Chapter 22

There is a woman in the garden camp who hurts the spring Bianhe Bridge and meets the old poem unintentionally: "When you see an immortal in the clouds, don't take the immortal seriously."

The willow leaves are naturally painted with emerald greens, and the flower-stitched flowers are originally painted with vermilion lips.

The shadow of the fan in your hand is not a fan, and the dust under your feet is not dust.

If you are willing to practice Zen and dry excrement, you must know that there is fragrance in excrement drowning.

It's not a problem to press Yunniang's temporary residence in Huai'an.However, it is said that Shui's red embroidered shoes and maid Hongxiang committed a lot of adultery because they were favored by Nangongji, and the retribution was not good: the red embroidered shoes were fined to be born in Bao conductor's house as a daughter, and her name was changed to Dangui; The family is a daughter, and her name is changed to Xiangyu.Because they were both military officials in Beijing, they became relatives.When they were less than five or six years old, they were all married. Dangui betrothed the son of Commander Hou, and Xiangyu betrothed the son of Wang Qianhu.

Later, during Huizong's Jingkang period, Jin soldiers rushed into the pass, Tong Guan wrote a book, and transferred all the military officials of the Beijing camp to guard outside the border, and became the head of the camp.For a while, each took his family and led the soldiers to get up, and each went to guard the flood area.Commander Bao is a general at Juyongguan in Shanxi, and Bian Qianhu is a guerrilla in Zhending Prefecture.Unexpectedly, in the sixth year of Jingkang, Jin Bingqian could not do without invading south. Commander Bao followed the order of Yan'an Mansion to set up a camp on Guanxi Road.No need for the Jin Dynasty army to come in, just kill the outpost, all the troops looked away, Commander Bao killed himself.The Bian guerrillas guarded the Zhending Mansion, but there were no more than a thousand old and weak soldiers guarding the city.First time, down to the city.Unexpectedly, the Jin soldiers retreated after accepting the coin peace, and lost the city after a brief investigation by the kind of scriptures. These surrendered generals were all beheaded.The military officers of his two families were all dead and their families were broken, and they were living in the place where they were in charge.

Originally, I only hoped that the peace would be settled, and I hired a car to go back to Bianliang to find the old family business. Unexpectedly, the Jin soldiers won the Central Plains, and Song Gaozong went south, and the chaos lasted for eight or nine years.The daughter gradually grew up, but she didn't know the whereabouts of her parents-in-law and son-in-law. They were Bian and Bao's in-laws, separated by Hebei and Shanxi, and got the information a few years ago.The two families are away, poor and helpless, like falling leaves, so there is no need to elaborate.

In the second year of Jianyan, Zongze guarded Bianjing, set up a camp, worshiped Quduan as a general, took in Wang Shan's million troops, recruited fugitives, and resumed business.This means that the poor people who are abroad must return to Tokyo, just like returning to water.However, because of her husband's absence, Commander Bao married another Shoubing named Ruan, who was from Bianliang and was 70 years old.Because he had a 12-year-old son and lost his wife, he was left unattended. He heard that Commander Bao's wife was from Bianliang and wanted to marry him to continue the family.The Bao family's wife was only 43 years old, and she was also worried about living in a foreign country. She chose a different age, but she had no choice but to accept the first handkerchief, and they became a couple indiscriminately.

This Sister Dangui is 14 years old, and she is born like flowers and flowers, like jade and jade.

Originally dressed in the capital, the tangled feet of Shanxi Datong are really coquettish.Because of his poor family, he doesn't have much makeup and is naturally elegant, but seeing him: his skin is neither red nor white, and his body is neither thin nor fat.The red lips are fragrant and springy; the blue eyes are clear and bright, and the light turns to autumn.The moving place, the heavenly fragrance and national beauty, can only be elegant and light to dress up; when taking pictures, the moon soul is ice-hearted, not tired of ordinary packages.

The water on the head of the pan is used as oil, and the floating water swims and the fish sinks;

Ruan Shoubei heard that Marshal De Zong was recruiting the fugitives, so he took this opportunity to hire two ghost cars, and took the 12-year-old son and the remarried daughter, Miss Dangui, all the way back to Bianliang.He went to Jianzi Lane where he lived and looked for his nephew, but he didn't know where he moved.An old house was converted into an armor factory by the government, where is there still a home?In desperation, I rented three rooms in the garden camp, separated by the Bian River, and asked my family member Li Xiaoyi to open a cold-burning restaurant. Sewing clothes and making shoes requires money to survive.

Ruan Shoubei's son, although he is twelve years old, is very demented. He eats and dresses, doesn't know where to go, where to go, where to go, and drowns in urine.Press no question here.

But it is said that in Bianliang, since Zongze set up the camp and trained the army and horses, within half a year, the soldiers, horses, money and food were all available, and the city and fortress were as old as new. Dare to approach Hebei.Zong Ze made repeated plans to cross the river on a set date, fight a decisive battle with the Jin soldiers, restore the lost city, and avenge the two emperors.Unexpectedly, the two prime ministers, Wang and Huang, urged Gaozong to make peace with the Jin people. He was afraid that Zongze would overthrow the army and provoke the Jin soldiers, and then provoke the south of the Yangtze River. , all are not allowed to do so; the morale is greatly depressed.Zongze was angry, developed back gangrene, and died in one month. Before he died, he yelled "cross the river" three times, and his breath died.Hence the disintegration of the human heart.Fortunately, Qu Duan, the general of Tokyo, has been guarding for several years, and the people have returned to their jobs, and there is a little peace.

This Bianliang was originally a prosperous place, and the ladies and gentlemen were extravagant.During the festive season, they have to go out on the Bianhe River outside the city to sell horses, sell bamboo kites, play bombs and throw zithers, hold eagle dogs, and play all kinds of acrobatics.At that time, it was February of the third year of Jianyan, the Ching Ming Festival, but I saw: heavy smog, faint scenery.It's cold and warm, a beautiful woman tries on thin clothes for the first time; it's raining and it's clear, and the prodigal son travels together in the fragrant grassland.The swing outside the green poplar is facing the phoenix with red makeup; hunting and riding by the green forest, eagles flying in brocade jackets.Playing chess and kicking the mouth, the heroes of Wuling hide the hook;The brothels outside the willows are all tied to horses, and the red sleeves in the carriages do not hang down the curtains.

That Bao Dangui is 16 years old, needless to say, he has a beautiful face and is extremely intelligent.

Looking at the sun and the weather, the willow leaves are half green and half yellow, and the apricot flowers are half blooming and half falling. The tourists and women on the Bian River are all fragrant cars and BMWs, clever hairpins and combs, different colors of silk, billowing fragrant dust. , like Yunxia, ​​but she is wearing a coarse cloth, combing her hair with clear water, not even a little oil.Sluggish spring air, heavy and sleepy, wanting to play on the swing next door, but no clothes, how to go?He thought again: "I haven't heard from my parents-in-law and husband-in-law since I was a child!" Leaning on the window in silence, unconsciously shedding two lines of tears, it was precisely for Jing Shangchun.

There are words in "Huanxi Yarn":

Yan Cu's new mud falls on the painted beams, Begonia Hong is jealous of Luo Chang, and the sun is obliquely thinking about nothing.Liu Lu Chunmian hates infinitely, the fragrance of peach blossoms is warm enough to make up, it is difficult to write my thoughts on the screen window.

Needless to say, Miss Dangui was young and pregnant, and she was the daughter of her family.But he said that when his mother was under Bao's command, she would have a spring outing with these female guests in the capital.The couple were originally a pair of wonderful people in the capital.For a while, I had no choice but to marry an old guard and eat simple food.When he came to the bed at night, the old official fell down, snored and slept until dawn, and couldn't wake up again.Even in January, I forced myself to flatter once or twice, like the defeated remnant soldiers, looking at the city gate, first throwing away their guns and armor, and after a long time, they still broke the barrel of their guns before they were beard and rolled out again. .Commander Bao's wife is 45 years old this year. She has been a widow for a year after experiencing heavy wind and rain. Seeing the beauty of spring, she thinks of the rich and honorable season. How many sisters-in-law and sisters-in-law played games under the Yuemiao forest. Today is the end of the day.Seeing her daughter crying, she persuaded her, "My son, you have such a talent. I'm afraid you won't be right. Why are you so anxious?"

The two mothers and daughters are mourning for themselves. Suddenly, a daughter from a neighbor's family is also fifteen or sixteen years old.His father was a Wu silversmith. He started his business after the chaos and opened a small pawn shop. He often came to talk and play with Dangui.

Now I came up to the wall, leaned half of my body and said: "Sister, don't you go out to play on the river? I heard that there are three meetings in the willow forest on the Qingming River. One is a meeting to walk the nine bends of the Yellow River. I will tie down the nine-story gate and go in with others. , I can’t get out again. It’s a group swing meeting, using only one wheel, this woman pulls a short wall, uses a pulley, turns around, flies like a flower moth, and beats people very unlovingly; after half a day The timid ones even make shit up. There was another Xiangbaihui, where flags, banners and bamboo frames were tied together for half a day, and the handsome boy was dressed up as the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, the boy worshiped Guanyin, the toad palace folded the laurel, and the Tang Ming emperor visited the Moon Palace. All kinds of stories. At this time of year, who wants to sit at home? My mother asked me to ask Grandma Ruan, so I can go for a walk and come back all the way.” While speaking, Sister Dangui wiped away her tears and said: “ Even if I go, my mother and daughter don't have any clothes to wear, where can I borrow them?" The daughter said: "I want to invite my second aunt today, and he sent the clothes, but he couldn't come because he had a heartache. Now I put the clothes Two or three sets, the hairpins, beaded crowns, and rings that were pawned in the store can't be worn. If you are willing to go with me, I will send them." Sister Dangui nodded, and the girl went down the wall.After a while, I saw another came up to the wall and delivered a bundle.Open it and see that there are four sets of clothes wrapped in it.Another box filled with hairpin rings and emerald flowers.When Dangui's mother and daughter saw it, they couldn't help smiling, and said: "Because I have no clothes to wear, I can't go out for a walk, and my eyes are red from crying. Why is it so convenient, there is a girl here to ask you to go for a walk! "

Before I could say anything, Wu Yinjiang's wife also came over and said, "Grandma Ruan, you are too tight on the girl. Who doesn't go out in such a festival! The daughter just sits still, worrying about getting sick." She looked at Dan again. Gui Dao: "Such a good-looking talent, go out to see other people, so you can come to propose marriage. As the saying goes: If you have a pearl but don't reveal it, who knows it is a treasure. You are still a half-old beauty, and you will come back after walking on this river cliff. There is also one Qingming Festival every year, in such a chaotic year, do you know how many times you have played it?" After finishing speaking, Ruan Shoubei came in and said: "Women, come back early, I will watch the door at home." It was only a last resort, By playing, soothe his long-awaited heart.When an old man marries a young woman, most of them are accomplices.After finishing speaking, Grandma Ruan combed her daughter's hair, put on hairpins, pearls and emeralds, and picked out good-quality red crepe clothes and osmanthus to wear.Dangui just cleaned up in front of the mirror, Wu Yinjiang's daughter-in-law, mother and son had finished cleaning up, and stood at the door to remind her, so Dangui had to follow her mother out of the door.

Everyone went along the river to play in the willow forest.I can't walk for a long distance, and I saw the peach blossoms and willows early. There are clusters of peach willows in the east and clusters in the west, all of which are tourists eating, drinking and having fun.There are also those who play and sing and dance, some who guess power and act, some who hold a little Youer and kiss and drink wildly, and some who bring beautiful prostitutes to hook their shoulders and backs, they all get together and play together.After a while, the meeting will come, and it will be even more coquettish and coquettish, confusing people's eyes and ears.Seeing it in Dangui's eyes, she was ashamed and loving at first, then happy and greedy at the same time, her heart was numb, and she couldn't bear it.It's honest daughter, when you come to this place where men and women mix, you still have to think about the taste, not to mention Dangui's previous life was a coquettish Shuishi red embroidered shoe, he is not ignorant, why didn't he show his true nature?

After walking a few places, there are those who walk on horses, those who play on swings, and those who walk along the Yellow River.It was past noon, so I had to sit on a pavilion by the side of the road.Suddenly I saw a small car with a mat shed, carrying a woman, about 40 years old.Another daughter, very pretty.

The coachman also came to rest in the woods, bought two sesame cakes and two bowls of noodle soup, and sent them to the car for the woman to eat.The Wu silversmith's daughter-in-law asked the coachman, "Where did you come from?" The coachman said, "It's a long way from Zhendingfu to Bianliang. It's been half a month."

After finishing speaking, I saw the woman in the car sticking her head out, looked at it once, then looked at Grandma Ruan and said, "Aren't you Aunt Bao! Why are you sitting here?" Grandma Ruan recognized it was Mrs. Bian Qianhu when she saw it. : "My in-laws ten years ago met on this road. If you didn't see them, I wouldn't recognize them face to face."

The woman got out of the car quickly, helped her daughter Xiangyu, and came out to meet Grandma Bao, mother and daughter.It turned out that Xiangyu and Dangui were separated at the age of six. It has been ten years now, and they are both 16 years old.Although it seems vaguely, and I can't recognize it, but you see me like a flower, and I see you like jade, love each other and are very happy.Grandma Ruan asked, "Grandma Bian, since you've been here, have you arranged for a place to live?" Mrs. Bian Qianhu said, "I've been away for many years, and my relatives don't know where they are. I'm just looking for a place to live." Said: "If you don't have a place to live, why don't you come to my house and settle down." Mrs. Bian Qianhu was overjoyed when she heard this, and said, "If you can live in my aunt's house, you know it's good!" Grandma Ruan said, "My sister, how do you live?" No way! The sun has set, let's go together." Because everyone got up and walked on the road.At the head of the house, Wu silversmiths paid two visits to the house.

Ruan Shoubei saw that Mrs. Dangui led two women into the door, and asked about their origins. Grandma Ruan said that they were two aunts and sisters. They came back from Zhending Mansion today and stayed for two days so that they could find his house.When Ruan Shoubei saw a beautiful woman in her midlife with a stunning daughter and no man, he hurriedly invited her into the house, and he became restless and had the evil idea of ​​borrowing sex for money.After thinking about it for a while: "Now after the Jin Bing rebellion, it is expected that he has no relatives, and I will add another daughter, at least a few dozen taels of silver as a gift." Huanhuanxi went to buy some side dishes for dinner, let his mother and son sit down, and everyone drank Have a meal.After a long absence, we are very happy.

The coachman unloaded his women's quilt suitcases and went after looking for the fare.Sister Dangui returned the clothes and jewelry to Wu Yinsmith's house.

It turned out that Ruan Shoubei lived in two houses, one of which sold wine, and the last three houses, with Buddha statues in the middle. He and his wife lived in the east room, and sister Dangui lived in the west room. There was no spare room to rest.Now I have to set up two stools in the middle to sleep on my own, let Bian Qianhu's wife and his wife sleep in the bedroom, and the two daughters live in the west room.This night, Ruan Shoubei also drank a few cups of soju, which caused the evil fire.Sleeping in the middle of the night, the penis must be angry, so he just pushed it up to clean his hands, and quietly entered the room.Touching it with my hand, I saw two women sleeping in the middle, pinched the wife to wake up, and pushed him out of bed to sit on the toilet.The guard came to the bed and saw that Bian Qianhu's skin was as slippery as fat, and she just pushed her to sleep, but suddenly something strange happened, and she pushed her penis in somehow.After two pumps, Bian Qianhu's lady greeted her slowly after a long time like a fire.Unexpectedly, the old man was not strong, and vented in one fell swoop. He felt very funny and felt ashamed of being ruthless, so he had to kiss him, got out of bed and fell asleep.I thought about it all night: "How can you tell his mother and son not to find a house to live in? It happens that there is a nun's nunnery on the west of the wall, and ask his mother and son to live in his house for a few days before paying attention." This deal was originally planned by his wife, who wanted to add a rope to send the old guard's lifeline away.

It is:

When the old yin meets the old yang, the crock can never leave the well;

When the witch meets the witch, the cooked oil boils together in the cauldron.

Let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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