Chapter 45

I want to find news and post Xiangguan Shifangtang misunderstood the name and ran to Ganlu Temple in vain. The poem said:

In the depths of the bamboo forest hang cassocks, wandering for ten years without a home.

Breaking the precepts, I even bought Pengze wine, escaped Zen and did not drink Zhaozhou tea.

The bowl is divided into incense and the food is still served, and the cup crosses Cangming Province and Pancha.

The Buddha's travels are uncertain, and the bright moon is picked up by a stick, and the sky is far away.

Shan Biaokong fled down the mountain from Li Quanzhai, the giant bandit in Huaixi. Thanks to Miss Jinping's insistence, he sent him a wooden fish and walked on the right path from the back of the mountain.Going empty all the way to the south of Huazhai, or a day, to Huai'an Mansion.At the time when the north and the south were fighting, the golden soldiers were all over the road, and they were wearing a broken robe in the air, and no one asked him.Until Huaicheng, the road was boundless, where to ask mother and Taiding for information?Because I was alone and young, it was inconvenient to travel alone, so I had to visit temples along the way, and settled in the jungle.It turns out that after passing Huai'an, there are so many temples and nunneries that there is no need to worry about having nothing to eat.It's just that there was chaos between the north and the south, several wars, most of the people fled, and no one settled down. "My mother and Xizhu have been separated for ten years. I don't know where they are? I don't know that when Taiding and I were staying in the ruined temple, we met a robber in the middle of the night. I don't know if I killed them. I don't know if I went back to Wucheng County. I don't know if it was me. Did you come to the south to look for my mother?" I had nowhere to think, and I thought to myself: "I just want to ask my mother, and I made a vow to come to the south. If I can't see my mother, what are you talking about practicing Zen and Taoism! I have traveled all over the world, and I want to see my mother. I don’t think Wei Tuo Bodhisattva will be merciful enough to see you!” Therefore, walking south with one thought, there is no turning back.

After walking for half a month, I arrived at the mouth of the Yangzhou River. Seeing that the southern soldiers interrogated and refused to allow the northerners to cross the river, I had to turn back to Yangzhou.I heard that there is a Tianning Temple with a vast forest and very Zen rules.When he came into the temple, he met the intellectuals and sent them to the Shifang Hall to rest and eat with the crowd.The list was full, and there was only one young monk, about 20 years old, who shared the same list with Kong. He asked Kong where he came from, and said, "It's Wucheng County, Dongchang Prefecture, Shandong. Because I asked my mother—— I have lived in Huai'an Mansion for many years, so I came here to look for it. Unexpectedly, on the way, I was caught by robbers and taken to Huaixi. I lived in the cottage for a year before I escaped back. I don't know where my mother is. I searched all over the place. It's all up to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to take pity on you." After speaking, tears fell like rain.A list of monks, there are also old and young, who are no more than seventeen or eighteen years old when they see the empty, such filial piety, I feel very sorry for them.He said: "Brother, you are a filial son, and being human is the Dharma. We are all wandering monks, or people please go to the scriptures and repentance, or please go to the water and land Taoist temple in the temple, and we don't go there. Yes. You write down the names of your hometown, your mother and your son, and we will inquire about it for you. It is also a good thing." After thanking everyone, I borrowed a piece of paper and wrote: I live in Wucheng County, originally The son of Ren Tixing Nangong Qianhu, whose baby name was Brother Hui, became a monk in Pilu Temple in the south of the city, and his dharma name was Kong Kong.Because of the birth mother of the Chu family, the soldiers dispersed.The same family came to Taiding south to search, but met a strong thief on the way, and lost them in the middle of the night.Today, Kongnan went begging to visit his mother. If there is a merciful Tanyue and it is convenient for the master to find the news, he will report it in the jungle of Tianning Temple, and build a seven-level pagoda.After Liaokong finished writing his name and township, he put his palms together on the public list and asked about it, and all the monks also chanted it.Paste this word under the corridor of Shifang Hall to let the public know and facilitate visits.It turns out that the same novice monk is the disciple and grandson of the elder of Huxin Temple in Huai'an.He was originally from Yangzhou. Because the Jin soldiers broke Yangzhou, he also came back to visit his mother. Unexpectedly, his mother moved to Zhenjiang.Because the capital of Han is guarding Jiangkou, most of these Yangzhou people fled and hid in Jiangkou Village to avoid soldiers, and they will go to Jiangkou tomorrow.The two stayed together alone, and they both visited their mother. When they left the space, they asked him his Dharma name, which was called Ruhui.The next day I got up to go to class, finished my homework, and had an early fast.

Ruhui said goodbye to the sky and wanted to cross the river to visit her mother.Thinking about it, he said, "It's not a way for me to stay here for a long time. Since I'm visiting my mother's information, how can I find out the letters from the lay people in this jungle? It's better to go all the way south like this novice, or go to Huazhai in the village. It's better to ask." Ruhui said he knew, and accompanied him all the way across the river.Ruhui is very happy.Liaokong took the wooden fish with the Zen stick, put on a napkin, and went with Ruhui all the way.

"Hua Yan Jing Lun Zan" said:

Virtue and virtue are blended together, and there is nothing poor in the same illusion and business.

Living together with fellow practitioners and liberation, with the same compassion and wisdom to manifest spiritual skills.

The same fate, the same thinking, the same heart, the same understanding, the same understanding.

If you want to become a Buddha for a lifetime, the Pilu Pavilion is in Nanzhong.

The two monks passed through Guazhou, took a boat with one person, and crossed the river.Ruhui went to see his mother at his relative's house, and said goodbye to Ruhui when she was free, and went to Ganlu Temple to have a fast in the jungle.

But it is said that since Zhu Fa, Chu Yunniang has been with the two widows of the Lu family in the Avalokitesvara Hall of the East Village of Huxin Temple.Tai Ding lives in the jungle of Huxin Temple and goes to the nunnery every day to collect firewood and cook.Hearing that the Jin soldiers invaded the south of the Yangtze River again and how many women were killed and captive, I wanted to find a letter from Brother Hui.Half a year later, the Queen of Gold returned to Huaibei, and these people lived in peace. Some returned to work in farming and opened shops, and it was like a world.

On the eighth day of April, it was Chang Yunniang of the Huxin Temple who discussed with Mrs. Lu: "I have a wish, I want to go to the temple to burn a potion, and pray for the reunion of the mother and child, but there is no charity, so I don't have time to go. Before Lu's promise, the old aunt said: "If you want to make a wish to ask for peace, you don't need to give anything, just go to the temple and ask for incense and candles, and ask the master to write down the name of the village, or ask for peace and blessings, he has a seal The thin strips were burned in front of the Buddha.

If you are a layman, you still beg for some rice noodles, sesame oil, and relative money. You and I, bhikkhunis and male monks, only worship Buddha and recite a scroll of repaying kindness, and then burn it.Sure enough, your mother and child will be able to meet each other in the future, and to be a three-day dojo is a great charity. " Yunniang was overjoyed when she said that.

On the eighth day of the fourth month, Yunniang, Lu Shi and Xizhu all went to the Huxin Temple after fasting and bathing.Yun Niang is dressed as a nun and has learned the classics thoroughly. She wears beads on her neck, and wears a monk's hat and robes.Over the past few years, wandering and suffering, thinking about children day and night, I don't feel old and wrinkled, like an old monk in his sixties.She is also born to practice Buddhism, so she is naturally like a nun on the other side.When I arrived at the main hall of the Huxin Temple, I met the confidant, asked for an inquiry, and led the abbot to pay homage to the elders, saying that he wanted to make a wish to find his son.The elder agreed, and handed it over to the monk in charge of the document to write and fill in the village. Only then did the elder Ying, who was teaching the monk, draw the monogram and burn it in front of the Buddha.

It turned out that the novice Ruhui that Liaokong met in the jungle list of Tianning Temple in Yangzhou was the elder's disciple and grandson, and he had just returned from Zhenjiang.He is in charge of filling in the head of the palace.As soon as I saw that Yunniang was a nun leading a group of women into the temple to meet the elders, I knew she was a monk halfway.I also saw him write the name of his hometown to fill in the blank, and wrote: "Nangong Chu, a native of Wucheng County, Shandong, became a monk in Guanyintang. I am a lost orphan, mourning the Buddha's mercy, and it is completely a matter of flesh and blood." After filling in the blank, Thinking: "Yangzhou met the little monk Kong, he said he was the son of a thousand households in Nangong, could this be his mother? How did you become a nun?" Hua Shu Yihua asked Yun Niang if she was a monk since she was a child, halfway through.Yunniang replied: "Because I was looking for my son, I couldn't return home in Huai'an, so I became a monk." Ruhui asked again: "How old is your son?" It has been ten years since the soldiers were dismantled, but Dao is no longer there, and he turned out to be a monk. Last year, I was in Taiding with my family. I heard that I was in Huai'an, and I came to the south to look for it. Unexpectedly, I was captured by local bandits again. Therefore, I have a constant heart, and I still hope that Pingzi will meet again, so I come to the big temple to make a wish, and the Buddha will change the way. I will meet again in the future, and I will repay the Three Jewels, and I will do Daochang." After eating tea, I talked about it in detail; "In Tianning Temple in Yangzhou, I once met a little novice, named Kong Kong, and stayed with the same order. He also said that he was from Shandong. He came to the south to visit his mother. I wrote a village name surname, posted on the Shifang Hall, and asked the masters on this side to send a message. The next day, I went across the river with him. Could it be the son?" At this point, Tai Ding stepped forward and asked what Kong was wearing. For the clothes, Ruhui said, "It's a big ragged napkin. It doesn't look like his. It's probably from Fang Shang." Taiding said, "I was wearing a soap cloth single straight gown. Although the clothes are not right. But It's true!" I asked, and it was the fourth day of March when I said goodbye in Zhenjiang.Yunniang was overjoyed, and bowed to Wei Tuo in front of the Buddha again and again: "It can be seen that the compassion of Buddhism, you can gain true faith in a short time, isn't it the inspiration of Guanyin!" Immediately got up, bid farewell to the elders, and went back to the Guanyin Hall in East Village.Everyone is happy, just like picking up an ingot.

He also borrowed from the poem "Hua Yan Lun Guan":

When the picture is erected in front of the pavilion, when will the benefactor of Longhua return?
Not only can you observe the profoundness with the flick of your fingers, but also listen to the subtlety of the kind voice.

Rational behavior is the body of the sun and the moon, and bodhicitta is the cardinal of the Tao.

There are many realms that come and go, and geese fly in the sky for thousands of miles.

After getting Brother Hui's letter, Yunniang thought about it day and night, wishing to catch up one step at a time, and see mother and son again.At first, I was happy-I suddenly had a child when I didn't have a child; then I was sad every day-when I had a child, I couldn't wait to see her.That day, he discussed with Taiding that he would go to Zhenjiang together to find Brother Hui.

My family is a nun again.With a full mouthful of homework, and Taiding leading the way, it is no different from women traveling far away empty-handed.Therefore, I resigned from the Lu family and got up to go south.Mrs. Lu knew that Yunniang Si'er was full of heart, so it was not easy to keep him.The Aunt Guanyintang teacher said: "When I became a monk, I promised to go to Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea to pay homage to Guanyin Bodhisattva. Until now, the war has been in chaos, and I have not fulfilled my wish for more than 20 years. You are looking for a son from thousands of miles. Although you are a monk, you are a woman Taoist. See you The population is ashamed and tender. I will accompany you to the south now. With this wish, I will go to the South China Sea to burn incense when your son meets you." Yunniang was overjoyed, and said: "Master, father is willing to go with the disciple, and it will be even better!" Look On an auspicious day for traveling, the teacher aunt handed over the rice and grain utensils from the nunnery to Lu Shi and a fire guard, and Yunniang, Xizhu, Taiding, and a group returned to the public, dressed as nuns who burned incense on foot, fried some dry food, and Taiding I picked up luggage, crutches, futons, big dippers, wooden fish, sleeping sheets and other things.Mrs. Lu sent three taels of travel expenses and persuaded Yunniang: "When you see brother Hui, come back early. I'm here to see my eldest sister. I'm a relative. Don't leave me and go far away." The sisters shed tears and said goodbye.I went to Huxin Temple to find Ruhui again, and asked about the way to go.Ruhui said: "I crossed the river with him. Because my mother was at my aunt's house and lived in the city, he went to live in Ganlu Temple." Go on the road.

Needless to say, if you are hungry and thirsty, you will go to temples and rest in peace along the way.After passing Yangzhou and going straight to Jiangkou, Taiding took his luggage and went to find a boat first.I saw that the boat was full of people, and everyone in Yunniang went to the cabin and sat down, Taiding on the stern of the boat.But there was an old monk there first.Tai Ding asked: "Which temple is Master's father?" The old monk said: "It's from the Ganlu Temple." Tai Ding asked: "Does your temple still open forests to receive people?" The old monk said: "A famous ancient temple in the south of the Yangtze River At the first crossing, why didn't you pick up the crowd?" Taiding said: "There is a young monk named Liaokong, but is he in your forest?" The old monk replied casually: "I am in charge of the affairs of the family hall." Taiding said Hearing Kong Youxin, he hurriedly told Yun Niang, and everyone was happy.

It turned out that the monk was deaf, and the mage in his monastery was called Baogong, and he misunderstood and made no mistake, because everyone said what he said.After a short walk, after passing the Jinshan River Estuary, the Ganlu Temple is just a short walk after getting off the boat.All the way up the corridor, Jiangtian Pavilion, Haiyue Temple, Liu Xianzhu Sun Quan's sword test stone, so many beautiful scenery.Yunniang and her entourage didn't have time to watch the scenery. They entered the big temple, worshiped the Buddha first, and then went to the Zhaitang.This bhikkhuni is different from the male monks in that he only stays for one fast instead of staying overnight, so the wise guest does not come to take care of him.Yunniang went to the jungle table and took a look, she was knocking on the board for lunch, there were two hundred monks in the hall, and they all bowed their heads on the big long bench to eat their meals.See Yunniang coming in, let me sit down.Yunniang was not feeling well, so Taiding took a closer look, where is Brother Hui?Unable to speak, the old monk on the boat carried half a fork of rice and swayed into the temple.Tai Ding asked: "Master, where is Kong Jin as you said?" The old monk said: "You come in with me. He is in charge of the hall, but what is he doing here in the Ten Square Hall?" Leading a group of four people, pass through The pagoda room, the kitchen, the scripture hall, and a living room—with bright tables and chairs, and a picture of Guanyin coming out of the mountain—let Yunniang sit down, but he went to Chuanbaogong to come out.Yunniang thought to herself: "My son became a monk when he was young. When he comes to this big temple, he will be decent, like a monk in the hall." After waiting for a while, a novice brought out four cups of tea and ate them.I only heard a knock on the cloud board in the abbot, and several monks came out with a mage in their arms, but saw: the head is like green snow, and the round light is emitted from the top of heavy snails;Then I went to Kuanglu, went to Dingzhu Forest to experience one summer, and then went back to Jiangkou to talk about Beigu and Sansheng.The crane flies across the east of the river with the tin, and the dragon swims on the sea carrying a clean bottle.

It turned out that the mage was the monk Yueyan from Pilu Temple.Because Zhao Xing'an finished building the main hall and searched for pearls from the South China Sea, he wanted to guide Konghui Temple and change his name to Baogong Zen Master. He first went to Kuanglu to spend the summer and then came to Ganlu Temple.Seeing the war between the north and the south, it was inconvenient to travel south. The elders of this temple stayed in the abbot and set up a water and land dojo for [-] days and nights to save the souls who died in battle.The deaf monk only heard the word "kong" and misunderstood Zen Master Baogong, saying: "This line of nuns is here to Suixi Water and Land Daochang." to here.It is also because of Yunniang's predestined relationship, she will be guided by Buddhism, and after the reunion, she will lie in ambush here.

But she said that Yunniang and her party sat for a while, waiting for it to be free.Suddenly a mage walked out of it, over seventy years old, with an ancient face, brows, and a blue skull and snowy top.Seeing Yunniang and other nuns and monks, they only regarded them as Luyuan pilgrims and Zen practitioners, because they went to the Zen bed and sat facing south.Although Taiding once met Brother Hui at Pilu Temple, and met for a while, now he changed places and changed his name, so he didn't recognize him for a while.Yunniang and the others had no choice but to pay homage, not daring to say that they had misheard the deaf monk's words about finding her son.Zen master Baogong asked, "Bhikkhuni and nuns don't seem to be wandering around. What can I do to see the monk, please let me be seated?"Thanks to the teacher, I have been a monk for many years. After listening to the lectures, I know the rules. I put my hands together and asked, and said: "The disciple is a monk in the nunnery of Huxin Temple in Shanyang County. I have never listened to the master. I came here to pay homage to the land and water conference, and to take refuge in the precepts." Baogong heard about it and said, "When a bhikkhuni becomes a nun, he first accepts the precepts and then teaches perfection. If you keep loving your roots, how can you get the precepts? I see you, the second bhikkhuni, who became a monk later. Do you think he is your apprentice?" The old nun said, "He became a monk after the chaos. He has one thing on his mind, that is, to find Xun'er for offering incense in the South China Sea. I ask the mage to take a look." Hearing this, the mage closed his eyes and settled down for a cup of tea. He laughed and said, "It turns out that this meeting is very strange! As long as you go forward with a sincere heart, you will meet again. Go." After finishing speaking, Yang Chang retreated to the abbot.Yunniang was overjoyed, and all four people went to the nunnery without asking.

But he said that Kong crossed the river from that day and stayed in Ganlu Temple for two nights. He had nowhere to find information about his mother.Begging for alms bowls, passing through Zhenjiang and Danyang, turning the long street in the daytime, staying in ancient temples at night, it takes a lot of hard work to see his filial piety.It turned out that the south of the Yangtze River was cloudy and rainy, and the air was not acclimated to the water and soil. When I arrived in Ningbo, I was sick with a plague. I didn't sweat for five days. I stayed in a Guandi temple and watched until I died.

Miao Zhu is a Taoist, afraid of the inconvenience of dying in the temple, he had to drive out of the temple and sleep outside the gate.Looking around with no relatives, no water and rice to eat, seeing how bad it is, how lucky it is. "It's a pity that I won't be able to see my mother in this life!" Liao Kong burst into tears.Alarmed Bodhisattva Wei Tuo, at one watch, a bowl of cold water was sent to Kong to eat, and he sweated that day.This is the practice of filial piety, and one should suffer seven days of disasters. From the sound-hearing and fate-enlightenment, one can enter the ascetic place of Samantabhadra.After a few days of recovery, I will be in good health. I am still begging for alms bowls, and waiting for a group of pilgrims. It is the Nanhai Jinxiang Club hosted by good people in Linqing, Shandong Province. There are hundreds of monks and laymen. , went to the South China Sea.When the boat was in the middle of the sea, suddenly there was a gust of hurricane, but I saw: Years of timidity, it was difficult to return to the rudder, and the sailors lost their minds and dropped the awning.

In an instant, thousands of mountains pass by like birds, and Hong Tao dances in the wind with one leaf.

It turns out that crossing the sea is very afraid of hurricanes, and you can't get to the shore for a while, and you can't use the poles to prop up the oars, so you have to anchor in the sea, let the wind blow and the waves roll, and many boats capsize.The strong wind will blow to the Wa country in Japan overnight.There are more than 100 people in this boat, how can there be grain and rice?If you don't come back with a favorable wind, you will starve to death in the sea.There were also people who cried, shouted, and chanted Buddha's name, but there was always no way to escape.After Liaokong settled his mind, he recited the "Guanyin Sutra Dharani Mantra" silently, day and night.Suddenly I dreamed of entering an island, and saw that there were many pavilions, as wide as the sky, and I didn't know how many tens of thousands of feet high.There are thousands of pavilions hidden inside, with Guanyin in the middle, kneeling in front of her mother Chu.But there are Guanyin Bodhisattva in thousands of pavilions, and there are both in front of my mother.Liaokong knelt down and recited sutras, and there was light everywhere, and he could not see the sea or people and boats in the void.At dawn, I sent a tent back to the south coast early in the morning.


Five hundred yojanas between the peaks, there is no wind, waves or mountains.

It's like going to the other side and turning with the tide, like encountering a long wind and returning across a crane.

There are many pavilions, the sky is never night, and the light is shining and the moon is irrelevant.

There is no distinction between the mother and the Buddha, and the success of the deeds is only idle.

I don't know when I have entered the South China Sea, when will I meet my mother, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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