Chapter 4

Chu Yunniang was frightened and had nightmares. Huzhu Cen's aunt left her male nun to chant Buddhist poems about obscenity, saying: "Pursuing the void is a matter of Zen, and it is useless to store a lot of money."

Those who are stingy and greedy accumulate debts during their lifetime, and give alms to repay their predestined relationship.

Moshi can become a treasure temple by itself, but the Tathagata did not receive gold bricks.

If the roots of the dust want to be broken, first ask for a house, wash the mud and smear and plant white lotus.

It is said that because Chu Yunniang was robbed in the village, she did not dare to live for a long time, and she had no relatives to concur with. She was mourning herself, and suddenly the old horse said, "Do you still remember Aunt Cen from Guanyin Academy? He told Aunt Cen from Dizang Temple in the city After I came out of the city, another Zhunti Hall was built in the east of the village, and it was very prosperous. The day before yesterday, I made sandalwood to receive the Buddha statue, and I rejoiced for a while.

It is not five miles away from this village. Let's find him now and stay here for the night.He is from a female monk's family, you are an old Tanyue, do you want to keep it?There are some random letters, and we, a female Taoist, can hide easily. Yunniang nodded when she heard that, and Taiding also said, "That's who went there." " Immediately, Xizhu hugged Brother Hui, and Lao Ma and Taiding led the way. After a while, I saw the gate of the nunnery, which was a small bridge, pillowed by flowing water, beside the road; it was very secluded to enter the deep forest. But see: Qingqing A Buddhist house, a small monk's house, a few ancient cypresses as the door, and a few trees and pines to frame the house. The small bridge and flowing water surround the firewood gate, and you can smell the fragrance from time to time; In the middle of the night, the old monk knocked; in front of the mending lamp, the two birds slept together by the pool. A group of people talked, and when they arrived at the nunnery early, they saw a puppy barking in. The nunnery door was closed, and everyone was sleepy. sit down.

However, it is said that Aunt Cen committed a crime for provoking rape in his temple that year, and lost face when he became an official, so the nunnery in the city stopped and hid for a while.Later, all the benefactors and Dao grandmas, because there was an old Zhunti nunnery in this village, which could not attract people for a long time, and the monks who came did not learn well, so they invited Aunt Cen to wish him An Chan, preaching scriptures, engraving statues, and making them a temple, which attracted a group of people from the village. The women of the cult came to listen to the Xuanjuan, and they all worshiped their disciples.In less than a year, three abbots and three Weituo halls were built.It's so lively to deliver oil and rice all day long.Due to the recent military turmoil, I came back from hiding for a few days, so I closed the door all day long, and worked with my apprentice phantom sound and phantom for three hours.

That day when I heard a dog barking, I made the phantom sound open the door to see. I saw Yunniang and the others sitting in front of the door. They recognized each other, and hurriedly said, "please come in, grandma."Yunniang first worshiped the Bodhisattva in the main hall, and the phantom sound knocked on the chime.Aunt Cen came out in a hurry, only talking about the official guests who came; when she saw Yunniang, she couldn't help but smile all over her face, and said, "My grandma, it's so messy, where are you coming?" I can't even ask for a letter. "Yin looked at Brother Hui and said, "My brother has grown up."I haven't come to the house these few years, when has Sister Zhu got married? "Immediately boil the water, ask Yunniang to take a bath, take a few cloth shirts, and change Yunniang's bottom clothes. Busy phantom sounds and phantoms are too busy to cook. It's almost noon now, let's have tea in the abbot's room first, and the pastry is plain As a result, there were eight dishes, and the delighted brother Hui took the dates and just ate them, nothing unfamiliar. Yunniang looked at them and smiled and said, "Do you still recognize Master Cen?Let's stay in the nunnery another day, so as not to drag me around. "After a while, rice and oil cakes were brought again. Not to mention the neat vegetarian dishes, even four dishes of side dishes were also fresh and delicious. I arranged to eat cakes on the kang table. Yunniang was very grateful when she saw his sincerity and respect, and that it was easy to see virtue in a poor way. Her heart turned painful. After dinner, Cen Guzi asked Yunniang to rest in her meditation room. Don't There is a clean room with a meditation bed, scripture scrolls, and an incense burner. There is a picture of Bodhidharma crossing the river hanging on it. He is his guest. Speaking of this situation of meeting in adversity and the warmth and coldness of human relationships, the way is: Wulou Maifan is important to the monarch and ministers, and the drifting mother pities the hungry scholars and students.

If virtue is never tired, who wouldn't feel that Tao and love.

But she said that Aunt Cen respected Yunniang, and she only said that his old family was rich and rich. Although Nan Gongji had been dead for several years, he still had family affairs, but after the chaos, his family was broken and stolen, and he was impoverished. He came to live in his nunnery. First, he pulled one of the crane's legs, took a good view of the nunnery, and added four or five people, men and women.After staying for five or six days, seeing that Yunniang didn't move, she found a way to make the phantom voice sound like a whisper and said: "This nunnery is newly built, so there is no money and food. The three halls that have only been built now, the Wei Tuo has not yet It is pasted with gold; only those who lead the sandalwood carving of the Buddha have a body, and they have not yet pasted with gold; and the five internal organs of the Buddha's heart need gold, pearls, amber, and eight treasures of Wang Chekou, which are tied with five-color silk threads. The merits are completed in the belly of the Buddha. At least three or four hundred taels of silver are needed. Where can I go to melt it? Such a big Tanyue like your grandma can complete the good deeds. Brother Hui should give up some and read for his old man when he grows up. Guaranteed life and longevity scriptures, follow him in the chaos, he will be protected by Jialan, and he will not be doomed again." Xizhu heard that it was not appropriate to take Yunniang out of the city, and the clothes and articles in the house were robbed: "Some gold and silver were robbed by thieves the night before. It's all clean, and it's almost impossible to break my brother's head, and now it's not good to tie it with silk, and I don't even have a quilt." The ghost voice told Aunt Cen, and then I realized that Yunniang was a poor woman from a rich family. The widow of the family is only poor day by day, how can there be a new day?The new etiquette gradually faded, and the tea and rice were lazy. Every day, there were only small beads on the side of everyone's pot, and some gruel and thin soup were filled. It was just a bowl of salted vegetables and tofu. In the next few days, even the cakes disappeared.

Aunt Cen falsely scolded her disciples, cursed at the fire, and took off the small pot. Cooking in the hut, she never talked to Yunniang, and raised her face, not a single smile.Yunniang doesn't know much about giving, and she lives without light for a long time.That day, I knelt down and chanted the Buddha, and fell asleep until the third watch. I closed my eyes and mouth, and saw an old woman in white, clasping her palms together and asking Yun Niang to turn his one hundred and eight bead beads.Yunniang thought for a while, she was going to give up, because the family has no property, and she will grow up with Brother Hui in the future, how can she be willing?Just as he was hesitating, he saw that one hundred and eight bright pearls suddenly turned into one hundred and eight heads, all of which looked like Nangong Jisheng's face, dripping with blood, rolling all over the ground, so frightened that Yunniang woke up with a loud cry, but it turned out to be a Dream.Because he called Xizhu, he told Yibian.Before dawn, the aunts got up early to knock on the pan and chant Buddha.It is also because Yunniang has always had good roots. She removed a string of beard beads from the bottom of her clothes, kissed the Buddha, burnt incense and bowed, and hung it on the right finger of Zhunti Bodhisattva to help build the Buddha.Seeing that Yunniang had given away a string of bead beads, which was worth more than five hundred gold, Aunt Cen was all smiles on her face. After asking Yunniang, she invited her to have a vegetarian meal, which was even more rich than before, needless to say.A stick of incense disappeared, and the beads were put into the cabinet.With this, Yunniang has to settle down again.

In January, Lao Ma went home, and Tai Ding went to visit Uncle Chu's house again for information—only that Mrs. Chu and her second uncle were sent to live with poor relatives in a distant village, without clothes, and unable to go out.At that time, it was October, the period of the next Yuan Dynasty. First, I hung up the streamers one day to make a dojo for relieving disasters.There are also pot-headed rice deliverers in the village, dragging men and women in their arms, and they are in a hurry until late.Yunniang is hiding in the house, so it is difficult to come out.

On the fifteenth day, at dusk, there were three female monks—one was fat, black and thick, about thirty years old; the other was yellow and thin, in her 40s; Yes, they still have small feet, wearing monk shoes-carrying sutra sheets, futons, and Zen bowls, and they also come to stay with us.Huanyin recognized it when he saw it, and happily reported it to Master, taking the mantle and going in first.We met each other twice, and after questioning, we rested in the scripture room.Yunniang didn't know that she was a female monk in that nunnery, so it was not easy to ask him.It was the end of the night when the ashram was over, and all the nuns dispersed, except for the three later nuns who stayed in the scripture hall with Cen Guzi.After staying for three days, I saw the little aunt and the 25-year-old come out and walk around; the black, fat and thick old aunt was not in her early years, but was lying on the French kang with a quilt, facing the wall, saying that she was sick, but she didn't see him asking for help. Soup to eat.

One day, it was also a matter of time, Xizhu only urinated in the toilet in the backyard every day, at five o'clock that day, she woke up a little earlier, saw the vegetable garden door opened, and walked straight.There are two charcoal-filled houses, the doors are closed tightly, and there is a small window, half of which is piled up with adobe, revealing an eye.Xi Zhu was urinating under the window, and before she took off her coat, she suddenly heard the sound of the room shaking, she couldn't stop moving, she was startled.And I heard a lot of lewd voices, like people having sex.Get up busy and quietly peek through the window, it turns out that it was Cen Guzi who was having sex with that fat black nun.I'm afraid I saw it inside, so I hurriedly moved away to eavesdrop.Only one said: "You heartless thief, bald donkey, why haven't you come to see my mother for half a year? I know you have a sweetheart, and you forgot about me. Tell me, where did you get that little girl?" That one said : "My mother, I didn't think about you at that time? It was so easy to get into your door? I don't know how many people have opened their eyes to see it! Now I heard that you are doing a dojo, so I found out this method. This little sister is also mine. Ordinary disciple, we have been together for a long time, and his husband was killed by soldiers in chaos, so he became a monk with me. That yellow-faced man is his master, and he is an interesting person." He spoke again.Fearing that Xizhu would open the door and see her, she took two steps and one step at a time, and rushed to the corner door angrily, just as Huanyin finished her homework and came to the back garden, bumping into her arms.Ask Xizhu, "What are you doing up so early?"

Xizhu said: "I'll take a urinate." She didn't say a word, and went straight to the back garden.Xizhu knew she was looking for the fake nun, so she hid under the kitchen to watch him.After staying for a while, Cen Guzi Fang came, only to see that she was panting and sweating, her lips were red and saliva, and her cheeks had some spring color, as if she was drunk.

There was once an obscene poem in the meditation room:

Mo Dao's meditation room is not a bridal chamber, and it doesn't matter if it's empty or not.

Scattered flowers are borrowing modern girls to travel in the rain to find bliss.

The scent of fat, powder and sandalwood is the same, and the cassock and sleeves are the same.

Passing the scriptures gave birth to Kumoshi, who went to the west to worship the king of Dharma.

Xizhu sat at the door of the kitchen, and it took two full hours before the phantom came out of the garden; she locked the garden door, went to the kitchen to fetch water and washed her hands, her brows were yellow and her cheeks were red, very refreshed.It's okay to go to the stove separately.

At night, Xizhu whispered to Yunniang in detail, only then did Yunniang realize that the nun was a pervert in Buddhism and a robber among women, because she thought: "This monk has lived for a long time and knows that I am a widow. Come with my sister-in-law." You plotted against me, but I dare not speak out, so it would not be shameful if something happened?" I thought all night. "It's not normal to live here for a long time, it's better to find another way."

The next day when she woke up early, Aunt Cen said because of her resignation: "I want to go to the city with Taiding to have a look." The Aunt Cen didn't know what she meant, and said quickly, "My grandma, it's getting colder today, where are you going? These few days have been busy with Buddhist affairs. I think it's because I didn't treat you well, and you, the old man, care about it? As the saying goes, 'familiarity is not polite', we are a family with you, and it's a joke to go suddenly like this." Yun Niang said: " That's what I said. How many people are there to bother Mr. Cen? Because his eldest sister-in-law has a letter to hold the funeral for his uncle, I will go to the city to ask Lao Ma; , so you can make winter clothes, do you guys have a foot of cloth?" After speaking, she asked Xizhu to hug Brother Hui, took Taiding with her, and went outside.Seeing that she couldn't stay and loved no one, Aunt Cen could feel at ease with the monk, so she said, "Since I have something to do, in a few days, I'll use the phantom sound to pick up grandma." Thank you for your farewell and close the door of the nunnery.Yunniang went on the road, and went into the city to find information about Miss Chu.

It is:

Alone like a nestless swallow, it flies around the empty beam.

I don't know how Yunniang will go now, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down.

(End of this chapter)

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