Chapter 2

Sincerely, Layman Siqiao
The karma in life was greedy for money and lustful, and after death, it was reported to widows and orphans.

There is no smell, no sound, no doubt and chaos, but the most clear is Zhang Youzhu.

Forgive him for treacherously escaping the king's law, and let him deceive the world critics.

When it comes to retribution, He Zeng showed no mercy.

Said again:

It's not a coincidence that Cang Cang arranged it, and I have made it myself.

The principles of good and evil are hard to replace, how to separate the shadow karma.

There is no surprise in the sudden report, and it is right to think about the cause of the past.

This matter has never been happy, so there is no need to doubt or guess.

It is said that at the end of the Song Dynasty, in Wucheng County, Dongchang Prefecture, Shandong Province, there was a local rich man whose surname was Nangong and his name was Ji.He was born in the market, and took advantage of his good fortune to become a family member, so he only believed that it was his own talent and skill, so he didn't keep his duty, regardless of good or bad in everything, and dared to do it.Sure enough, if you are lucky, if you do it unintentionally, you will have to pay a fortune, so you are bold when you do it.Later, when it became famous, it took some power to twist and straighten it, and it must be done.From this point of view, although doing it happily, some people who do it are afraid.Seeing people, he was afraid of many people, and he was afraid of conspiracy, so he had to use some money to make a career for thousands of households, covering himself under the name of a powerful official, so that people could not calculate him, and the local township party in his hometown gave him three points .

This Nan Gongji, in terms of his tyrannical behavior, although he is a villain, he has a certain advantage, he is generous and kind, and he is definitely not difficult for the poor.If someone flattered him quickly, he asked him to donate some money, and he was not stingy.Therefore, there is a group of villainous friends who walk around under his door, hold his buttocks, caress his eggs, call him a hero, and call him a blessed person.He actually believed it to be true, so he used a canopy to hurt the law of nature from time to time, but he didn't know it.Thinking about it carefully, he still has limited reason to be hurt by other things, and he will die if he is unique in the word "female sex".

He married a main wife, surnamed Chu, nicknamed Yunniang.He is very virtuous, and he is born with a beautiful appearance, which is about eight or nine points of talent.If this Nangong Ji is a person who keeps his own place and keeps his own life, if he marries such a wife, he will stay with him for life, and he will not be called lonely.

Unexpectedly, this Nangong Ji was too lustful, seeing how cute Peach Blossom was, but also thinking how pitiful Li Huabai was, so she seduced her here and there, and married five or six in a row.One is Tao, nicknamed Yinniusi; the other is Mu, nicknamed Red Embroidered Shoes.These two are more demon-ruled, and Nangongji dotes on them the most.

There is also a Qiao family, named Qiannv, who was originally a prostitute; there is another Lu family, whose nickname is Sister Yan, and people call him Lu Jiayan by the way; there is another named Yuan Yunu.There is also a maid named Hongxiang, who is quite colorful, and is also used by Nangongji.

As far as the rich man's family is concerned, these five or six wives and concubines are all married to the family by hiring a financial matchmaker. Although it is a crime, it is not against the law.However, he always fell in love with him first, and then sneaked into the dog's hole to steal it, and then relied on money and power to entangle him, and tried every means to come home; either to steal his family's wealth, or to murder his husband's life.If you act like this, you will not hurt the law of heaven but not the law of heaven!Therefore, the law of nature does not allow it. If you only live to the age of 33, you will die of a sudden illness.

If it is said that since he is dead, he has some unjust debts, which can be regarded as repayment.Who knows that this unjust debt is not repaid in a daze, and one part must be repaid; if one cannot repay it in life, one will have to repay it after death; ;I am absolutely upset, so it is called "San Shi Bao".But before his eyes, people will know his past mistakes and evils, and they will happily say: "This is the retribution of this world!" If the retribution is after death, or descendants, or future generations, people will know or not; they will know some of the influence. I don't know that the retribution of heaven's law is so ingenious one by one.Therefore, in the book window's spare time, I chatted about the things that Nangongji died and his descendants reported in detail, and I asked the world to look at it after three meals and think about it after five nights of dreams. If you are not good at bringing calamity, the natural law is so obvious. If you accept the evil intentions of human affairs, you will live up to your intention of making a statement.It's just that adulterous people can't be controlled, and it's hard to find out the law of treacherous kings; only the heavenly principles can be clearly reported, and every bit of it can't be missed.

Speaking of Nangongji, the misdemeanors he has committed in his life are not the same, and he can't describe them in detail for a while.But I think he has been a treacherous and evil person all his life, and he has been a strong leader in the market for half his life; Hundreds of servants and thousands of slaves.Who knows that happiness is extremely sad, and life will disappear. Once the greed dies, it will not be a year or two. The concubines who have been cheated have already been cheated by others; Go along with others; family members flee, flee, steal, and there is no one out of ten people; business is not a way to keep the money flowing, so the business is not as good as it was before, and after a while, it disappears. All the shopping, all the discounts, and even a penny can't get in.Checking the current situation at home is like the fall of autumn leaves and the disappearance of snow in spring. It is either ridiculed or discussed.Fortunately, his wife, Chu Yunniang, is a woman with ambition and integrity, and she gave birth to a posthumous son named Brother Hui, who supported the family for him.At this time, the family only had one son, Tai Ding, who remained unchanged and would not leave. The maid only had Xizhu, who was already fit to be Tai Ding's wife.

In Huizong's 20 years, unfortunately, Jin soldiers invaded and surrounded Bianjing, and it was useless to rob gold and silver children.At this time, Shandong and Hebei were rumored to have been destroyed by Jin Bing.Not more than two days later, I heard that the Jinan Mansion was also broken.Everyone said: "Wucheng is not far from Linqing, and it has always been rich and famous. How can we keep the golden soldiers from coming to slaughter?" In a panic, they set things on fire, pretending that it was the Jin soldiers who came, and went around to scare others.Those who were timid, those who fled early, those who hid, there were endless ones.Tai Ding'er inquired and found out, so he had to report to Chu Yunniang.When Chu Yunniang heard this, she was so startled that she couldn't even speak.If you want to wait for the crowd to escape, who will take care of the huge house and family?If you want to keep your guard and not escape, but you are afraid that you will be plundered by the golden soldiers in a hurry, wouldn't you make a fool of yourself? "I will fight to the death!"

He thought again: "Once this three or four-year-old son is also slaughtered, he will be extinct as the heir of Nangong. It is better to abandon the family relationship, and keep the life of mother and child, and then become the district office." Ask Tai Ding'er to seal what should be sealed and lock what should be locked in the house at home, and hide it for a while.

After staying at home for another day, seeing the news getting tighter and people escaping in an endless stream, I feel uneasy, so I have to ask Xizhu to hug Brother Hui, and Taiding to go out with some coils and luggage.This Chu Yunniang always carried a sedan chair and two servants to follow when she went out, she never took a step by herself.Now that I am in a hurry, I have to walk.Walking and walking, I am not used to it in the end, and I will shrink back when I see people.He had only walked three to five hundred steps, and had just turned a corner, when he was unaware of a group of people rushing towards him in disorder, he only yelled: "It's no good, the golden soldiers are already behind!" Yunniang was surprised, and went I don't care about good or bad, just walk forward with Dingxizhu and Brother Hui, and feel relieved when I get out of the city.When I looked back again, I didn't know that Tai Ding'er broke up there, but he disappeared.If you want to look for it, you dare not go back into the city; if you want to wait, you are afraid of bumping into the golden soldiers.I had no choice but to follow the crowd and walk forward step by step.

After walking for two or three miles, I suddenly came across a big temple, and asked people that it was "Pufu Temple".Some people sat in front of the temple to rest, and some went into the temple to hide.Chu Yunniang couldn't move anymore, so she had to go into the temple to see the scene.Unexpectedly, when the monks and officials of Pufu Temple built the main hall for alms, they received 50 taels of donation from Nangongji, and they often sent boxes and plates to walk around. They always knew Chu Yunniang.Suddenly I met today, although I knew that Nangongji was dead, but I knew that Chu Yunniang was still a wealthy family, so she didn't dare to neglect her, so she could only treat him graciously and leave him in a clean room.When Yunniang arrived at this moment, she was deeply grateful and overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't hide for a day or two, and the news of Jin Bing's arrival came quickly.Although the monk official was a monk, he had some savings around him, and he was afraid of losing it, so he didn't care about Yunniang's life or death, so he took advantage of the dark night to hide quietly to the ruined temple in the distant mountain.

The next day, when Yunniang got up, she saw that there were more and more women who had taken refuge. The monk and several monks had long since disappeared, so she said to Xizhu, "It's okay for the monk to escape, it's just the porridge." How can there be food to eat?" Xizhu said: "Mother, don't panic, I was just looking for water to cleanse noodles under his Xiangji kitchen, and saw that he still has a urn of rice hidden under the guy's kitchen, let's quietly Cook and eat, and then work in the district." Yun Niang said: "Since there is rice, it will be easy to suffer." The two calculated that when the night was quiet, they would light a fire in front of the Buddha and cook some gruel to satisfy their hunger.Another two days of hard work.

Unexpectedly, on this day, before the sky was high, many people ran into the temple and shouted: "It's not good, the Jin soldiers have entered the city, set fire to them, killed people and robbed them! After the robbing in the city, I'm afraid they will go to the city." There are robbers from outside! This Pufu Temple is not far from the city, so I'm afraid it won't be safe, so it's better to stay far away." There were many conversations.When Chu Yunniang heard this, she was frightened again.Xizhu held Brother Hui in her arms, and when she saw her mother panicked, she just cried.Yunniang wanted to stay, but she was scared to hide when she saw people; she wanted to find a place to hide, but Taiding lost again. The two women held a child, had no money around them, and didn't know the way, but went to the place. Where to go?

After hesitating for a long time, seeing that none of the women hiding in the temple had disappeared, he became more and more flustered, because he consulted with Xizhu: "Everyone is gone, I can't live here, so I have to follow people and run into each other along the way." " Xizhu said: "There is no other way, but this is the only way." Yin still hugged Brother Hui, and walked out with Yunniang.As soon as I walked to the main hall, I saw an old monk meditating with his feet crossed under the glass in front of the Buddha.Seeing Yunniang holding Xizhu and Brother Hui in her arms, about to go out of the hall, she suddenly called out, "Bodhisattva, this place is safe, don't go." Chu Yunniang was flustered at this time, although she saw the monk meditating, she never He looked carefully, and suddenly he was told not to go. When he hurriedly turned around to look, he saw the old monk: his long eyebrows drooped, his thin bones formed a sea, his thick back rose like a mountain, and his waist was bowed like a row.

White-headed cage snow cap, barefoot mud shoes.

Please refer to the beauty point, whether to stay or be good.

Chu Yunniang looked at the old monk carefully, and she had a strange vision, and saw that he spoke strangely, knowing that it was extraordinary, because she knelt down on the ground, she said: "The difficult woman Chu, the difficult son Hui'er, is already a widow and orphan, and the suffering is unspeakable." Now, I am suffering from this change of war, and I have nowhere to live, and I am lost. I beg the old Buddha for mercy, and show me a way to survive!" The old monk said: "Life and death are both the cause of the past, and there must be a predestined way to avoid it. Although the cause of your mother and child is far away , but this temple is destined for you. If you don’t hide here, where do you think about going?" Chu Yunniang said: "Since you can hide here, why do these women go around?" The old monk said: "They are here. No fate, naturally don't look for life and death, how can we make a case?" Yunniang saw that the old monk's words were a little strange, and she didn't dare not believe it, so she bowed again: "Duomeng old Buddha pointed out that he was delusional, and I hope you will take care of me!" After worshiping, she is still the same Xizhu hugged Brother Hui and hid in again.I hid and hid, but I was worried and couldn't rest for a while.

Suddenly someone hid in the future and said: "The city has already killed a sea of ​​people. I'm afraid they will come here. How can I survive here?" Then they went away in a panic.When Chu Yunniang heard it, why didn't she panic?If you want to hide somewhere else, after listening to the old monk's words, you dare not leave rashly; if you want to ask the old monk again, the old monk doesn't know where he has gone.

At night, in the dark and empty temple, there were only his two women and one child, stuck in it, alone, very distressed.If it weren't for retribution, An Neng would be here!

It is:

Just thinking about extravagance is easy to be happy, and I don't want to suffer from disasters.

After experiencing hardships and hardships, I realized that the great blessing is peace.

Chu Yunniang hid in the temple with Brother Hui and Xizhu. Although they had suffered for two days and nights in panic and panic, they were happy that it was as the old monk said, safe and sound, and no soldiers came to disturb the temple.It was only on the third day that someone came into the temple and said: "The golden soldiers have gone." Many people who had fled for a long time came to the temple to look for them.Seeing Xizhu, she wants to persuade Yunniang to leave the temple and go home.

Yunniang was about to get up when Tai Ding'er was also looking for the future.When we met each other and asked Ming Ming's soldiers to retreat, we were happy and discussed going home together.Just because we go home together, there are different teachings: the flying black magpie is just determined, and the lurking jackal is fierce again.

I don't know what will happen next, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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