super agent

Chapter 598

Chapter 598
Following that, Yan Han gave a low shout, and saw his hands waving for a while, and then saw four solid gold chains rushing straight towards Ye Fei.


Ye Fei looked at the golden chain cast by Yan Han, immediately snorted coldly, and then dodged to the side.

But at this moment, another golden chain appeared suddenly behind him.

"Behind you, there is another chain behind you!"

Immediately, Shang's excited exclamation was heard. It didn't notice it just now, but unexpectedly, another chain appeared behind it.

call out--

The golden chains rushing out from behind directly restrained Ye Fei by the waist, and the chains beside him also bound towards Ye Fei at a fast speed.

"What? Why are there more?!"

Ye Fei was shocked at once, but when he realized that he was already restrained, and seeing the golden chain rushing towards him not far away, he immediately wanted to escape to the distance, but the chain was too real. It was too scary, it bound him directly, making it difficult for him to break free.

Not far away, the other four golden chains directly attacked Ye Fei, and one chain bound him. If the four chains come together, is there still a way for him to survive?
Immediately, Ye Fei began to desperately use the cutting technique to cut off the restraints released by Yan Han.

"Ye Fei!"

At this moment, everyone who heard the voice from inside the room raised their heads and looked into the air. After seeing this scene, Jiuming Yao flew straight up without saying a word.

Seeing this scene, the others stared up nervously. Obviously, they clearly saw that Ye Fei was at a disadvantage and was bound by the man in black with those few golden chains.

"Don't come here, I can handle it!"

At this time, Ye Fei was cutting these chains with all his strength. From the corner of his eye, he saw that the Nine-Life Demon was about to rush towards him, so he quickly stopped him. It was useless for him to come over like this. Tell Nine Lives Demon and the others not to come over.


The cutting technique performed by Ye Fei crazily cut the chains of fate displayed by Yan Han. When he pushed his power to the most terrifying level, the few golden chains that bound him tightly were quickly worn away. .


Yan Han, who had just bound Ye Fei and wanted to take him away, suddenly saw that Ye Fei could wipe out his attack so quickly, which surprised him!

At this moment, Ye Fei directly broke those golden chains, but he also paid a huge price. At this time, Ye Fei's face was still youthful and masculine, but his face just now There are many wrinkles on the face, and the black hair has become gray.

"It was broken by this kid?"

Seeing this scene, Yan Han suddenly looked at Ye Fei with a surprised expression. Originally, he thought that he could directly take Ye Fei away with that move, but what he didn't expect was that he still underestimated Ye Fei's strength!

After a pause: "Okay, if that's the case, let's see each other next time, but you can't escape my palm!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Han's whole figure disappeared into the night. He failed to take Ye Fei down with that move just now. He knew that if he wanted to continue to get Ye Fei done today, it would be a bit difficult. Time to think long term!


Ye Fei immediately took a deep breath, looked deeply at Yan Han who had already left, and his whole body was full of fear. You must know that this is the most terrifying enemy he has encountered so far. The unimaginable attack makes people feel Trembling, the attack involving fate and time is really terrifying.

"Ye Fei, are you okay?"

Nine Lives Demon flew over from a distance, stared at Ye Fei nervously and asked.

"Fortunately, nothing too big!"

Ye Fei shook his head and said.

"You... how are you?"

Ye Fei didn't notice the change in himself, but Jiu Ming Yao saw Ye Fei's appearance clearly at a glance through the lights of Ye's house, and he was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

"Me? What's wrong with me?"

Ye Fei was taken aback immediately, staring at Nine Lives Demon with a puzzled expression and asked.

"You...why is your hair gray? have wrinkles on your face, you look like you've aged decades!"

The Nine Lives Demon stared at Ye Fei, and he was completely surprised. He didn't understand what happened just now. Ye Fei fought with that man for a while, but unexpectedly, he became like this.

"Eh? Yeah!"

Ye Fei stretched out his hand and touched his face, and he responded with a surprised face. He was not too surprised by this result. When he was tied up by Yan Han just now, he did feel a sense of life passing away. , but he himself couldn't tell what it was, but now he heard what Jiu Ming Yao said, it means that he is really getting old.

"You... What's the matter with you? Why do you grow old so much when you are so good? And how can we who have practiced suddenly grow old so quickly?"

Jiuming Yao stared at Ye Fei incoherently and said, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Just fight with that person just now, and then become like this!"

Ye Fei thought for a while and said.

"Are you fooling me? It's just fighting with others, and I haven't seen you get hurt. Why did you suddenly become like this?"

Jiu Ming Yao stared at Ye Fei in disbelief and said, after all, such a thing is really unbelievable!
"That person has practiced the art of destiny to a terrifying degree, so he also has a grasp of time. It is normal to fight him to become old!"

Ye Fei shrugged and explained calmly.

"What? There is such a thing, fighting with others will become like this?"

Nine Lives Demon stared at Ye Fei suspiciously and said, "Who is he? When did you provoke such a terrifying enemy again? Such a method is really terrifying!"

Looking at Ye Fei's appearance at this moment, the Nine Lives Demon really felt a little palpitating, it was able to display an attack that made people age, how could people guard against it!

"Yan Han!"

Ye Fei's eyes flashed, and he opened his mouth to answer.

"You mean the person who came here just now is Yan Han?"

Nine Lives Demon's eyes dimmed, and he nodded immediately: "It seems that this guy is indeed a very terrifying person. You were at a disadvantage in the first fight. After that..."

"It's still early in the future, and his strength is already stronger than mine. I guess he has the strength of Nirvana!"

Ye Fei waved his hand, then looked down and said, "Let's go down first, everyone is waiting for us to go there!"

"You like this?"

Nine Lives Demon pointed to Ye Fei's hair and face and asked.

"Is there anything else you can do? Now I can only go down to see them. Then I will practice more, and I should be able to recover!"

Ye Fei curled his lips at the Nine Lives Demon, and immediately swept down first.

"All right!"

Jiuming Yao looked up at the place where Yan Han fled just now, and nodded immediately in response.

And at this time, Ye Fei fell straight down towards the people below, but when he just landed below, everyone stared at him in puzzlement. He was fine when he was eating today. Why did he fight with others just now? One game, and then it came like this!
"Ye Fei, why did you suddenly become like this?"

Su Tong stared at Ye Fei for a long time and then asked in puzzlement.

"That's it!"

Ye Fei nodded and replied.

"That's it? It wasn't like this when you were sleeping, why did you suddenly become like this?"

Yang Manying also frowned and walked forward to stare at Ye Fei and asked, why did she suddenly have gray hair and wrinkles on her face, just like a person in her 50s or [-]s.

"Being beaten!"

The Nine-Life Demon who came up behind him immediately said jokingly.

"Being beaten? Don't tease me, I only heard of being beaten to death and maimed, but I have never heard of being beaten to old age!"

Hua Qing walked up and walked around Ye Fei, wanting to see what kind of medicine this guy was selling in the gourd.

"You heard me right, I was beaten to old age!"

Nine Lives Demon replied with a smile.

"Ye Fei, what's going on here? And who is the person who broke into our house just now?"

Ye Xuan tugged at the coat he was wearing and asked.

"Okay, let's tell everyone, so that everyone won't be able to fall asleep later!"

Ye Fei sighed, and immediately opened his mouth to explain to everyone what happened just now, and explained the matter of Yan Han directly breaking into Ye's house.

"Damn it, Yan Han looks really arrogant, blatantly barging into our Ye family, has he forgotten the Ye family behind us?"

Ye Xuan immediately said with an angry face.

"Then what are you going to do now?"

Su Tong immediately looked at Ye Fei with a distressed expression and asked, after all, Ye Fei looked much older than her at the moment, how could this make her feel better as a mother!

"This is considered an injury. I want to practice more recently. I think I should be able to recover. You don't have to worry too much!"

Ye Fei waved his hands and answered, he is still clear about his own situation, and besides, he is also a cultivator, so this little problem is nothing to him!
"Okay, it's getting late today, everyone should go back to sleep separately, if there is anything, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Seeing this, Ye Fei hurriedly said to everyone.

"Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow, and be careful yourself!"

Su Tong and Ye Junxiang nodded and consoled, then retreated.

"Alright, let's discuss what to do next tomorrow!" Hua Qing and others nodded in response.

Immediately, everyone in the Ye family who was alarmed went back to their rooms to sleep.

"Let's go, what do you want to hear, let's go back to the room and talk slowly!"

After Ye Fei saw everyone leaving, he quickly looked at Yang Manying who was beside him and said.

"it is good!"

Yang Manying glanced at Ye Fei's hair and the wrinkles on his face, and could only walk helplessly to the place where she lived while holding Ye Fei's arm.


PS: This chapter is still [-] words long. Xiao Zeng really wants to take a break recently. After all, it’s almost Chinese New Year. Everyone should understand!

(End of this chapter)

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