super agent

Chapter 599

Chapter 599

After returning to the room, Ye Fei closed the door, while Yang Manying sat on the bed and stared at Ye Fei closely with her beautiful eyes, pondered for a moment and asked, "Is the person who came today really Yan Han?"

"Do you think I'm going to lie to you?"

Ye Fei shrugged and watched Yang Manying speak.

"Then why is he here?"

Yang Manying nodded with twinkling eyes and continued to ask.

"Come here and kill me. Although that guy is powerful, he has a perverted mentality!"

Ye Fei sat next to Yang Manying, and answered while undressing.

"Why are you psychopathic?"

Yang Manying continued to stare at Ye Fei and asked.

"The reason why that guy killed your parents was because he liked your mother before, but unfortunately your mother married your father, so out of love and hatred, he asked someone to drive your parents to death together. What did he say? If you can't get it, no one else can get it!"

Ye Fei thought for a while and replied.

"So perverted? Such a person is simply a scourge!"

After hearing Ye Fei's words, Yang Manying said with an angry face, so this is why Yan Han wanted to kill her parents. Such a person is simply scum, but it happens that such a person has great strength , the world is so unfair!
"There's nothing you can do about the disaster, who knows how powerful they are!"

Ye Fei shrugged, took off his coat, sat on the bed, and said to Yang Manying, "Okay, don't think about those things for now, let's sleep while we still have some time!"

"Tell me again, I want to listen again, tell me what happened to you just now!"

Yang Manying immediately pulled Ye Fei with a displeased face, and continued to speak: "You don't need to sleep anyway, so hurry up and talk!"

"Stop making trouble, let's go to bed quickly, what are we talking about tomorrow, have we discussed a lot in front of everyone?"

Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying with a helpless expression and said.

"No, let's just say it now. After such a big thing happened, who is still in the mood to sleep!"

Yang Manying pulled Ye Fei, and continued to speak: "Besides, you look like a ghost now, who wants to sleep with you!"


Ye Fei glanced at Yang Manying speechlessly, and immediately covered himself with a quilt!

But at this moment, in a dark alley not far from Ye's house, two figures stood kneeling and standing under the moonlight, looking a little bleak and mysterious.

"Master, why didn't you continue to kill Ye Fei just now?"

Gui Qiu with a grimace mask on his face looked puzzled at the figure in front of him and asked in a low voice. He had been observing in the dark before, and he clearly saw that Yan Han had the absolute upper hand and wanted to kill Ye Flying will not be too difficult, but what is unexpected is that Yan Han finally backed down!

"His strength should not be underestimated. Once I can't restrain him with that move, it will be impossible to catch him. The pair of wings behind him are more terrifying than the rumors, and I don't like to be procrastinated. Already, as soon as we make a move, we must solve it quickly, after all, so many people from the Ye family came out later, I don't want to make things big for the time being."

At this moment, Yan Han also stared at the front with a stern face and said.

"Then master, what are you going to do next?"

Ghost Chou naturally didn't dare to question Yan Han's actions, but he still didn't forget to ask curiously.

"Go back first, this kid is still a bit tricky to deal with, but I'm not in a hurry, take your time!"

Yan Han pondered for a moment and opened his mouth. The pair of wings behind Ye Fei really made him feel afraid, especially the terrifying power that erupted when Ye Fei fully urged the wings, which did not belong to the power of this place at all, and he obviously I felt that his power of destiny seemed to be out of order when dealing with Ye Fei!
"All right!"

Gui Qiu nodded.

Then, the two disappeared into the darkness together!
The next morning!

Ye family hall.

A group of people got up early, and Mr. Ye stared at the people below with a slightly unsightly expression.

"Ye Fei, can you really be sure it's Yan Han?"

Ye Junxiang broke the silence and looked at Ye Fei and asked.

As soon as Ye Junxiang opened his mouth, everyone immediately looked at Ye Fei. They saw that Ye Fei's hair was still gray and his face was covered with pimple-like wrinkles. Yang Manying, who was next to him, subconsciously moved away from him.

"It's him, I chatted with him for a while!"

Ye Fei glanced at the crowd, then nodded in response.

"Still chatting for a while?!"

The corner of Ye Junxiang's mouth twitched suddenly, you guys are still reminiscing about the old days!

"I just asked some very ordinary things!"

Ye Fei nodded indifferently and said, "But what do you want to do? With this thing, you can say that Yan Han broke into a private house?"

"I think he should be warned, our Ye family is not a place where Yan Han can come here wantonly!"

Ye Junxiang took a sharp look at Ye Fei's appearance at the moment and said.

"Forget it, what's the use of such one-sided words!"

Ye Fei immediately waved his hand and opened his mouth, thinking that he would deal with Yan Han like this, which is obviously very unrealistic!
Immediately, he looked at Mr. Ye, and the most important thing was to listen to what Mr. Ye said.

"Well, if we want to deal with Yan Han like this, it's really impossible, let's forget what happened last night!"

After listening to Ye Fei for a long time, Mr. Ye nodded in agreement with Ye Fei's statement, but seeing Ye Fei's appearance, he quickly asked, "I'm just curious about your appearance, when will you recover?"

"Eh? What about me? It shouldn't be long. His attack has seriously injured me, making my face old and my lifespan reduced. But for those of us who practice, this should be able to recover!"

Ye Fei immediately looked at the crowd in astonishment. He felt embarrassed when everyone stared at him like this!

"Can it be recovered? That's good!"

After hearing Ye Fei's words, Old Man Ye felt relieved. He was really afraid that Ye Fei would be like this in the future. If that happened, he really didn't know what to do!

"In the future, if something like this happens, Ye Fei, you call everyone, why did you just run out by yourself? I don't think that Yan Han would dare to do anything to our Ye family. After all, he is not alone. Behind them is the Yan family!"

Su Tong quickly looked at Ye Fei and said, she was really afraid that something would happen to Ye Fei, in that case, how could a mother like her bear it!
"Well, I see!"

Ye Fei nodded and glanced at Su Tong in response.

"Well, what are you going to do Ye Fei next? Shall we send a message to some ancestors?"

Ye Xuan on the side also stared at Ye Fei angrily and asked, after all, he was rushed to his door, who wouldn't be angry!

"Reciprocity, since he rushed to our house, I will rush to their house too!"

Ye Fei's eyes turned cold, and he smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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