Chapter 46

After parting for a long time, the mother and child don't know the law of destiny. The poem says:
Sleeping in the West Lake, the dream is about to wake up, and the misty rain of the Song family is separated by Nanping.

Monarchs and ministers do not shed tears, and camels and horses often shed the smell of grass and trees.

It is said that a ghost accidentally looks at his pulse, and who can listen to Jialing when he preaches the scriptures.

Ziyang asked questions without leaving any answers, only remembering that his predecessor was in the shape of a crane.

The words show that Yunniang and her party, who resigned from Zen master Baogong, came all the way south.Taiding is carrying the luggage, Xizhu is pretending to be a nun, the teacher's aunt knocks on Muyuhuazhai, only Youyunniang is ashamed when she sees others, she doesn't look like a monk who has been a monk for a long time.Fortunately, every family in the south is kind, and they send out fasting offerings without reciting scriptures, and there are some who send alms of copper coins and white cloth.It's just a vast journey, either to rest in a monastery, or to carry a fishing boat.After walking through mountains and rivers for more than two months, I arrived at Lin'an. It was the 21st year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty, the end of autumn and the beginning of winter.Where can I find information about Brother Hui?I went to various temples and asked for a shadow, but it was just a wandering monk hanging up, and when I found it near, it was not.Yunniang cries day and night, and the teacher aunt advises him: "Go to Nanhai piously, pray for the inspiration of the Bodhisattva, and don't put your son in your heart. If you are entangled in love, you can't be single-minded in cultivation." " Yunniang had no choice but to go south with the crowd. After crossing the Qiantang River, she asked the way to the sea - more than a thousand miles by land and water.

When we arrived at Shaoxing Prefecture, we couldn't catch up with Chengtu. It rained late and wet our clothes and luggage.There is a temple of Huode Xingjun beside the road, which is called to open the temple door to ask for directions.But it was a nunnery, who refused to answer for a long time.I only heard the call from inside: "It's empty, open the door." Taiding hurriedly called Yunniang.A little nun walked out to open the door, she was in her twenties, she was elegant and beautiful, and she was very friendly, and she let Jin Yunniang and her party enter the temple.Walking out was an old nun, about fifty years old, leaning on crutches, like a cripple, but with a pair of small feet--also a monk halfway, hurriedly asked Yun Niang where she came from.Yunniang and the teacher aunt explained it in detail: "I went to visit the South China Sea. When I arrived in Baofang, it rained late, so I stayed overnight to buy some rice. I often live in the house and eat fast, so I dare not disturb you." The old lady said: "Ten Fang Xiansheng has ten directions to receive him, although my small nunnery doesn't keep many people, but a few senior brothers come from afar, so they can't afford a rough meal!" He hurriedly asked the disciples to prepare empty meals, and poured tea to eat.Tai Ding put down his luggage and also went to help him carry water for the fire.It turns out that there is a divine spring in front of the door, which is led directly to the stove in the house with bamboo poles, which is so convenient in the southern jungle.After a while, the rice is cooked.After the evening fast, Taiding went to build a straw shop under the gate of the temple, and Yunniang and Master were alone.There was no free bed, Xizhu wanted to sleep on the ground, the little nun said: "The two of us are alone, and we will spend the night." The old cripple went to sleep on a Zen bed inside without asking.

It turned out that this sister-in-law was also named Kong, and she slept with Xizhu on a rope bed in the outer room.Sleeping until midnight, Xizhu was a tired person from walking, she fell asleep with her head and nose hooked, she took off her shirt, only wearing small cloth trousers and an old silk tube top, she couldn't untie her jacket, only loosened it. belt.Who knows that this nun is not a female, but the old lame aunt's Xingtong Ruyi, who pretends to be a nun, but is a novice.At this time, Kong Kong sneaked past Xizhu's side, put his head on the pillow, and touched his nipples and belly with his hands.Gradually touched the bottom and loosened the belt for him.Where does Xizhu wake up?He took off his trousers and touched him, tall and tall like a seam in a steamed bun, like a daughter.At this moment, he straightened his penis, rolled over from the back and inserted it into Xiaoyu's ass, halfway in, and couldn't stop pumping.Xiaoyu woke up suddenly, and quickly asked, "Who is it?" He only said that Tai Ding hadn't slept for a long time, and came in to steal wild food for a while, so he knew that this sister-in-law was a male.Hastily pushed away, but this sister-in-law came to work with him when she was free.Touched it, a dick that was still hard, still wet in the waist.Xizhu didn't dare to raise her voice, and said, "Good monk, you are not an aunt, but a monk!" She jumped up quickly, looking for clothes that she couldn't fit.The aunt said: "I am the shaman from the Nanhai Great Temple, and I often come to this nunnery to walk. In the south of me, nuns and monks often live together. If you want to leak the news, you will break our precepts, and you will not be able to return to the north in one step! Hurry up." Go to bed quickly, and let me sleep. If you don’t want to, I’ll follow you to the South China Sea, and I won’t be able to escape to these monasteries! There are not many nuns in that monk, and there are not many monks in that nun? Unless it’s Guanshiyin A bodhisattva is a true practitioner." Xizhu shouted in panic, waking Yunniang and Taiding, who got up together.It's not easy to say clearly about Xizhu, only that there are thieves.The little nun opened the door and walked away.The noise lasted until dawn, and I didn't dare to sleep at all. I packed my luggage in the dark, went to say goodbye to my sister-in-law and got up.I saw the old nun yelling in the room: "A group of wild women from the village came to my nunnery for no reason, cheated of fasting, and even got up in the middle of the night to rob! It's dawn, I will see the official newspaper with you, Never quit!" Yunniang knew that he had shamed Sa Lai, so she could only endure her anger and walked out of the temple, and walked on the road: "From now on, I will never trust this nun and monk again!" Be careful all the way.

After passing Ningbo and Dinghai, you can see the vast expanse of ocean, which is the South China Sea: the vastness meets the sky, and the mouth is overwhelming.The Antarctic Chaozong is the residence where the sun and the moon return to Tibet; the Dongjiang General Faction takes over the Min'e Weilu area.The famous mountain Yuanzhu is adjacent to Yandang Tiantai; Yuxue Kuaiji is connected to Panyu Minling below.Ice silk hangs thousands of feet in the Dragon Palace, and sharks weave brocade; Jiao caves have tens of thousands of rows of snow sinuses, and mother-of-clams contain pearls.A few patches of sea sails come, and Fange Qianxun rises from the sky.

It turned out that the cross-sea ships did not dare to sail until there was a favorable wind, nor did they dare to sail until there were many people.Yunniang waited in the seaside village, and found a farmer's house to live in, and sent Taiding to the countryside to get some rice.Stayed for three consecutive days, and waited until Zhenjiang pilgrims and some monks got on the big boat, threw the talisman, worshiped the Bodhisattva, joined the Buddha in unison, and recited the name of "Nanwu Inspiration Avalokitesvara Mercy" before they dared to open the temple. Boat.Yunniang and her entourage crossed the sea on the stern of the boat.

But he said that Kong came from crossing the south of the Yangtze River, got sick in Ningbo, and encountered a hurricane when crossing the sea.Because I thought: "The South China Sea is a vast place. There are more than one or two hundred large temples, small nunneries, and clean rooms in famous mountains. Where can I find my mother? Even Taiding can't come here. Where can I ask? They come to the south, and there is no one. Find me anywhere." So he wrote a wooden sign and hung it on his chest, with four big characters "Liaokonghuazhai".Although I went to the sea, I didn't go to Anchan to listen to the lectures, but I just went to fast everywhere in order to get information about my mother.

On that day, Yunniang and her party crossed the sea, two days away from the Bodhisattva's temple, and they wanted to inquire about Brother Hui's letter, so Taiding disguised himself as a Taoist and went to the nunnery of the Zuojin temple to melt rice, so as to obtain information.That day, Taiding went to Huazhai, and Yunniang was eating at a benefactor's widow's house.It was going to be late, Taiding didn't come back, so he had to stay here and wait for Taiding to come to the mountain tomorrow.Xizhu was standing at the door, and I saw that Kong came into the village wearing a napkin and asked Xizhu.This Xizhu knew a few words, and seeing the sign hanging on his chest, it was "Konghuazhai", and remembered what the false aunt said that night: "She said she would follow me to the South China Sea, but she refused to let go. This guy thinks he knows us." Crossed the sea, and then came here." Hastily informed Yunniang.Then Li Kong stood far away, hadn't spoken yet, only listened to Xizhu and Yunniang, bald long and bald short scolding.Liaokong didn't know where the account was, so poorly swallowed his anger and walked back. "Since ancient times, it has been said that people are not kept here, but there are places where people can be kept. In a Buddhist place, all the female Bodhisattvas and this bhikkhuni have not learned well, so it doesn't matter if they don't give alms, why do they hurt people!" Liao Kong bowed his head and went away. up.


The name and appearance have been true for a few times, and the truth and falsehood are believed to be close relatives.

It's a mistake to think of a thief as a son. What is the reason for chasing the enemy to the son?

Once participated in the vote of Zhu suspected loving mother, Yang Hu recruited You to mistake the sage.

The mantle does not meet the real flesh and blood, and the golden needle is missed in the present.

The judge heard that Liao Kong's mother and son don't know each other face to face, so doesn't Xizhu remember Brother Hui's appearance?It turned out that at the age of seven, he was driven away by the soldiers, and he had been a novice for ten years. He changed his face, his face was torn, and he suffered from a serious illness. The two do not recognize each other.Xizhu suffered from the fake sister-in-law at night, and was fooled by him for nothing, and she was full of anger, why didn't she scold her?It's not a problem to go to the ancient temple to fast for the night when you are free.

When it was about to fall into the night, Taiding came back, melted five liters of rice, and said: "When I met someone in the monk's dojo, I saved three big oil cakes, and it was a hundred copper coins. I found out another good news." Yunniang asked. Said: "What good news?" Taiding said: "I asked the monk's family: "There is a young master named Liao Kong, but I don't know if there is such a name in the South China Sea jungle? The family said: "There is a time, and I often spend my fast in various villages in the sea. I hang a sign on my chest, and it is only in these few temples."He was also worried about sitting in meditation alone, saying that he was asking about his mother's letter. 'This letter is real!Back then, when he and he came south to find his mother, he originally said that he would go to the South China Sea.I'll get up early tomorrow and ask all the villages. Now that he has a signboard, it's easy to find! "Yunniang and Xizhu were startled, and said to Taiding: "I came here tonight, because I remembered that the fake girl from Shaoxing Mansion came here. I yelled and went.Also in a moment of impatience, he didn't ask clearly, so he went.Brother Hui didn't wait for such a dark and thin person back then. "Tai Ding said: "After more than ten years, a person shaved his head again. Where did he recognize it? This must be Brother Hui!" "Annoyed, Yunniang didn't sleep all night, and it wouldn't be dawn, so she asked Taiding to look for it everywhere.

But he said that because he couldn't find his mother, he didn't dare to go to the monastery to settle down. He went to fast in the daytime and meditated under the rocks and trees at night. He was not afraid of wolves, tigers and leopards. "That day when I walked to the edge of a cliff, I saw a poor woman in white clothes unpacking and washing rags by the stream.Seeing Kong Lai sitting in meditation under a pine tree root, he asked Kong, "Little Zen master, what clothes do you have? Take them off and I will wash them for you. I live in the front nunnery, and one of my sons has become a monk. I came here to see him, and unpacked his clothes for him, and I was always greasy with his body. I couldn't wash it off. Only this stream of water is my mother's filthy spring. No matter what is broken, once it passes through this water, it will be dirty. Bright and clean, not stained with plaster, strong and durable, and unbreakable." Overjoyed, Kong Kong quickly took off the tattered robe, looked at it, and saw that it was mended piece by piece and covered with rags. I haven't left my body for more than a year, and these lice and dirt are all overgrown. "Then this female Bodhisattva has good intentions. Don't say that she will wash it for me, so she will take it apart and sew a few stitches for me, which is a gift! If you want to take it off, it's cold and there is no replacement, so you have to ask the female Bodhisattva to borrow a needle to sew. It doesn't matter if you sew it." The white-clothed mother-in-law lifted up the bottom of her skirt, took out a gold needle, and gave her an empty patch.What a golden needle, the verse says: It is not ordinary copper and stubborn iron, which was once ground into water and fire.Nian Lai must not suspend work, and embroider mandarin ducks crossing their necks.I am most afraid of a wrong stitch, and it is difficult to make a mess of threads.The nine holes of the needle must be clearly distinguished, beg Qiao Tiansun to watch it.

I got a gold needle when I was empty, took the broken napkin and put it on the side of the stone. I saw a piece of rags under the front skirt, and the wadding was rolled out high and high. There were some holes.I don't want to lift the rag to reveal a yellow gauze bag.I don't know what it is, I pinch it with my hand, it is heavy and round, and when I take it apart, it turns out that it is one hundred and eight beads of the Buddha's head of the seven treasures. "How can there be such a rare treasure in this broken robe?" I told my mother-in-law, and when I looked up, there was a figure there?Quickly sew the bead on the golden needle in the hand, hide it on the chest, make the golden needle match Zhu up, take out the alms bowl at the Zhuogou Spring, scoop out a bowl of clean water, first wash the bowl, and then take the second bowl of water to wash off the dust on the face, He took the third bowl of water and drank it, and Jing felt that the five internal organs were cool, and the dusty heart disease body was scattered for a while.


The nectar washes the heart and changes the bones, and the enlightenment empowers Yuchi Rong.

He came from the side of the mountain stream with his clothes on and begging for alms. He saw a Taoist from a distance, carrying a futon on a crutch, striding close to him.Watching Kong pass down the mountain, he stood still and just looked closely.When Kong came in front of him, the Taoist laughed loudly and shouted: "Where do you go!" : "Why did you come here?"

It is:

It’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes.


Where can I find Wushan Mountain in Yueshui? The owner is not separated from the front forest.

Zhuo returned the three treasures with Fashui, and the pearls he collected were worth ten thousand gold.

With Bodhi in hand, the loving mother is approaching, and the teacher on the other side is coming.

The reunion just happened to go back to the east to listen to the Chaoyin Avalokitesvara.

Two masters and servants, one monk, sat on a pantu stone beside the road, and each of them talked about the pain of parting.Taiding said: "My aunt became a nun for you, and she came to see you from afar. The day before yesterday, she said that she scolded you - there was a fake nun who pretended to be a nun - and only thought you were a fake." Liao Kong smiled and said: "I only know that one is empty, how do I know that there are many fake empty? Sure enough, I have no place to think about it." He also said: "I was captured by a thief in the mountain village. I met Miss Jinping and let me go down the mountain. I searched all the way. I don't believe it, I just arrived in the South China Sea, I don't want to meet here." It's really a thousand words, it's hard to talk for a long time, it's getting late.Asked: "Taiding, how far is it to get to my mother's residence?" Taiding said: "I heard that there is a family of good people who are monks. They know that you are near here, and they have faith in several places. I don't know if you came to the seaside village. I have been out for three days. The mountain road is dark, and I am afraid of tigers. I can't go back today, but I will stay in the temple and leave tomorrow. My aunt is waiting for my letter in the village. I don't know how anxious she is." Leokong said He said: "There is a small clean room in front, and there is an ascetic old monk. I often come to lodge, and I will disturb him for a fast." As they spoke, the two walked to the door.There are only two thatched huts, where the master and the apprentice live. They work on farming the stone fields, do not attend Buddhist scriptures, and meditate every night without sleeping.Hearing the barking of the dog, the little novice came to open the door with bare feet, and recognized that it was empty, please come in and sit down on the rope bed.There is no supper, but a pot of vines and some yams, cooked to a pulp and filled the room with rosin.Everyone ate two bowls.He also read his homework when he was free, slept with Taiding on the single bed, and went to see his mother the next day.

It is:

The egrets hidden in the snow can only be seen when they fly, but the parrots hidden in the willows can only know when they speak.

I don't know when I will see you in the future, and I'll listen to the next chapter to break it down.

(End of this chapter)

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