super agent

Chapter 600 Destroying Good Things

Chapter 600 Destroying Good Things
After hearing Ye Fei's words, the others looked at each other in blank dismay. Ye Fei's decision was too surprising, so they rushed over directly. You must know that they saw that Ye Fei was not Yan Han's opponent before!

"Ye Fei, let's discuss this matter with our ancestors, don't mess around!"

Seeing Ye Fei's appearance, Old Man Ye quickly warned him that he was really afraid that Ye Fei would be impulsive and go to fight Yan Han directly.

"Yeah, don't mess around!"

Ye Junxiang also quickly reminded Ye Fei that Yan Han's strength is very strong, and Ye Fei is obviously not Yan Han's opponent.

"Yes, yes, don't be in a hurry to do it. Our big family is your strong backing, and we will definitely stand behind you!"

Ye Xuan also looked at Ye Fei and said emotionally, he was also worried that Ye Fei was too impulsive, if something unexpected happened, the whole family would worry about him!

"Don't worry, I have my own opinions!"

Ye Fei glanced at everyone and quickly nodded in response.

"Well, okay, it's good that you have your own ideas, and we are more concerned about you, afraid that something will happen to you!"

Ye Tianxiang nodded after hearing Ye Fei's words, and he also knew that Ye Fei was not the kind of impulsive and reckless person.

"I know!"

Ye Fei glanced at everyone and nodded in response.

Immediately, after discussing trifles in the Ye family hall for a while, everyone went back one after another.

And Ye Fei has already returned to his room at this time. He didn't practice much because it was too late yesterday, but now that he has calmed down, he naturally needs to calm down and think about the next thing.

"Shang, I am in this state now, how can I recover faster?"

Ye Fei sat cross-legged on the bed to practice, in fact, he was asking Shang for advice on how to recover as soon as possible. After all, he didn't want to be like this all the time, otherwise, he would not be able to bear it!

"Spread your true energy all over your body to revitalize your body, so that you can recover as soon as possible!"

Shang's voice immediately rang in Ye Fei's mind.

"Oh, that's it, I thought it would be complicated!"

After hearing Shang's words, Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it would be difficult, but unexpectedly, he just diffused his true energy around his body.

"That's right, didn't I say that, you are actually just injured, and if you want to recover, you must rely on your true energy to recover!" Shang immediately explained.

"All right!"

Immediately, according to Shang's words, Ye Fei began to urge his true energy to spread all over his body. Of course, when he was cultivating, he did not forget to continue to ask Shang about some basic information, "Shang, that guy can exert the power of destiny. How should we deal with him?"

"If you want to deal with him, I feel that it is not a small difficulty. After all, the most deadly factor is that your realm is too far behind him, and what he comprehends is the terrible power of fate. This kind of power It is very terrifying in the vast starry sky, and you can see it through the terrifying attack that consumes your lifespan!"

Shang's tone was also full of fear, and he said to Ye Fei. You must know that he used to be dismissive of the so-called strong people on the earth, but this time he seems to be very troubled by Yan Han, not only It's just a matter of Yan Han's realm, and more importantly, this guy has also practiced the art of destiny!

"All right!"

Ye Fei nodded and replied, it seems that if you want to deal with Yan Han, you really have to think long-term. I knew that he was very difficult before, but I didn't expect him to be so difficult, and I have practiced the art of fate!

"One more thing I want to tell you is that he has practiced the art of destiny. If you want to deal with him, he may predict it in advance!"

Shang continued to remind Ye Fei, after all, this is a very important matter, and Ye Fei is going to deal with that guy next, so he must be reminded of such an important matter!

"Well, I see!"

After hearing Shang's words, Ye Fei's face became even more ugly. This Yan Han will really be the most terrifying enemy he has encountered so far, bar none!

Moreover, now he and Yan Han have reached the point where they can't stop dying, and the two will definitely pinch each other in the future, so the strength of the enemy makes him even more worried.

However, there is no way right now, through what Shang said, he really felt Yan Han's strength, like a mountain pressing on him, making him a little out of breath.

In the following time, Ye Fei began to practice hard, washing his body with true energy. After a few days of hard work, his original aging appearance gradually recovered, and his whole person looked younger.

"From today onwards, can we continue to live together and sleep together?"

Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying with a frustrated expression and said, "Damn it, he's been sleeping on the sofa for the past few days, but Yang Manying drove him to sleep on the sofa, saying that he looks old, and she doesn't like to talk to the old man." The reason why the man slept ruthlessly drove Ye Fei out of bed!

"Well, let me see first..."

After listening to Ye Fei's words, Yang Manying nodded and began to look at Ye Fei.

After looking at it for a long time, Yang Manying thought for a while and smiled: "Well, I am quite satisfied with the way I look now. If I looked like a ghost before, who would want to sleep with you!"

"Okay, that's good, we can..."

Ye Fei immediately smiled and stared at Yang Manying with a hungry expression.

"What are you doing? It's early in the morning, and I'm going to go shopping with Xiyue, so don't mess around!"

When Yang Manying saw Ye Fei's appearance, she quickly tightened the silk scarf on her shoulders, and said with a look of anti-thief, at the same time, she backed away, fearing that Ye Fei would do something to her.


Ye Fei's eyes flickered with a smirk on his face, he rubbed his hands and deliberately slowed down his pace, first blocked Yang Manying's way from the door, then walked towards Yang Manying step by step, and at the same time said: "Go shopping, Let's talk about it when they come calling, anyway, we just finished breakfast now!"

"You...don't mess around, I, I will call someone!"

Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei's expression, and retreated back with a somewhat frightened expression on her pretty face, and the bed they slept in happened to be behind her.

"Call someone?"

Ye Fei suddenly said with a funny expression: "This is my home, and you are my wife. It is normal for me to do this kind of thing to you. It is still protected by the law and the state. We have a certificate." !"

"Okay, okay, I compromise, but you don't want it now, didn't I say, I made an appointment with Xiyue and went shopping outside later!"

Yang Manying immediately compromised, and looked at Ye Fei with a begging and pitiful expression and said.


As he said that, Ye Fei threw Yang Manying onto the bed as soon as he jumped on the tiger. He has been suffocating these days. Yang Manying has always insisted that he is too old now, and she is not used to doing that with an old man. This kind of thing, so the tragedy happened!

Yang Manying was speechless to Ye Fei immediately. The clothes she had just put on had been picked up by him in just a few moments.

"Honey, I haven't moisturized much recently, it seems that you really want it too!"

Ye Fei kissed Yang Manying's pretty face, and his subordinates were also moving dishonestly. He also obviously felt that Yang Manying took the initiative to cater to her. It was obvious that she was also very eager for this aspect of things!

"Hurry up!"

Yang Manying couldn't stand Ye Fei's teasing, and she didn't dare to make any drastic moves, for fear of increasing Ye Fei's pleasure, she might not be able to get out of bed today.

"Hey, my wife ordered, I..."

dong dong dong-

Just when Ye Fei was about to strip off Yang Manying's clothes with a smirk, there was a clear knock on the door outside.

"Okay, okay, Xiyue is looking for me!"

When Yang Manying heard the knock on the door, her pretty face blushed immediately, she looked very charming, and she pushed Ye Fei away without saying a word, always feeling as if she was being a thief.

"Damn, Xiyue is too good at doing things, you will die if you come here later!"

Ye Fei immediately cursed angrily, straightened his clothes, and saw that Yang Manying was almost dressed, and walked towards the door.

At this time, Yang Manying also took a deep breath, trying not to be too obvious, otherwise it would be embarrassing to be seen by others!

When Ye Fei walked to the door, anger began to brew on his face. He must be scolding this ignorant sibling.

"Xiyue, you..."

As soon as Ye Fei opened the door, he was about to yell at him, but found that the person who opened the door was not Yin Xiyue, but Ye Xuan!

"Brother, what are you doing? Why are you telling me to cherish the moon?"

Ye Xuan stared at Ye Fei with a confused expression and asked.

"Why, what are you doing, I still ask you why, why did you come knocking on the door early in the morning?"

Seeing that it was Ye Xuan who came, Ye Fei reprimanded him in the same manner. After all, he was destroyed by Ye Xuan at such a critical moment just now.

"I... I just came here to tell you something!"

Ye Xuan froze for a moment, then saw Ye Fei speak.

Ye Fei looked at Ye Xuan's serious look, glanced inside, and then saw Ye Xuan said: "Okay, let's talk about something, if it's not important, just wait and see!"


After Ye Xuan heard Ye Fei's words, his whole face suddenly looked stunned. He subconsciously glanced inside, seemed to understand something, and immediately said: "I just sent a message saying that City Lord Gu Yan invited you people to have important matters in the past. Tell me, is this important?"

"City Master Gu Yan asked us to talk about important matters in the past?"

Ye Fei's eyes flashed, his angry expression gradually subsided, he looked at Ye Xuan for a moment and said, "When are you going?"

"Anyway, if you know how to set off, why don't you ask when?"

Ye Xuan looked at Ye Fei and said.

"Uh, alright, then I'll go as soon as I get ready!"

Ye Fei thought for a while and nodded in response, then turned around and went back. Just as he turned around, he suddenly thought of something, and quickly looked at Ye Xuan and said, "Tell you, don't knock on my door in the morning and evening, wait for me to come out if you have something to do." Say it again!"


PS: It’s the last day of this month. Xiao Zeng’s update this month is not very effective. I know it in my heart, but after all, it’s almost Chinese New Year. Work hard to break out and write better for everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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