Chapter 3

The widow avoids the soldiers and abandons the city to live in the wild. The evil slave deceives the master and colludes with foreign thieves to rob the family's wealth.

The embroidered pillow is full of fragrance and spring and Chu shadows, and the sandalwood groove is flowing with heart-rending words.

It's hard to keep Bai Xue in Su Xiao, who will borrow gold to cast her?

I am also passionate about hate spectrum, why should Qingcheng hate moth eyebrows.

It is said that Chu Yunniang was hiding from soldiers in Pufu Temple, but fortunately she escaped safely, only to see Tai'an came to find her, and everyone was happy, so they planned to return home.Still ask Xizhu to come into the city with her four-year-old brother Hui in her arms.When I went to the city to have a look, I was so frightened, I saw: the city gate was burned and the crenels were bulldozed.Piles of bones and corpses were exposed, and several places were turned into rubble.Three streets and six alleys, no relatives and old contacts; ten rooms and nine empty, there are chickens, dogs, people, smoke and lights.The courtyard is down, where is the screen?The bedroom was burned, and the bed was gone.Human heads are seen under the flowers in the back garden, and horse manure is piled up in front of the kitchen stove.

Chu Yunniang walked all the way, looked around, and was very sad to see other people's houses collapsed and half-covered dead bodies beside the road.When I arrived at the front of my house, I didn't recognize it at all-the gate was burned, until the front of the hall, the eaves of the mansion collapsed, and the remaining broken chairs and tables were half burned.

Go to Yimen and go outside the door. Although it is not burnt out, the doors and windows have been removed; the ground is full of horse manure in front of the kitchen.Yunniang was startled and mournful, and was about to burst into tears, but she was mischievous when she saw an old mother walking out of Wuniang's red embroidered shoes yard, unkempt and disheveled, without a sarong on her body, which startled Yunniang, hurriedly Asked: "Who are you?" The old mother didn't agree who it was, and began to cry first.Yun Niang stepped forward to take a closer look, only to recognize that it was Yin Niusi's old man.He has always known that Nangong Ji's family is rich, although it has been changed, there are still some remnants, so he comes to search every day, not wanting Yunniang to go home today.Lao Ma Yin shouted: "My grandma, where are you hiding? I searched for several days, but I couldn't find it anywhere!" Then he looked at Brother Hui and said, "This is the virtue of the deceased father. She is a good son and daughter , I don’t know how many times it was broken up, but it’s because you, the old man, have done a good job in your life when you come home for a reunion like this.” After saying that, he went to Xizhu’s arms to pick up Brother Hui and hugged him.Brother Hui was hungry for a long time, crying and begging for food.There are no pots and stoves for a while, so I go there to ask for rice.Lao Ma went to his waist and took out a firebread and handed it to Brother Hui, so he stopped crying.Yin said to Yunniang: "This is the dry food I brought with me when the soldiers came. I haven't eaten it—I've been looking for leftover food in other people's houses for the past few days, so I only have this one left."

While talking, Yunniang was tired of leaving, so she asked Lao Ma to sit down on the stone platform of the dilapidated house, and asked whether the letter of who died and who survived was so pitiful.The old horse said again: "I was in the nursing home, and I saw Uncle Chu was killed by soldiers." Yunniang heard that and cried again. The three-day camp was set up in the city, and there was no major search. The burned ones were all sent by soldiers, and the local thieves in the city set the fire to rob property.

Later, I heard Jin Bing say that after breaking Tokyo, he would come back to live in Linqing, and I'm afraid we can't escape here. "Just this one sentence scared Yunniang so much that her face turned ashen, and she hurriedly discussed with Taiding: "How can I live in this dilapidated house?It's better to go to Liu Qianhu's family estate that he bought outside the city, where Quanfu now lives in a see-through thatched cottage.Let's stay this night and discuss it tomorrow. Taiding said: "Mother is right, if you want to go, go." Yun Niangyin said to the old horse: "You have no children, and you don't live in the city for a long time. If you are willing to see the usual, it is good to keep company with my women." "The old horse said: "My grandma, what you said there is a lot of grace from your old man!My two houses were also burned down, and I couldn't get rid of it, and it was a night here and a night there.You and I are still old people, so there is nothing we can't take with us, so I feel more at ease if I carry it for you. "One line said, and everyone walked out of the city.

At that time, the sun was halfway to the west.Autumn is getting shorter, and when we reach the village, the sun has set.When Quan Fu and his wife heard that Yun Niang had arrived, they rushed into the room and sat down.Yunniang saw three thatched huts with a single door, which was used as an earthen kang to support a pot; two rooms were locked upside down, and the inside was full of firewood.A small bead is outside the window, and there are many big bundles, all hidden in the haystack, lying in a mess, without saying a word.Seeing that it was getting late and there was no oil for lamps, Yunniang had to endure hunger to rest, with only a quilt left.Fortunately, Tai borrowed half a liter of rice from the neighbor Lao Wang's family and made some gruel randomly. Yunniang and Brother Hui each ate half a bowl and slept on the kang.Xizhu and Lao Ma are making beds in front of the kang, while Taiding and Quanfu are looking for lodging in the next wall.

It turned out that Quan Fu didn't learn how to be a family member since he was a child. Later, when Nan Gongji died, he saw that Quan Shou had stolen money and went out, so he deceived his heart to find trouble, stole the clothes of Deng San's pawn shop, and was expelled by Yunniang. Living in Zhuangshang Zhujin saw Yunniang losing power and came here to flee famine, so he had a bad heart and wanted to take the opportunity to rob him of his belongings, but Yunniang was empty and had no package, so she didn't know if she was around, so she didn't dare to do it.The parcels in his house were all taken advantage of the military chaos. First, he went to Nangongji's house to dig out all the clothes and jewelry buried by Yunniang;Sleeping on the next wall with Taiding this night, he tried words and said: "This Wucheng County is unbearable. The old man who passed away made a big living, and now he has gone to make money for outsiders. Leaving this widow and orphan, we will lead the East. I ran away to hide, and I lost a penny. Could it be that these furniture, the above-ground ones are gone, and the underground ones are gone? You and I also have an idea, make it clear to the widow, use it to defend yourself, and save the lives of his mother and child. He is a widow I don't know what is good or bad when I make a fortune, and when the golden soldiers come back, everyone runs for their lives, and it's a fool to leave them in the empty house." This Tai must be a good person, so he believed it.

Tomorrow, Shi Xizhu told Yunniang these words.Yunniang wanted to wait but would not listen, but in her current body, and had no relatives or brothers to escape with them, it was useless not to take out the money, knowing that there was a big mess and going home?At dawn the next day, Taiding, Quanfu followed, and Xizhu came into the city, leaving Lao Ma to guard Brother Hui.

It's time to go to the city together.Quan Fu first found a shovel, an axe, and a large suitcase, and took them with him.When I arrived at the house, I went down the stairs behind the bed and looked for the buried clothes and jewelry. They had been dug to their heart's content, leaving two big pits.Yun Niang just screamed bitterly.

Quan Fu sneered beside him.Then I went to the Dongshan Cave of the Tortoiseshell Xuan, uncovered the Taihu Stone, buried a magnetic altar under it, and covered it with an iron plow, and there were wonderful things hidden in it.Yunniang took it out, about a thousand gold, because she said: "Your father and Hu Xi were talking about business, so they buried them here and took them out to save their lives." Xi's Quanfu and Taiding were busy Chaos, put half of it in the box, wrapped it with a quilt, and it was inexhaustible, the two untied the bag on their waists, packed it up, and took it out of the city to wait.Yunniang and Xizhu also went to the Buddhist hall under the bronze Buddha seat, and took out a string of bead beads—one hundred and eight pieces, which belonged to Liu Junshi's family of Nangong Jide.Both of these two items are ill-gotten gains, the only way is to take them out to live, but who knows that taking them out is retribution and causing disaster, and no one knows at this time.Yunniang quietly sews the number beads into her underwear, slowly leaves the house, and finds the old way back to the village with Xizhu.When we got to Zhuangshang, it was getting late, so Lao Ma took Brother Hui into the house and took it to the house.

But Taiding and Quanfu got gold and silver, and hurried out of the city.On the way, Quan Fu discussed with Tai Ding: "The money should belong to us, you and I will share half equally, and it is enough to leave some for the widow. Otherwise, how dare he live on his own with these things? If he meets that heartless Yes, even the lives of his mother and child are still alive, and this money belongs to someone else." Tai Ding heard this, but he didn't agree.After walking another mile or two, Quan Fu stood by the roadside to relieve himself, and rested under a tree.Seeing that Quanfu lived in the box with the quilt on his back, Taiding didn't leave.I saw a person behind, striding forward, shouting: "Old Quan, you are walking so fast, wait for me, you can take a step together." When Tai Ding and his wife looked back, they recognized the archers in the criminal yamen Li Xiaoxi, everyone clasped their hands together and said, "It's so frightening, where are you hiding?" Taiding said with a smile: "It's good fortune for each other, and we meet again." Being wrapped up, it was suspected that it was something robbed in the city, because Xiang asked, "What is it?" Tai Ding replied, "There are still some rags and pieces in the empty house, and they will be picked up for future use. After the chaos, the local thieves robbed it a few times. , Even the land of the house has been swept away, what good things are there!" As he spoke, he walked for more than a mile.Li Xiaoxi parted ways in the West Village, Quan Fu caught up, Lu Bang whispered for a long time.Li Xiaoxi went away with a smile, and the two came back to the village.Quan Fu couldn't move, so he sat for a while before walking, and when he arrived at the village, it was already dark.

When Yunniang saw that the two of them were not here, she was wondering; when they arrived, she was relieved.Quan Fu wanted to put the casket on the partition, but Tai definitely refused, so he had to put it under the bed, and temporarily cover it with some broken urns and tampons, and then discuss it.There were more than two hundred gold in the waists of the two of them. Yunniang didn't ask him to take it out, but said, "Everyone should take what you bring. It's a must for everyone to live together. The old man who has seen the dead has cared for you." On the ground, I only leave this bit of flesh and blood, and it's only in everyone's heart." As he spoke, he burst into tears.The old horse also said something nice.It's night scene, buy some lamp oil, Quan Fu's daughter-in-law killed a chicken and cooked rice, everyone had a full meal.Quan Fuzi went to the village to fetch two catties of shochu, made Tai Ding drunk, and everyone went to sleep.

It is:

Exhausting all kinds of plans and schemes, I know how to find each other by coincidence.

The lost property in the east is lost in the west, and the private boat on the river sank at sea.

The dark room may be beautiful, but whoever is willing to return the money on the road.

It's hard to fill up with poisoned breasts, and it's even more painful to cut meat to fill up.

However, Quanfu said that Taiding was drunk with soju. About one o'clock, he picked up at home, took a simple knife in his hand, and quietly went to Xicun to visit Li Xiaoxi to talk.Li Xiaoxi originally made an appointment by the side of the road. Knowing that Quanfu was coming, he first bought two catties of liquor and guarded him with a light on.

Suddenly hearing a dog barking, Xiaoxi greeted him out the door, and invited Quan Fu to sit down on a kang in a hut to the east, and asked his family to sieve wine.Quan Fu said: "Stop drinking." He told the matter of Chu Yunniang taking out the gold and silver, and said: "And it's a windfall sent to your door. It's easy to get, don't miss the opportunity." It turned out that Li Xiaoxi's thieves, who had been in the yamen for many years, also had a relationship with these local thieves after the recent chaos. How could they not like it when they heard this?Jumped up and said to Quan Fu: "There are two ways to get money in this business, there are good ones, and there are bad ones. As long as it is done well, it is the means." Quan Fu asked, "Why is it good and evil?" Li Xiaoxi said : "If you want to take evil, now, taking advantage of the great chaos and no king's law, tell our ten brothers to come, hold a stick with an open fire, open the door, kill Chu Yunniang and Taiding, sell Xizhu, and share the wealth equally among everyone." , You and I get half as much. Nangong Jiyuan started from a poor household and had no relatives. In the future, he said that there was a great chaos and was killed by local thieves. I don’t know when the king’s law will come. Who will come to sue? This is just for evil. There are too many people, so we need to share more. It would be better to take advantage of it: taking advantage of the three or four watch shifts, and the darkness and no moonlight, I asked my son Li Dahan, you and me, to burn the hut with only one torch. It was burning, and with a cry, everyone said that there was a thief, and that Tai must be a cowardly young man, and Yunniang must run away for his life; let him go on the way, yelling at the back to kill him, and only threw two stones to scare him. The one who dared to come back! But we took the silver and hid it. In the future, we will only say that there are thieves who robbed you. Even you are a good person, so we can see each other next time. You and I are half to seven, and I would rather let You're half. What do you think of this plan? It's the best of both worlds to take the money well without hurting the law of nature!" Quan Fu heard this, and he didn't like it, so he jumped up and said, "Good plan, good plan! Tonight It's three o'clock, so I should go early, lest there will be people in the morning, and it will be inconvenient to walk. These things, including my few bags, should be sent to your house. It's easy to catch people's eyes, so I will move to live in your village. "The discussion has been decided, and the eldest son, Li Dahan, is called out immediately—there is also a strong man in his thirties who makes a living from gambling and cutting locks, and he is also a person along the way—each with a simple knife, sifts the shochu, and eats it. A few big bowls will help your courage.

When we came to Liujiazhuang, we lit a pile of grass around the field, jumped over the wall, and burned the eaves behind. Quan Fu yelled, "There are thieves."Shocked, Tai Ding picked it up, couldn't put on his trousers in his busy schedule, and shouted with bare feet, "Xizhu, open the door, run out!" Of these women, that one is courageous.Yunniang was so frightened that she fought wildly, and first picked up Brother Hui.Taiding and Xizhu supported Yunniang, and went out into the shadows, regardless of heights, falling every step, and only wandered towards places where there was no fire.

Just heard a group of shouts, saying: "Hugh called away, catch up with the arrester!" Chu Yunniang, Xizhu, and Lao Ma didn't care about each other, and all fell in the wormwood field outside the wall.Hearing the stones being beaten indiscriminately, Yunniang hugged Brother Hui and hid there in the dark. A brick hit him long ago and broke Brother Hui's head. She yelled that she was already dead.Yunniang also didn't care about the baby's life or death, she walked through the cliff forest outside the village with her arms in her arms, and folded into a pile, covering brother Hui's mouth tightly with her sleeve, so she dared to let him cry.Until the fifth watch, the dogs in the village were still barking, the fire was no longer clear, and people stopped shouting.

As the sky was getting brighter, Taiding supported Yunniang, not daring to go back to the village, where could he go?While panicking, Quan Fu had given Li Xiaoxi and his son the gold, silver and his belongings to take away, but he came to look for Yunniang.Knowing that in the forest by the river, weeping loudly from a distance, shouting: "God killed me!" Step by step, she walked to Yunniang, fell to the ground, and cried loudly: "Even my burden and clothes, how many years have passed?" All that I earned was taken away.”

After speaking, weep again.Even Taiding believed it.Yunniang picked up Brother Hui and saw that there was a wound on the forehead, so she quickly stuffed it with cotton and carried her back to the village.Half of a thatched hut has been burned down; the tidied up room is clean, except for a pile of messy grass.Yunniang burst into tears unknowingly, and the old horse persuaded her not to wish, "I'm going to find an impermanence, and there are such evils left by the dead, how will I live in the future!" While talking, Quanfu's daughter-in-law came and cried After a while, after a while, they said that they brought money, which made his family poor and had to move. Instead of guarding a few dilapidated houses in this lonely village, it seemed that they still had money.While talking, Quanfu went to uncover the pot, clean up the broken pot, wooden ladle, and thick bowl of grass? T, made a load of it, resigned Yunniang, and went away with his daughter-in-law.Yun Niang thought: "There is no place to settle down tonight, where should I go?" But the old horse said: "I think of a way, you should go to find him, stay for a while, listen to false beliefs, and then think about it."

It is:

Prosperity tends to everyone, and everyone has support in adversity.

This time I will teach Yunniang that I will go on a journey again, and go through the hardships of the north, south, east, south, east, and north; separate mother and child, and experience the hardships of war, fire, snow, frost, and poverty.

I don't know where the old horse said it is better to go, and I will listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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