

"Could Commander Ye be one of our people?"

Deputy Commander Zhou Gang stepped aside, and asked with a smile on his face.

"I don't know, let's step back and observe first."

Ye Tiannan frowned slightly, he knew that he was definitely not from the Raging Fire Cave, because the people from the Raging Fire Cave only practiced fire-attributed exercises.


Ye Xuan, who was next to him, looked at one of the figures flying down, and always felt a little familiar, but he didn't dare to confirm it.

"Damn, the first time I used the Spear of Destruction, I actually drew most of my true energy. We will run away after getting the Fire Spirit Orb. I don't have much energy to fight."

As soon as he landed on the ground, Ye Fei lowered his voice and said to the Nine Lives Demon next to him, it was also the first time he used the Spear of Destruction just now, he didn't expect it to be so powerful, it was completely beyond his imagination, and it also consumed him a lot of.

"it is good."

Nine Lives Demon nodded.

"Who are you? How dare you spoil our affairs, and you can't find death?"

Luo Ye looked at the person who suddenly broke in and destroyed them, and shouted angrily.

"Let's talk about it if we can kill it!"

Ye Fei deliberately lowered his voice and smiled at Luoye, and subconsciously glanced at Wei Tian. He originally wanted to deal with this guy, but he wasted too much, and the fallen leaves and dead leaves posed a huge threat to him.

Seeing this, he glanced at the Fire Spirit Bead that was thrown out of the box a few meters away and was about to fall to the ground, and took the Fire Spirit Bead into his hand in a flash.

"Wow, it emits heat all the time, it really is a wonder of heaven and earth!"

Holding the Fire Spirit Bead in Ye Fei's hand, he felt a slight heat, and he was amazed at the bottom of his heart. It was the first time he had come into contact with such a wonder of heaven and earth. Glancing at Ye Xuan and the others, he lowered his voice and said to Jiuming Yao: "Flash people."

"Well, you go, go and meet with them!"

Nine Lives Demon nodded and waved at Ye Fei.

"it is good!"

Ye Fei was not the kind of indecisive person either, he kicked his feet and flew towards the mountain that he flew down just now.

"Want to go?"

Seeing this, Master Luoye and Master Withered Leaf's expressions changed greatly. It was really a cooked duck that was about to fly away.

"Not one of us?!"

Vice-commander Zhou Gang was shocked and rushed forward immediately.

"We can't deal with the heretics, so don't do anything, let's see what they do." Ye Tiannan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Ye Fei who was flying away, and immediately waved his hand to hold Deputy Commander Zhou Gang. After all, they went up Helping is just making a wedding dress for the Heretic Alliance, why not just stand aside and watch.

"Everything is withered!"

Master Withered Leaf took the lead. With a wave of his hands, a strange dark green light cluster rushed towards Ye Fei with a corrupt and desolate atmosphere.

"Ice Blade!"

Master Luoye also followed suit, and suddenly dense ice sword blades condensed in front of him, and with a wave of his hand, he rushed towards Ye Fei's direction.

"Just try my hole card!"

The Nine Lives Demon who stayed in the mid-air after the interruption looked at the terrifying attack from below, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and immediately he made a gesture with both hands, the bloody light on his whole body exploded, and then he saw a bloody seven-story small building in front of him. The pagoda appeared, the small pagoda was more than half a meter high, and the Nine Lives Demon yelled after it transformed: "Blood Buddha Pagoda, suppress it!"

Immediately, Jiuming Yao pushed forward with both hands, and the small blood-colored tower rose in the wind. In the blink of an eye, it became a tower of more than ten meters high, suppressing the fallen and dead leaves below. This is his trump card. In the end, he also obtained a new attack method from the Blood Buddha Massacre.

The blood floating slaughter tower crushed down towards the bottom with a fierce momentum, and the momentum gave a huge oppressive force.


Ye Fei, who was flying back to the original road, felt the fluctuation, and couldn't help but turned around and looked back. He was shocked immediately, and he couldn't help cursing at the Nine Lives Demon: "This guy, there is also a Such a powerful means of attack."

After cursing, Ye Fei worked even harder and flew towards the distant mountain peak. After all, the Nine-Life Demon blocked so many people by himself, so he had to escape early so that he could get away too!

"What kind of attack is this?"

Deputy Commander Zhou Gang, who stood watching from a further distance, was extremely surprised, looked at Ye Tiannan who was beside him and asked in surprise: "Commander Ye, these two people who suddenly appeared seem to have combat power comparable to yours, who the hell are they?" ah?"

"Indeed, these two are very powerful. Just these two attacks are already surpassing me. If I try my best to resist their attacks, I will probably be injured."

Ye Tiannan looked apprehensively at the Nine Lives Demon, whose clothes fluttered in the air, and nodded. It seems that what he said just now was a wise move, and with the cooperation of the two, it would be useless for him to rush up.

In fact, Ye Tiannan was wrong. Ye Fei and Jiuming Yao are the kind of people who have just broken through to the Broken Realm, and the two moves just now are the strongest combat power of the two. At the same time, the price they have to pay And bigger, because then they're both going to wither.

However, these people at this time did not pay close attention to the realm of the two of them, and all their attention was focused on the Blood Buddha Tower in front of them.

"Damn it, where did you come from!"

Master Withered Leaf cursed angrily, and a more terrifying aura erupted from his whole body again. The dark green cloud that was blocked from rushing towards the sky suddenly turned into a huge fist and smashed towards the Blood Buddha Pagoda.

"Break it for me."

Master Fallen Leaf also clasped his hands together, those ice blades gathered together immediately, and a huge ice blade exuding terrifying fluctuations rushed towards the Blood Buddha Tower.

Bang! ! ! !

Next, there was a violent explosion, and the Nine-Life Demon was one against two, and he was a much stronger person than him. The moment the Blood Buddha Slaughter Tower shattered, he was also hit by that powerful shock wave.


Immediately, I saw the Nine Lives Demon snort and backed away.

(End of this chapter)

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